Learning Highlights from P4/3

This week has been a busy and quick week.

On Monday in Green Gym we were being animal detectives. We had previously laid cat food out in trays of soil and mud. We then came back to these trays to investigate and look for any animal footprints. We were convinced that we saw deer footprints! We also played a game of Predators and Prey, we had to camouflage ourselves from the prey to avoid getting eaten! We are really enjoying green gym, it is great to be active outside whilst learning about our environment.

This week our teachers apprentice group had the great honour of presenting to Mrs Cochrane. They did a fantastic job of leading the learning and facilitating a discussion surrounding their chosen text about dinosaurs. We are getting very good at using the language of reciprocal reading and being able to apply it to our reading tasks within the classroom. Some of us were a bit nervous but we rose to the challenge and felt proud of our efforts afterwards.

In numeracy we have been looking at strategies to assist subtraction, including exchanging, place value and being able to read word problems for numbers up to 1000. We thoroughly enjoy a challenge and although we initially found this a bit of a challenge we persisted and learned from our mistakes to help us feel confident in out learning.

In writing this week we have been focusing on the planning stage for next week’s task. We have been revising all of the concepts of Persuasive writing and looking at appropriate vocabulary to up level our work. Next week we will be writing about why Santa should give us our chosen present.

We hope you enjoyed a brief snapshot of our week in Primary 4/3.

18.11.2021 P4 Class

This week we learnt to use Split strategy for subtraction.  We have also been learning follow directions using navigational vocabulary such as clockwise, and anti-clockwise.  We followed directions for going North, East, South and East.

We made dioramas representing our favorite book. wrote a persuasive text with uplevelled vocabulary and we used our summarising skills in reading.

We played Futsal again and learnt about how to overcome disappointments.

We also programmed ‘ BeeBot’ this week.  As your child what it is 🙂


Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights.

This week we have been working hard on developing the Reciprocal Reading skill of Summarising. We have been using the idea of 5-5-1. This is where we write 5 sentences about the chapter or book, 5 words to describe the book and 1 word to sum up the whole book. Here are some of our pieces of work.

We are continuing to work on the Persuasive genre of writing. This week we were arguing why pets are good for our health. We came up with some incredible reasons to convince our audience that having a pet can be incredibly beneficial for our lives and mental health. This week we have been focusing on using persuasive vocabulary, such as ‘I strongly believe’ or ‘I am certain that you will agree’ . Here are a few examples of our work.

This week has been Scottish Book Week. We have been working on a few different activities throughout the week to promote reading within our classroom. We have enjoyed listening to a few sessions of  Authors Live, we have taken part in Stop Drop and Read everyday and have been busy designing and making a diorama scene from our favourite books.

We hope you have enjoyed reading about some of our learning so far this week.

P4 Class 08.11.2021

Another productive week was had by all.  The P4s have been working hard to use their subtraction skills in solving word problems.

They create a persuasive text about the use of fireworks, they learnt to use speech marks in a sentence and they created questions about their books.

For IDL, they designed and created their own chariots using paper.


Prirmary 4/3’s Bug Hotel

Primary 4/3 have been working hard to maintain the Bug Hotel they started work on last year. Unfortunately, we believe that some children are continually playing on it and moving or removing some of the material. Can everyone please help by looking but not touching. Primary 4/3 are hoping that when it is set up properly that the everyone can use it for outdoor learning.

Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights

Primary 4/3 have been packing lots of exciting learning into this week.

On Monday in Green Gym, we were set the challenge of building a hibernacula, for an animal to use to hibernate in during the winter months. We had 15 minutes to find as many natural materials as possible to insulate our hibernacula.  We then filled up a pot of hot water which was to represent our animal, if after 15 minutes the pot was still hot our animal would have survived the winter!

Keeping on our topic of conservation, sustainability and helping the environment, we decided to write our persuasive piece of writing focused on why we should help save trees in our environment. This week we looked at using some more convincing and persuasive language to help reinforce our arguments.  Here are some examples of our work.

We have also been thinking about why we celebrate Remembrance day. The Primary 7’s have been selling Poppies all week so we decided to create our own poppy picture of Flanders Fields. We  used water colours to create a wash effect for the sky and used bright red and black for our poppies. In the fields we added grass using crayon. We are very proud of our efforts in this art task.

We hope you have enjoyed a little snapshot of our learning from this week.


P4 Class 05.11.21

Another great week had by all!

We enjoyed writing questions and predictions about our new books.  We learnt to use different types of conjunctions and we wrote a persuasive text regarding the importance of bees.

For numeracy, we continued finding the missing numbers and we began learning how to use written subtraction with borrowing.  In Maths, we revised on our knowledge of tessellation.

For Health and Well being, we played Futsal and began our journey to understanding our dreams and goals.

We have really enjoyed creating algorithms during our digital technology class with Mrs Buntin.

Have a happy weekend everyone!

Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights

It’s been another busy week in Primary 4/3.

On Monday we checked on our bees nests and hedgehog homes, they are still intact, thankfully! We also took the opportunity to smash our clay flower bombs. We can’t wait until Spring to see all the wildflowers grow in the field and know that we have done a little to improve the biodiversity of our school grounds.

On Tuesday we worked on some fireworks inspired art. We investigated the work of Wassily Kandinsky and used one of his famous abstract pictures ‘Colour Study’ to help us complete our pictures. Here are some of the finished products. We think they look great.

Keeping to the theme of Bonfire Night we decided to write about why we should or shouldn’t ban fireworks. We discussed in depth reasons both for and against. We are getting good at using persuasive language and arguing for what we believe. Here are some examples of our writing.

We hope you have enjoyed reading a few of our learning highlights from this week.

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