P3/4 retell the Easter Story

Primary 3/4 have been very busy recently re-creating the Easter Story.

They have designed and painted the scenery and props.  They have written the scripts and have planned and organised their groups and delegated who was going to do what in the project.  They have directed and filmed a short stop frame animation, and are delighted to share it.

You can view their animation here:

What a fantastic effort P3/4 – well done!

Outdoor Learning


Deans Primary are trying to create a suitable and exciting outdoor learning space within the school grounds. Unfortunately, we are being hampered by vandals who destroy our newly planted trees, take apart out new Willow shelter and continually damage our bug hotel and newly erected structure that will be part of our area of biodiversity. On the last occasion some of the nursery items were also destroyed. The children and staff of the school would like to ask the community to support our endeavours.

P4 Class 25.03.2022

We have had a great time this week researching facts about Scottish wildlife.  We learnt to categorise them into herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.

We used graphs to represent our surveys on  favorite pets.  We estimated and measure the height of trees outside and we made function machines.

We also enjoyed making poems about gratitude.  We used our senses to express how we feel.  For reading, we have been working on our reading aloud strategies and asking evaluative questions.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


This week we had a fantastic time learning many skills such as;

Numeracy- reading timetables and revising on our division and multiplication strategies.

We used our laptops to research facts about kelpies.  We took notes then we used these facts to write a description of kelpies.

We leant to copy, paste and use enter tab on the keyboard.  This helped us make a PowerPoint presentation.

For IDL, we used clay to make sculptures and leant how to mould, make it stable and add texture to it.

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Happy weekend everyone!

Outdoor Learning

Once again Deans Primary have received a donation of saplings from the Woodland Trust. The children are not only hoping this will enhance the look of the school grounds but begin to support a Net Zero Community and improve the environment.

The children would like to ask all children, staff, parents, carers and members of the community to help us look after the saplings so they get the opportunity to grow into large, strong trees. Since they are newly planted and have not yet taken root we would appreciate it if you could stay away from the trees. If you see or hear of any issues with the trees can you please get in touch with Mrs Dobbie.


P4 Class 25.06.2022

We’ve had an amazing week!

We have been learning to read time and time intervals.  We have started learning division with remainders as well.

For reading, we worked on finding the main idea and summarising the text.  We also worked on highlight important information and note taking.

For HWB, we explored different friendship groups and the importance of  being able to express yourself.

In IDL, we learnt about different types of produce in Scotland and where most of them are made/ farmed.

11.02.2022 P4 Class

We’ve had an amazing week!

For Numeracy, we have been learning to read and tell the time.  For Maths, we have been learning to find factors and multiples of a number.

For PE, we practiced our aim and attacking skills during Dodgeball.  We also started performing Ceilidh dance.

We have been exploring ways to keep safe online and we have been leaning about gender equality.  We wrote a story about the Loch Ness and monster and read the myth of Ghillie Dhu.  We researched facts about Scottish clans and then we made our own personal crests.

Our stationery station enterprise is a hit!  Thank you all for your support.  Have fantastic long weekend!

Safer Internet Day 2022

We are focusing on internet safety this week in school.


There are lots of resources available from the saferinternetday.org.uk website

1) Learn more and get involved – Safer Internet Day 2022

2) Conversation Starters

3) Family Activities

4) Family Online Safety Plan

5) Organisations and Resources for Parents and Carers


P4 Class 28.01.2022

What a great week we had!

We have been revising on all our past numeracy and maths work.  It has been great to see that we remember most of the concepts we have learnt.

We have been learning to highlight key words and information while we read a text.  This helped us skim and scan for information much quicker as we try to answer questions about the text.  We wrote another story about Draco (the dragon) this time we have put in speech within our story.

We have also been learning to multiply 3 digit numbers by 1 digit.


Primary 4 Class 21.01.2022

What a fantastic week we’ve had!

We learnt to use apostrophes to shorten two into one, we got a visit from Draco the Dragon who asked us to write  a story about him and we asked questions about our novels.

For IDL, we used google maps  to locate our school and where we are in relation to the map of Scotland.  We also used ICT to find information about John Logie Baird.

For Numeracy, we revised on all the multiplication strategies we have learnt and played games based on this topic.  We learnt to do doubles and trebles as well.  We create patterns using everyday objects as well.

We hope you have a nice weekend everyone!

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