P5 Monday 11th May

Good morning – Let’ get energized.

Choose the Joe Wicks workout: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or anything that interests you.

Smart Start –Logic Puzzles

1 https://www.transum.org/Maths/Activity/without/


This is tricky-can you work it out? 3https://www.transum.org/Software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/students/LemonLaw/

4Reading scales https://www.transum.org/Maths/Activity/Reading_Scales/

Chat will go back on about 9:55 – if you finish all of the above you can go on Sumdog Maths.

Numeracy-LI – To divide.(Just a few more lessons on division this week before moving onto another topic!)

SC – I can use the bus stop method(short division.)

Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FApcjdAhnrY&t=104s

Look at the PowerPoint:Division- the bus stop method

Worksheet-(choose a level):Short Division Worksheet

Answers:Short Division Answers

Extension(only if you have time)-https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmcpscw

After Break

Literacy – Reading – Dindy and the Elephant by Elizabeth Laird.

Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z62fvk7 and work through the activities doing what you can up until lunch then we will discuss your learning after lunch. Don’t worry if you do not finish.

Morning Brainbreak – choose a dance from https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChIjW4BWKLqpojTrS_tX0mg – various videos to choose from.

After Lunch

French-This is a brilliant website : https://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics .Click on lessons at the top and choose an area of learning that interests you. (about 20 minutes)


Look at the last 20 photos on your phone (if you have one) and think about how they make you feel. If you do not have a phone why not do this with your parents BUT ask first!

Topic – WW2-Fashion on the Ration-Work through the  PowerPoint-ideas for learning activities are at the end.WW2 Fashion on the Ration

Extension ww2 codecracking game https://barefootgames.org/codecracking

Before you go – budding artists might be interested in this draw with Rob website: https://www.youtube.com/c/robbiddulph72


P5/6 Friday 8th May

P5/6 Friday 8th May

Fun Friday!

I am going to copy each day’s “Daily Plan” ( I have changed the name from “Read Me First”) document from Team’s “Files” into the blog as some of you have been having difficulties accessing it. I hope this helps. However it seems as though I can not put in some materials into the blog that I can into Teams. I don’t think that your issues have been about accessing Teams, more about downloading stuff????

Spelling activity: choose a list of Fry’s words that is appropriate for yourself. Create a Word document with a table of 2 columns and 25 rows. Write your chosen 25 words in the first column. Using a dictionary, on-line or book, put a definition of the word in the second column next to it. I have created an example to support you if you are not sure how to do this. I have created a dedicated folder in “Files” for this work. Please include your name as part of the file name to differentiate it from the others. Thomas and Ethan thank you for the work you have done. Please try to do another set of more challenging words. I have also created the first in a series of “HotPotatoes” activities, generated from the spelling work Thomas had produced. Please try it and tell me what you think. I am going to try to put together another activity, using a different part of “HotPotatoes” and will use the list Ethan generated. If you would like to experiment with making your own “HotPotatoes” quizzes here is a link https://hotpot.uvic.ca/. I will be using it more in the future, and will give a “teach” on how to use it.

The use of Teams went really well this week, thank you. I have tidied up “Files” and, I think, made it easier to use and find things. Please let me know if you have any issues with it.

Keep your personal projects going- you still have the folder to post them into – please check out the work Thomas, Ethan and Zoey have already put in there.

Topic – Read Ethan’s “Broons” story and Thomas’s “Oor Wullie” and “Broons” stories. Challenge: can you do better? Think about interesting ways to present these stories. Please post any ideas you have so we can discuss them. What about making a film? I have created a dedicated folder for this work in “Files” as well.

Continue to focus on money in maths first and then move onto measure. This will help progress your work on decimals to 3 places.

TJay 1b TJay 2a TJay 2b
Money Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
Measure Chapter 15 Chapter 13a Chapter 13

Use the book that is most relevant to you – like “chili questions”. Do it like we do in class – don’t feel the need to do every question, just do enough to show yourself that you have understood. Check your answers in the back as you need. And Please contact me for support when you need to.

Education City: You all appear to still have quite a lot of unfinished activities so I will wait until I publish some more.

Logan S suggested growing your own vegetables as a health project. Ethan has also now started growing strawberries. Anyone else?

Keep your daily diary going, recording what you are doing, what exercise you do, what you eat and how you feel.

Continue to practise your French using the resources from the link below: https://powerlanguage.courses/forfamilies/french/

Don’t forget to do the day’s activities on BBC “Bitesize”.

And exercise with Joe (or his girlfriend!?)  https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bp-joe-wicks-workout

Take care all of you.


P5 Friday 8th May

Good Morning!

Let’s get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or any other work-out you want to do.

Smart Start-Quiet Reading -You could read outside in the shade if it is warm enough! Chat back on about 9:55.

Science – The Natural World – Forests

Watch this video that explains how amazing forests are https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/love-nature/forests?dm_i=38LF,118RN,3D1I49,3XV9F,1#making

Learning Activity-Choose

1.Create a forest habitat-Into the forest egg box habitat

2.If you don’t have the materials to make the diorama you could draw a forest scene.

3.Try one of the following quizzes from this page: https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/quizzes

4.Complete this worksheet(some is based on the video you watched):Forests_Worksheet

5. Create some art work outside using natural materials. Take a photo!

Plenary – watch this film – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjpiSzGYC-I&feature=youtu.be to hear from
Christiane Dorion about her job as a children’s author and why she was inspired to write about the natural world.

After Break

11am one minute silence to remember those that suffered in WW2.


Meet a veteran(Ian) – watch this video- http://learning.poppyscotland.org.uk/veday75/vv-ianforsyth/

Then answer the questions about him-Questions about Ian you might want to have a look at the questions before you watch the video . When you are ready mark your answers:Answers about Ian

If you are interested in listening to more veterans you can find out about Mary: http://learning.poppyscotland.org.uk/veday75/vv-marysim/ or Charles http://learning.poppyscotland.org.uk/veday75/vv-charleshorne/

Before you go:Something for the week-end. This is a link to KIDS LAB – science experiments in the home. https://www.sciencefestival.co.uk/event-details/kids-lab

Also if you enjoyed learning about forests here is a clip with more BRILLIANT information about forests and FANTASTIC images (it is 50 minutes long.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um2Q9aUecy0

P5/6 Thursday 7th May

Good morning all!

I am going to copy each day’s “Daily Plan” ( I have changed the name from “Read Me First”) document from Team’s “Files” into the blog as some of you have been having difficulties accessing it. I hope this helps.

Spelling activity: choose a list of Fry’s words that is appropriate for yourself. Create a Word document with a table of 2 columns and 25 rows. Write your chosen 25 words in the first column. Using a dictionary, on-line or book, put a definition of the word in the second column next to it. I have created an example to support you if you are not sure how to do this. I have created a dedicated folder in “Files” for this work.

The use of Teams went really well last week, thank you. Over the long weekend I have tidied up “Files” and, I think, made it easier to use and find things. Please let me know if you have any issues with it.

P6s: you should have e-mailed Mrs Wallace your buddy applications by today.


Keep your personal projects going- you still have the folder to post them into – please check out the work Thomas, Ethan and Zoey have already put in there.

Topic – Read Ethan’s “Broons” story and Thomas’s “Oor Wullie” and “Broons” stories. Challenge: can you do better? Start to think about interesting ways to present these stories. Please post any ideas you have so we can discuss them. I have created a dedicated folder for this work in “Files” as well.

Continue to focus on money in maths first and then move onto measure. This will help progress your work on decimals to 3 places.

  TJay 1b TJay 2a TJay 2b
Money Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
Measure Chapter 15 Chapter 13a Chapter 13


Use the book that is most relevant to you – like “chili questions”. Do it like we do in class – don’t feel the need to do every question, just do enough to show yourself that you have understood. Check your answers in the back as you need. And Please contact me for support when you need to.

Education City: You all appear to still have quite a lot of unfinished activities so I will wait until I publish some more.


Logan S suggested growing your own vegetables as a health project. Ethan has also now started growing strawberries. Anyone else?

Keep your daily diary going, recording what you are doing, what exercise you do, what you eat and how you feel.

Continue to practise your French using the resources from the link below: https://powerlanguage.courses/forfamilies/french/

Don’t forget to do the day’s activities on BBC “Bitesize”.

And exercise with Joe (or his girlfriend!?)  https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bp-joe-wicks-workout

Take care all of you.


P5 Thursday 7th May

Good Morning!

Let’s get energized. Here is the link to the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or if you prefer another work-out do that instead.

Smart Start-Try this-write the answers in your book.Thursday Challenge Smart Start

If you have any problems downloading the Smart Start document try these activities instead-quiet reading outside in the shade, Sumdog(maths or spelling) or explore the Newsround website.


LI – To divide –SC I can divide with remainders.

We have learnt many strategies for division. There is one strategy on this video that also deals with remainders: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z36tyrd/articles/zcjh8mn

This powerpoint might help if you are still not sure:Ppt Division-with-remainders

Now try the calculations on the worksheet:divide remainders spicy(1 star), spicier (2 star), spiciest (3 star). Don’t forget to mark your work when you have finished.


  1.  problems and remainders
  2. Or…….Sumdog(maths)

After Break

Free-write  – You can finish what you started last week or this short video might give you a great idea! https://vimeo.com/412271548

Literacy – Grammar – LI To use fronted adverbials correctly.

Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7v4kmn and work through the different activities.

After Lunch

First try listening to this story : https://www.storylineonline.net/books/zombies-dont-eat-veggies/


This year the Olympic Games were supposed to be in Tokyo, Japan but they have been cancelled due to the coronavirus. I hope that the Olympics will be on next year. Complete one of the activities from this document.Get designing resources(You can choose which one to do – if you have more time by all means complete more than one)


Travel back in time to May 8th 1945 as two young people are waiting to hear Winston Churchill announce the end of WW2 and join in with street party celebrations.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHIksKjFX54&feature=youtu.be

Miss Taylor has suggested some activities linked into V.E.Day. First watch these V.E.Day celebrations in Dumbarton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXLTlnc7f_I Then try this  War Quiz). In order to find the answers to the quiz you can click on the images on this web page: http://learning.poppyscotland.org.uk/learn-75-facts-2/ When you are ready check your work on the answer sheet :Level One Quiz Answers

Before you go:

If anyone wants to have a virtual V.E. day party there are ideas here- http://learning.poppyscotland.org.uk/veday75/ Scroll down to where it says House Party ideas.You might need to ask your parents-There are some great ideas including WW2 recipes and music and dance ideas.

Also you might be interested in this website-especially those people who like to practise their research skills. https://kids.britannica.com/

P5/6 Wednesday 6th May

Good morning all!

I am going to copy each day’s “Daily Plan” ( I have changed the name from “Read Me First”) document from Team’s “Files” into the blog as some of you have been having difficulties accessing it. I hope this helps.

The use of Teams went really well last week, thank you. Over the long weekend I have tidied up “Files” and, I think, made it easier to use and find things. Please let me know if you have any issues with it.

P6s: please can you e-mail Mrs Wallace your buddy applications.

Keep your personal projects going- you still have the folder to post them into – please check out the work Thomas, Ethan and Zoey have already put in there.

Topic –Continue to research “The Broons”, and think about the characters and how they might interact under lockdown. If you haven’t, create a list of the characters and write down what they are like. Describe them physically and what their personalities are like, just like you did for “Oor Wullie”. You will need to use adjectives, and if you want to challenge yourself you could also use similes and metaphors. Read Ethan’s “Broons” story and Thomas’s “Oor Wullie” and “Broons” story. Challenge: can you do better? Start to think about interesting ways to present these stories. I am going to create a dedicated folder for this work in “Files”.

Continue to focus on money in maths first and then move onto measure. This will help progress your work on decimals to 3 places.

TJay 1b TJay 2a TJay 2b
Money Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
Measure Chapter 15 Chapter 13a Chapter 13

Use the book that is most relevant to you – like “chili questions”. Do it like we do in class – don’t feel the need to do every question, just do enough to show yourself that you have understood. Check your answers in the back as you need. And Please contact me for support when you need to.

Education City: I have published the new series of activities: “Fractions 2” and am going to add more sequenced activities today”. Please try them.

Spelling activity: choose a list of Fry’s words that is appropriate for yourself. Create a Word document with a table of 2 columns and 25 rows. Write your chosen 25 words in the first column. Using a dictionary, on-line or book, put a definition of the word in the second column next to it. I will create an example later if you are not sure how to do this. I am going to create a dedicated folder in “Files” for this work as well

Remember Logan S suggested growing your own vegetables as a health project. Ethan has also now started growing strawberries.

Keep your daily diary going, recording what you are doing, what exercise you do, what you eat and how you feel.

Continue to practise your French using the resources from the link below: https://powerlanguage.courses/forfamilies/french/

Don’t forget to do the day’s activities on BBC “Bitesize”.

And exercise with Joe (or his girlfriend!?)  https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bp-joe-wicks-workout

Take care all of you.


P5 Wednesday 6th May

Good Morning!Hope you enjoyed your long bank holiday week-end. Choose a work-out Joe Wicks (https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach) or Go Noodle.

Smart StartScience – Earth Day was on 22nd April. Earth Day is an annual global event, that raises awareness about pollution and ways to maintain a clean habitat and environment. Watch the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NogD8Z57gFA&feature=emb_logo

Then those people who have joined TedEd can pick one of the activities from this page: https://ed.ted.com/earth-school

Chat will go on at 9:55. If you haven’t finished your science you can do this after lunch.

Numeracy -LI To divide -SC I can divide whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000

First watch this video: https://www.pembrokedockcommunityschool.co.uk/divide-by-10-100-and-1000/

Then look at this PowerPoint PowPoint Div by 10, 100 and 1000

Learning Activities : Choose

Spicy:spicy divide 3 digit by 10

Spicier :spicier Dividing by 10 and 100

Spiciest:spiciest div by 100 1000 (This involves decimals.)

Plenary – watch this short video to reinforce dividing by 10  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zcnyr82

After Break

Number talks– logic puzzle https://www.transum.org/software/River_Crossing/

Literacy -Reading – The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy

Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7rrcqt and work through the activities.

After Lunch

First finish off any unfinished work from this morning or any topic work from last week.

Topic -WW2

VE Day marks the day towards the end of World War Two when fighting against Nazi Germany came to an end in Europe. VE Day was the 8th May 1945. We still remember that day today. You might have seen some of the TV programs about WW2 this week. Watch this 5 minute video first https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/history-ks2-ve-day/z7xtmfr

This PowerPoint gives more information about VE Day in Scotland.Ppt VE Day in Scotland

You might want to hear the speech given by Winston Churchill: https://www.bbc.com/historyofthebbc/anniversaries/may/ve-day-broadcasts

Learning Activities – Choose from the following activities. You might have time for more than one!

  1. Design a VE Day word search using words connected to VE Day. Why not let someone solve your puzzle after you have completed it?
  2. Design a VE Day medal – this document will help.Design a VE Day Medal
  3. Create a Newspaper Report of what happened on the first VE Day.
  4. Write a diary account of someone at the first VE Day.
  5. Design a commemorative teacup. This document will help : Teacup Design
  6. Draw a scene with people celebrating. Think carefully about where the people are and what they are doing.
  7. Design some commemorative bunting to hang in your bedroom.

Before you go : Oooh argh, why not have a pirate day/evening!(Ask parents first!) Scrawl on some black eyeliner and red lippy, then tie a scarf round your head … you’re pirates! Next make some pirate swords out of cardboard and stick some pirate films on the telly. Try this free printable pirate treasure hunt .(You will probably need help from an adult with this – it would be fun to organise for younger brothers or sisters.)

P5/6 Friday 1st May

Fun Friday!

I am going to copy each day’s “Read Me First” document from Team’s “Files” into this blog as some of you have been having difficulties accessing it. I hope this helps.

The use of Teams went really well this week, thank you. Over the long weekend I should be able to adjust “Files”.

Keep your personal projects going- you still have the folder to post them into – please check out the work Thomas and Ethan have already put in there.

Topic –Today continue to research “The Broons”, and think about the characters and how they might interact under lockdown. If you haven’t, create a list of the characters and write down what they are like. Describe them physically and what their personalities are like, just like you did for “Oor Wullie”. You will need to use adjectives, and if you want to challenge yourself you could also use similes and metaphors. Read Ethan’s “Broons” story and Thomas’s “Oor Wullie” story. Challenge: can you do better? Start to think about interesting ways to present these stories.

Continue to focus on money in maths first and then move onto measure. This will help progress your work on decimals to 3 places.

  TJay 1b TJay 2a TJay 2b
Money Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
Measure Chapter 15 Chapter 13a Chapter 13

Use the book that is most relevant to you – like “chili questions”. Do it like we do in class – don’t feel the need to do every question, just do enough to show yourself that you have understood. Check your answers in the back as you need. And Please contact me for support when you need to.

Education City: I have published a new series of activities: “Fractions 2”. Please try it.

I have not forgotten about the other spelling activity, but it proved to be more difficult to put together than I had thought, but I should also be able to finish it over the weekend. Meanwhile continue to practise your Fry’s words.

Remember Logan S suggested growing your own vegetables as a health project. What do you think? Ethan has also now started growing strawberries.

Keep your daily diary going, recording what you are doing, what exercise you do, what you eat and how you feel.

Continue to practise your French using the resources from the link below: https://powerlanguage.courses/forfamilies/french/

Don’t forget to do the day’s activities on BBC “Bitesize”.

And exercise with Joe https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bp-joe-wicks-workout

Take care all of you.

Have a good long weekend!

P5 Friday 1st May 2020

Good Morning!

Let’s get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or maybe design your own 20 minute workout!

Smart Start – Free Write

Either carry on what you were writing about last time or start a new piece. This AMAZING video which is less than two minutes long might give you an idea about what to write for your own LOCKDOWN story!  https://vimeo.com/412262124

Chat will then go on about 10:05.

Science – If your hands could smell, you’d be an octopus!

Go to this link: https://ed.ted.com/on/hNfD82Pt

Watch the video and work through the different sections. You can choose whether or not you want to write your answers in your jotter.

Extension – google an octopus and draw one in your jotter!

(You may need to finish this learning activity after break!)

After Break

Numeracy – Online Division Games

You might want to watch this video before you try these two games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slez17loMvU



R.M.E. – LI To explore stories from different religions-SC I can listen to the Hindu story of Rama and Sita and explain why Diwali is celebrated.

Go to this link : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4dc47h -watch the video and work through the various activities.

Brainbreak https://www.dropbox.com/s/m53p7kn2a8qwjq1/03%20Staircase%20Relaxation%201.mp3?dl=0 Ten minutes of mindfulness -you could try and get parents to do it too!

Before you go– why not leave three happy notes for someone else to find in your house?

Something for the week-end:


With less planes and less light pollution resulting in clearer skies, the lockdown provides a great opportunity to stargaze. It’s easy, too. All you have to do is look up at night! What can you see? The moon, planets, constellations, a shooting star?  The National Trust has some great tips for stargazing.

Bird watching

Watch the birds from your garden or out of a window. Watch them fly and sing to each other. How many can you spot? Can you name the type of bird? Think about keeping a bird watching diary to keep track of the birds you’ve seen, where and when. Try not to not scare them off! Can you spot the birds on this Wildlife Watch activity sheet?

P5/6 Thursday 30th April

Hello all.

I am going to copy each day’s “Read Me First” document from Team’s “Files” into this blog as some of you have been having difficulties accessing it. I hope this helps.

I am still trying to get to grips with this so please bear with me. I also want to develop some of the outcomes from Monday’s planning meeting and adjust how we are using teams.

From that meeting those of you that have had their personal projects agreed please make a plan for what you want to include and what your learning intention will be – Ethan, Gemma and Thomas I know you have already made a start on this.

Topic – great idea to do some stuff that is positive about the present situation. Someone suggested doing “Oor Wullie” in lockdown, and someone else up-levelled that by making it about a family – “The Broons”. What do you know about them? I have never read any of their stories. Thomas did some excellent research and has posted his results in “Personal Projects”: please check it out. Today continue to research “The Broons”, and start to think about the characters and how they might interact under lockdown. Create a list of the characters and write down what they are like. Describe them physically and what their personalities are like, just like you did for “Oor Wullie”. You will need to use adjectives, and if you want to challenge yourself you could also use similes and metaphors. STOP PRESS!!!! I prepare these documents during the day and up-load them in the evening. So This was made before I had read Ethan’s “Broons” story. Challenge: can you do better?

In the meeting on Monday it was agreed to focus on money in maths first and then move onto measure. This will help progress your work on decimals to 3 places.

TJay 1b TJay 2a TJay 2b
Money Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
Measure Chapter 15 Chapter 13a Chapter 13


Use the book that is most relevant to you – like “chili questions”. Do it like we do in class – don’t feel the need to do every question, just do enough to show yourself that you have understood. Check your answers in the back as you need. And Please contact me for support when you need to.

Education City: I have published a new series of activities: “Fractions 2”. Please try it.


I have not forgotten about the other spelling activity, but it proved to be more difficult to put together than I had thought. Meanwhile continue to practise your Fry’s words.

Remember Logan S suggested growing your own vegetables as a health project. What do you think?

Keep your daily diary going, recording what you are doing, what exercise you do, what you eat and how you feel.

Continue to practise your French using the resources from the link below: https://powerlanguage.courses/forfamilies/french/

Don’t forget to do the day’s activities on BBC “Bitesize”.

And exercise with Joe https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bp-joe-wicks-workout

Submitting homework – Thank you to those that have. I think the best way from now on might be that if you have produced a piece of work that you are especially proud of you should e-mail that to the school so we can share it via the blog. If there is a piece of work that you are not sure about, maybe you found a bit tricky, up-load that to “Teams” so that I can look over it and we can then discuss it together. All other work please keep at home for now.

Finally thank you for all your hard work! I think we have all learned a lot about how to work in “Teams” in a very short time. I am really pleased with the sensible and mature approach that you have all been taking. To keep it tidy the less we post comments (Reply) the better: use the emojis as much as possible. Having said that when you do need to post a comment it should be posted into “Reply” (you should never click inside the “Start a new conversation” box, I think) for the appropriate day and conversation.


Take care all of you.

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