P5 Monday 1st June

Good morning – Let’ get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or anything that interests you.

Smart Start-Maths Online Games

Logic Puzzles-





If you have time or any problems with these games go on Sumdog(maths). Chat will go on at about 10am.


LI -To solve money problems-SC-I can plan a household budget.



spicy answers


spicier answers


Firstly read your reading book for about thirty minutes. (You could do this outside in the shade.) Then practise your visualization skills by drawing a detailed picture (full page in your jotter) of your favourite scene. Again you could do this outside in the shade.

Extension:(only if you have time):

Finish any other unfinished work or go on to Sumdog spellings.

After Lunch

Personal Project

Continue with your research and make notes in your own words, in your jotter. You can use reference books, for example, encyclopedias and atlases, the internet, newspapers and magazines or personal interviews.


This was the site I introduced you to before-  https://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics

Click on lessons at the top and choose a different area of learning that interests you. (about 20 minutes).


Resilience Alphabet – F is for fun

Before you go If you like David Walliams why not try some of these fun, free activities : https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/activities/

P5/6 Monday 1st June

Maths: Finish money first and then move onto measure. I think all 4 parts of TJay 2a Chapter 13 (a,b,c and d) are useful. This will help support your work on decimals to 3 places. If you have finished these you could do TJay 2a revision work on decimals: Chapters 5 and 7

  TJay 1b TJay 2a TJay 2b
Money Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
Measure Chapter 15 Chapter 13a,b,c and d Chapter 13

Language: write a letter! Use your learning from the class, and the link below to inspire you. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-52709729

Health: Exercise with Joe.

I don’t think we have fully realised the potential of HotPotatoes. If you have not tried it, please do.

I also don’t think anyone has finished “Education City”.

We have to do maths, literacy (language) and health every day. We can, of course, do other areas of the curriculum as well. How we do them is up to us. I think these unusual times have given us the opportunity to use some unusual teaching and learning techniques. I think Devon and Zoey have been using “TikTok” to create their photos of themselves for “Teams”. Could we do something with “TikTok”?

Have fun, take care and hope you had a good weekend!




P5 Friday 29th May

Good Morning!Let’s get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or any other work-out you want to do.

Smart Start – Choose Quiet reading or Free Write

Chat will go back on about 10:00 am.-Why not work outside in the shade?

After Break

Maths – Money

Revise coins and notes and how to solve money problems using this video : https://corbettmathsprimary.com/2018/07/24/money-video/     If you cannot use the formal methods they demonstrate remember you can always use number lines as jottings to help with calculations. It is a long video (11 minutes) so if you would like to stop after about 7 minutes, for example, that is fine. Then practise these skills by choosing one of these :

Spicy Spicy money doc 1 spicy money doc 2  ….mark answers when complete…Spicy Answers doc 1 and 2

Spicier spicier money document 1 spicier answers friday

Spiciest spiciest friday spiciest answers friday


We have been learning about resilience. Today we move onto  E is for exercise -read the document which will give you some ideas for this afternoon, after we finish on TEAMS!

Personal Project

If you have not told me yet what you would like to research please let me know. Use the time up until 12pm (Friendship Time) to start your research and make notes in your own words, in your jotter. You can use reference books, for example, encyclopedias and atlases, the internet, newspapers and magazines or personal interviews. If you need any help or if you are unsure if the topic you have chosen is unsuitable let me know. Good luck!

Friendship Time

Before you go – this site https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLflf8xbnbx65Z2oa2F9uqKZxJJn-4Nynr is amazing-it gives tutorials on drawing different Disney characters!

P5 Thursday 28th May

Good Morning! Let’s get energized. Here is the link to the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or if you prefer another work-out do that instead.

Smart Start-Number of the Day

Spicy mathsstarters.net/numoftheday/2digit

Spicier mathsstarters.net/numoftheday/ 3 digit

Spiciest mathsstarters.net/numoftheday/4digit

HOT HOT HOT mathsstarters.net/numoftheday/6digit-h

Don’t forget to mark your answers when you have finished.Chat will go on at 9:55.

Numeracy – Money

First write down all the notes and coins that we use. Try and include all of them!

Check you wrote down them all by opening this document:

Scottish money coins and notes

Revise spending using this game : (Choose which level)


Task – choose

Spicy: Spicy Money Answers:Spicy Answers money

Or….Spicier:spicier money  Answers:money task answers

After Break – Miss Taylor’s Writing

This week we are going to use – https://www.pobble365.com/the-port-key

You have a choice of mild, spicy, hot activities:

Mild – look at the picture, scroll down and read the story starter then continue the the story starter (you don’t have to copy it out !! )

Spicy – answer the Questions and look at the picture and continue the the story starter (you don’t have to copy it out !! )

Hot – complete all the activities for The Port key.(You do not need to copy the story starter out-just read it!)

Have fun being creative and using your imagination! Miss Taylor.

After Lunch

1:20pm Online class chat! Get ready to share any news you have! This will last about half an hour.

Brainbreak/Health –

Resilience Alphabet-(this will take about 15 minutes):D is for downtime

Personal Project

There were so many great suggestions for our new topic that I think it is best that you complete a personal project instead. Ideas suggested included – dinosaurs, capital cities and flags, World War 1, Wildlife and food! Unfortunately you will not be allowed to do a project on Fortnite. (I double checked with Mrs Wallace!) So all I want you to do for now is think about choosing something to research. This project will take up quite a lot of time so choose wisely. Think of all the work that went into our project on World War 2. You need to pick something that you will enjoy. Also a topic that will allow you to find out lots of interesting information. Maybe chat with someone at home? It should be something you can do by working a few hours each week (average: ½ hour each day) for 4 weeks. Obviously I will give you time during afternoons on TEAMS.

When you are ready the first thing you will need to do is complete your research and make notes in your own words, in your jotter. You can use reference books, for example, encyclopedias and atlases, the internet, newspapers and magazines or personal interviews. Then, after a week of research we will discuss the way forward and what you would like to do in order to present your findings.

Please let me know what you have decided to do when you have committed to an topic.

Practical Science – If you have the equipment and/or maybe someone to help you choose one of the following activities.(Or save them for a rainy day.)

Tornado in a Bottle  (uses simple equipment)

Bright as a New Penny  (uses simple equipment)

Glasgow Science Centre-If you are enjoying the suggestions for practical science there are lots on here – if you scroll down-you can even make homemade ice-cream! Ask permission at home first!


Before you go:Missing the National Museum of Scotland?-Take this virtual tour:https://www.nms.ac.uk/explore-our-collections/films/tour-the-national-museum-of-scotland-on-google-streetview/

P5/6 Tuesday 26th May

When using Teams please try not to click on “Start a new conversation” each time. Please click on “Reply”, as it makes things in there much easier to find. Thanks

Highest priority today is still “Learning in P56”. I have up-dated and up-loaded “Our Learning in P56”. Please think of the three health activities, including one from PE, that were most important to your own personal learning over the year. Please also think of three activities from three different areas of the curriculum that were most important to your own personal learning over the year. Create your own document, with your name on it, and up-load it to the folder “Learning in P56”. Ethan, Thomas, Adam and Gemma M, thank you, I have yours.

Maths: Finish money first and then move onto measure. I think all 4 parts of TJay 2a Chapter 13 (a,b,c and d) are useful. This will help support your work on decimals to 3 places. If you have finished these you could do TJay 2a revision work on decimals: Chapters 5 and 7

  TJay 1b TJay 2a TJay 2b
Money Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
Measure Chapter 15 Chapter 13a,b,c and d Chapter 13

Art activity! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-52743922

Draw or photograph the view from your room.

Do you want a cycle rack, shelter, cycle lockers, secure storage or scooter shelter for the school? We can get these, but we have to apply for them. You are all now experts at writng these types of letters through all the learning you have done on persuasive writing (and cold calling (another drama activity we have done!)). All the resources you need have already been up-loaded and you have used them. I have also up-loaded the supporting information for the grant: “Sustrans Cycle Parking Grant”.

I don’t think we have fully realised the potential of HotPotatoes. If you have not tried it, please do.

I also don’t think anyone has finished “Education City”.

Have you done all of Mrs Lockhart’s work?

I have reduced the amount of work that I am posting: I am trying to make it more focused. Please let me know any thoughts.

Hope to speak to you today!!



P5 Tuesday 26th May

Good Morning everybody. Let’s get energized.Choose the Joe Wicks workout: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or anything else you like.

Smart start –Newsround


Then write 3 sentences about what you have learnt.Extension – If you finish check out the rest of the Newsround website or catch up with any other work you need to finish.Chat will go back on about 9:55 to discuss learning.

Numeracy-LI To use historical number systems – SC I can complete calculations using Egyptian Number Systems

Check out the Ancient Egypt Powerpoint

Ancient Egypt differentiated worksheets (one star=spicy, two stars=spicier, 3 stars=spiciest.)  If you need help with any worksheets you can always use your research skills! Or use this document : Egyptian Numbers

Plenary-if you are interested watch this showing the history of numbers through time!

And only if you are interested : History of Maths Display Timeline

After Break


  1. Finish any unfinished work(this could include your talk/presentation from yesterday) or numeracy from this morning.

2.Storytime – Listen to David Walliams . The link is live at 11am.Why not lie back and rest your eyes when you listen? https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses-catch-up/ – choose which chapters you want to read.

Then – Literacy – Spelling

Continue to look at these exception words for P4 and P5 in the document. years-3-and-4-spelling-list. Continue where you left off last week. Read each one then practice the ‘Look, Cover, Write, and Check’ method. Keep going until you have another 8 words you found tricky. Just like last week choose some of the following methods in this document to practise spelling the words:useful spelling ideas. Remember you can return to this document whenever you want to practise your spelling.

Some people have finished practising their spellings using this document so you can try :Hot Hot Hot spelling word list and follow the same ideas as above.

After Lunch

Reinforce your Egyptian numbers through playing :

The Egyptian Number System

Health-Activity One-Resilience

Continue with our resilience alphabet – C is for choice

Health-Activity Two-Healthy Eating

Go to – http://fss-eatwellguide.scot/  scroll down and click on ‘Find Out More About A Balanced Diet Here First.’

When you are ready go back and click on ‘Get Started.’ Then drag the foods on the right into the correct places on the plate- the key for the different colours on the plate is at the bottom of the page. E.g. green is fruit and vegetables.

Extension – draw a plate on the page in your jotter and draw a healthy meal. This Powerpoint will help:The eatwell plate powerpoint

Before you go why not explore this WWF site . We have done some activities but it really is a great site!  https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/love-nature/forests?dm_i=38LF,118RN,3D1I49,3XV9F,1#making

Also if you are interested in Egypt you might enjoy this Horrible History video:

P5 Monday 25th May

Good morning – Let’ get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or anything that interests you.

Smart Start-Maths Online Games

times table practise:-https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/27284.html

Logic Puzzles-https://www.transum.org/software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/students/Addle.asp




If you have time or any problems with these games go on Sumdog(maths). Chat will go on at about 10am.

Numeracy-Roman Numerals

Watch this video to as a reminder : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgG3iyV1UZg

Learning Activity-Choose:

1.Design own cards. Put Roman Numerals on one set. Then ordinary matching numbers on the other set. Then shuffle. Practise matching them up or play snap with someone in your house.

2.Spicy worksheet -Practise telling the time using Roman Numerals:RN telling time

3.Spicier worksheet –RN 24 hour -using am and pm and 24 hour clock.

4.Play the online games-




After Break-Reading – You’re a Bad Man, Mr Gum by Andy Stanton

I love this series of books! Go to this link -https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zknnf4j  and work through the activities. Take your time and just do what you can in the time available. Good Luck!

After Lunch

Listening and Talking

LI – To talk clearly and with expression about a topic. SC – I can present a 2 minute detailed solo talk on a topic or event that interests me.

You did such a great job with your writing activity with Miss Taylor last week I thought you might enjoy this. Your talk can be about absolutely anything. It could be an area of World War 2, a hobby that you have or even be about your pets. It would be a good idea to write notes in your jotter then practise giving your talk. You could self assess using 2 stars and a wish. If you are able to, and would like to, you can send a video to the school email and then they will be forwarded to me. I would love to see them. Good luck!


This was the site I introduced you to before-  https://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics

Click on lessons at the top and choose a different area of learning that interests you. (about 20 minutes).

Before you go if you like Harry Potter you will love this – https://artsandculture.google.com/project/harry-potter-a-history-of-magic

P5/6 Monday 25th May

Highest priority today is “Learning in P56”. I have up-dated and up-loaded “Our Learning in P56”, which I have partially made with the help of Ethan and Thomas. Please will you check it and tell me what we are missing. What about the assemblies we have done? What about the birthday celebrations? Try to think in terms of the areas of the curriculum that I have used, and any others that you can think of. Please think of the three health activities, including one from PE, that were most important to your own personal learning over the year. Please also think of three activities from three different areas of the curriculum that were most important to your own personal learning over the year.

You should have done the survey by now: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKZrs4PcouytMv6A2R0y6TENUOFlCMVkwOTQyUTc0UFE4R0E5OTc0T1RNTy4u

Maths: Finish money first and then move onto measure. I think all 4 parts of TJay 2a Chapter 13 (a,b,c and d) are useful. This will help support your work on decimals to 3 places. If you have finished these you could do TJay 2a revision work on decimals: Chapters 5 and 7

  TJay 1b TJay 2a TJay 2b
Money Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
Measure Chapter 15 Chapter 13a,b,c and d Chapter 13

Do you want a cycle rack, shelter, cycle lockers, secure storage or scooter shelter for the school? We can get these, but we have to apply for them. You are all now experts at writng these types of letters through all the learning you have done on persuasive writing (and cold calling (another drama activity we have done!)). All the resources you need have already been up-loaded and you have used them. I have also up-loaded the supporting information for the grant: “Sustrans Cycle Parking Grant”.

I don’t think we have fully realized the potential of HotPotatoes. If you have not tried it, please do.

I also don’t think anyone has finished “Education City”.

I think this week I might try to contact you guys again!

Have fun, take care and hope you had a good weekend!

P5/6 Friday 22nd May

Fun Friday!

Highest priority is the survey: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKZrs4PcouytMv6A2R0y6TENUOFlCMVkwOTQyUTc0UFE4R0E5OTc0T1RNTy4u

Second priority today is “Learning in P56”. I have up-loaded “Our Learning in P56”, which I have partially made with the help of Ethan and Thomas. Please will you check it and tell me what we are missing. What about the assemblies we have done? What about the birthday celebrations? Try to think in terms of the areas of the curriculum that I have used, and any others that you can think of.

Do you want a cycle rack, shelter, cycle lockers, secure storage or scooter shelter for the school? We can get these, but we have to apply for them. You are all now experts at writng these types of letters through all the learning you have done on persuasive writing (and cold calling (another drama activity we have done!)). All the resources you need have already been up-loaded and you have used them. I have also up-loaded the supporting information for the grant: “Sustrans Cycle Parking Grant”.

I don’t think we have fully realized the potential of HotPotatoes. If you have not tried it, please do.

I also don’t think anyone has finished “Education City”.

I think next week I might try to contact you guys again.

Have fun, take care and have a good weekend!

P5 Friday 22nd May

Good Morning!Let’s get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or any other work-out you want to do.

Smart Start – Quiet reading

Chat will go back on about 10:00 am.

Mrs Stewart would really appreciate it if you could complete this survey about how you are finding learning from home. Your views are important to us.Here is the link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKZrs4PcouytMv6A2R0y6TENUOFlCMVkwOTQyUTc0UFE4R0E5OTc0T1RNTy4u

Free Write-Free Choice or you could watch this short video about to give you some ideas!:https://vimeo.com/visiblefictions

After Break

11am Live Chat – with Miss Stanway and Mrs Wallace


Yesterday we learnt about resilience. Today we move onto B is for balance read the document and complete the art activity.

Friendship Time

Before you gohttps://www.storyberries.com/storyberries-bedtime-radio/ this site has some great online books-a wide variety – all different ages!


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