P3/4 Learning Breakfast

Thank you to all who attended our learning breakfast this week. We hope you all enjoyed our presentations on the number strategies we use on a daily basis in class. The children all worked hard in their groups to discuss the ideas and how they would present them as a class.

Next week we are looking forward to visiting Morrisons as part of our work with the community event. EE2 forms will be sent home with your child next week.

P4 Roman Learning Banquet

P4 would love to invite parents and carers to our Roman learning banquet on Wednesday 25th September from 8:55am-10am in the school dining hall.

We will be taking part in various learning activities linked to the Romans, enjoying a Roman Banquet and P4 will be performing a song for our guests.

We look forward to seeing you there!


P4 have had a great start to the new school year! We are looking forward to getting active in PE – our PE days are a Monday and a Thursday, please make sure children have gym kits on these days.

Primary 4

We are now in our second last week of Primary 4. Everyone has now met their teachers for next year and are looking forward to starting primary 5 next session. We are hoping to have another chance to meet with the new teachers next week so the pupils can get to know them better and ask any questions they might have.

Next week will be a very busy week with P7 Leaver’s assembly, Fun day and Sport’s day. I would like to take this opportunity to thank P4 for being such a great class to work with and also all parents/ carers for their help and support.

Primary 4

Our class are making good progress with their work on division and enjoy playing number games related to it. Next week we are hoping to get outside to complete measurement tasks as part of our new maths topic. Times tables continue to be very important for this and pupils should revise them as often as possible.

In literacy we completed our “Lighthouse” narrative stories. We have been working on it for the past two weeks and pupils are very proud of their efforts and are keen to read them to everyone.

Our environmental topic groups are working really well. Pupils have now worked through their second activity block and will move onto their third block next Tuesday. Pupils have been making good use of their general knowledge in these sessions. In my  group the most popular activity has been learning about how the snub nosed monkey adapts to it’s environment.

Primary 4

What a lovely week it has been! The weather has been great and we have had several reading sessions outside which everyone really enjoyed.

We have started our new topic about our environment and will be working in mixed age groups for the next few weeks for those sessions. Pupils reported that it was really good and interesting. They liked working with different pupils and teachers.

Next week we are re visiting division in maths before moving onto our new topic on measurement.

We celebrated Numeracy day with a carousel of engaging maths activities which pupils worked through in groups. Pupils have said that they would like to do more carousel activities in maths, which we will plan for.

Primary 4

P4 have been developing their skills in athletics in preparation for sport’s day. We have been working on throwing skills with the javelins, (foam ones!), hurdling, mini shot putts and sprinting. We hope to get outside onto the field in the better weather this term. It would be great if pupils could bring in some warmer gym clothes suitable for outdoor wear in a Scottish Summer. Our gym days this term will be Tuesday and Friday.

In maths we are rounding off our focus topic on multiplication by a single digit. Pupils are generally feeling much more confident about it now, but I have emphasised how important it is to practice these skills regularly to maintain them. The same goes for times tables and every opportunity to practice them in a spare 10 or 15 minutes really helps. This term we will be working on division, estimation and rounding, measurement and decimals.

In literacy we have come to the end of our focus on information writing with a final piece about Egyptian pyramids. Pupils report that they feel more confident about what is expected when writing in this genre. In our final term our new focus will be on narrative writing which the pupils are really looking forward to. They have asked to do some pieces of writing in pairs to help share ideas.

Today the pupils had a judo taster session which they really enjoyed. Everyone engaged with great enthusiasm and huge smiles. Topic work this term will have an environmental theme. Pupils have asked to work in mixed groups again and will be moving around classrooms and working with different teachers twice per week. In each session they will be learning about a different aspect of our environment, factors affecting it and how we can look after it.

Primary 4

The last week before our Easter holidays has been a very busy one. On Tuesday this week our class, P3/4 and P3 went to the Chambers Street museum in Edinburgh. As you will know we have been learning about the Egyptians and they have a great exhibition on just now. We visited different areas and found lots of interesting things to look at, smell and feel. Pupils enjoyed weighing themselves as a group to see which animal they compared to. One of our groups managed to reach the weight of a polar bear!

Some people were fascinated by the quartz and mineral displays, especially the diamond. The dinosaur and sperm whale bones were huge and really helped everyone to imagine their size. It was a great day out and thank you to those who were able to come along as helpers on the day, it was very much appreciated. I would imagine everyone slept well that night as there was also a lot of stairs to go up and down! Pupils tell me they are keen to go back and see the parts we didn’t have time to visit, especially the interactive areas. So if you are at a loose end during the holidays that would be a good day out. We hope you all have great holiday.

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