Weekly update from Primary 3/4

It has been another busy week in class. We have been learning to be a good friend and how making the correct choices can benefit the whole class. We had a lovely afternoon making compliment clouds and they have  certainly brightened up the classroom!!

A big focus this week has been to improve the quality of our writing pieces. We are learning the different ways of taking notes and how this can help transfer our ideas into paragraphs. We are proud of our progress and our next steps is to peer and self assess our writing pieces, using a range of strategies.

Primary 4

In maths this week we have been learning to round to the nearest 10 and order larger numbers. We also learnt about ordinal numbers and thought about when they were used in everyday life. Pupils have been playing Number Knockout to help learn their times tables and we can already see a difference in how well some people can recall the facts. Keep working on it everyone!

In literacy we have been developing our knowledge of grammar by learning about singular and plural words. We also revised what we knew about verbs, adjectives and common and proper nouns. Pupils have been leading reading group sessions, (with the support of an adult), and have enjoyed developing their leadership skills. We continued to focus on writing in complete sentences and using paragraphs. We used adjectives to up level our writing and spoke about how authors create images/ imagery by using description.

Our class have been asked by Mrs Dobbie to help organise the Harvest Festival assembly this Friday and have been collecting donations from classes all week. We have also been preparing our presentation for our novel study assembly. We will be discussing the activities we did in relation to Charlotte’s Web and have asked for volunteers to speak at assembly. We have been developing our skills when addressing an audience and trying to become more confident when doing so.

In art the class created some really effective pieces which showed their personal interests and expressed more about them as an individual. These will soon make a lovely display outside the class. In our choir session this week it has been great to see that most pupils were much more confident when singing individually. Keep up the good work everyone!

Next week we will be reviewing how to peer and self assess our writing and use the feedback to improve our work. The class are also looking forward to watching Charlotte’s Web and comparing it to the novel.

Primary 4

Although this has been a short week we seem to have packed a lot in! In maths we have been looking at place value and working with larger numbers. We used the Sumdog programme on the laptops to reinforce our learning. Next week we will continue our work on place value and working with large numbers.

We have nearly finished our class novel study  – Charlotte’s Web. This week we looked more closely at the characters and created character profiles for Charlotte. We will add these to our novel study display along with our art work.

On Thursday we had another great singing session with tutors from the Scottish Opera group. We did call back songs and are gradually becoming more confident when singing in front of the class.

Our Weekly Reflection Primary 3/4

Today in primary 3/4 we have been reflecting on our learning over the past week. We worked in groups to share our ideas. Here are some of them:

“I have been learning to add and subtract numbers” Keira

“Our group was learning to add in 100’s eg: 300 plus 400 equals 700.” Cameron and Leo

“I enjoyed the visit from Karen from the Youth choir who taught us how to keep a beat to the music.” Debbie

“I enjoyed creating our own maths game, demonstrating our learning of adding and subtracting numbers up to 10,000” Lewis D

“After reading the BFG dream chapter, I wrote my own story about my ideal dream. ” Liam D

Thank you for reading our ideas!

Puppet Project

In The Den we have taken an interest in puppets. This week we have enjoyed playing with the finger puppets and we even made our own wooden spoon puppets! We are looking forward to planning and putting on our own show over the next few weeks – we all have fabulous imaginations!

Primary 4

P4 have settled down well into the new term and are quickly becoming accustomed to new classroom routines.

We are currently working on our novel study, Charlotte’s Web, and the class are keen to take part in related drama, art and writing activities. In maths we are currently working on place value and are revising addition, subtraction and times tables.

In P4 this term gym will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Could you please ensure that your child brings the appropriate kit to school and doesn’t wear any ear rings on those days.

Thank you.


It’s Showtime!!!

Primary 4 designed posters to advertise for tonight! We had a class competition and all had the chance to choose our favourites.


WE can’t wait to see everyone all dressed up and rocking out!!

Rookie Rockstars

These are some of our pictures of our CD covers for the whole school competition. We hope Rookie Rockstars might pick one of our designs.

These will be made into the covers for all the CDs ordered tomorrow night!

Primary 4 are looking forward to the concert tomorrow night at 6.30pm.

We can wear pretty much anything we want (except football colours or strips.) We talked about bright colours, hair dyed, wigs, blow up guitars, costumes or fancy dress outfits.

We haven’t many tickets left and are hoping to have a sell out night!

Hope to see you there!!!

P4 Science

Today, P4 were excited to welcome science students from West Lothian College. We had a fantastic morning learning all about different kinds of energy through a variety of practical experiments. At the static station the children investigated friction with rods, cloths and water. When they rubbed the rod with the cloth and then place next to the water something strange happens. Ask your child to explain it to you! The rod has negative electrons and when placed near the water, which has positive electrons, it repels or attracts it! The most popular experiment voted by the children was when we went outside to watch a custard bomb go off in the playground. The heat energy created an explosion and the force blew off the lid with sparks!!

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