Charles Rennie Mackintosh

P5/6 have been looking at the works of Scottish artist/architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We looked at example of his work and discussed their features.


We then sketched some of the these features in our sketch books.

We will then use these ideas to create our own art work inspired by Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

Brilliant Baking

As a special end of term treat  P5/6 took part in some baking today. Everyone worked well in their groups, weighing and measuring out all the ingredients. The pupils enjoyed the experience – especially getting to eat them after all their hard work!



Art in P5/6

Yesterday in P5/6 we used chalk pastels to create pictures of the Titanic wreckage. First we discussed pictures of the wreckage thinking about the colours created by the rust and sea. We then practiced blending colours together in our sketch books before starting our pictures.

I loved blending the colours – Amy-Louise

I learned that you can blend pastels and that the Titanic is rusty – Charlie Priestley

I learned that some colours you wouldn’t usually put together can be blended and look nice- Alicia

Busy week in P5/6

What a busy week in P5/6!

We have been very busy preparing for the Christmas fayre this week! Come and see our crafts for sale this afternoon between 1pm and 3pm.

In maths we have been learning about angles, their different names and estimating their size.

In literacy we have been discovering the features of newspaper articles in preparation for creating  our own news paper article about The Titanic disaster next week.



Today in maths we were learning about angles. We learned what a right angle is. We also learned that an obtuse angle is bigger than a right angle and an acute angle is smaller by Paige


The Titanic in P5/6

In our Titanic topic we have been learning to place the order of events on a timeline. We did this by watching a video about the events and then sorting  cards with the events into the correct order. Each group then made a poster showing the events from when it set sail to when it sank. 

By Paige and Miss Aikman

We shared our learning……

On Wednesday we were sharing our learning with our parents. We had a few activities for parents to try out based on our Titanic topic. These were – True or False, create a passenger and create a picture of a cabin.

Here are some of the Titanic passengers our parents created…..


By Charlie and Miss Aikman

Sharing our learning in P5/6

This week we have been busy preparing for our Sharing the Learning event which takes place on Wednesday (7th November)  this week at 2.15.

Pupils worked in groups to prepare for this. The team leaders made sure everyone in their group was on task, some pupils prepared resources and others carried out extra research to double check their facts were correct.

We really hope you can make it!

P5/6 Topic

This week we have been learning about what made The Titanic such a special ship and why it was better than any other ship made before it. We then used these fact to create a poster advert to persuade people to buy a ticket for the ship. We had lots of great discussion about the ‘tricks’ advertisers use to convince us we need to buy something.

In literacy we wrote diary entries as if we were  passengers on board the ship. Our passengers were having lots of fun using the facilities on board – swimming and playing squash!

Reminder – it is our Sharing the Learning afternoon on Wednesday 7th November at 2.15. Please come along so we can share all of the wonderful learning that has been taking place in our class.

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