Mrs Lockhart’s Days

It’s great we are enjoying our non-fiction books again. We are looking forward to sharing what we learn from these books with our classmates.

Our outdoor P.E. is challenging us to come up with new games and activities. On Thursday we played a running elimination game and a version of Ladders. Lots of  fun and exercise!

Update from P4/3

It has been another busy week in P4/3. We have been working hard to improve our learning environment, here are some photos of our reading area and The Great Wall of Friendship.


In literacy, we have been learning to use a dictionary and have discussed why this is an important tool to use. Well done to Brendan and Skye who used the dictionary to help them spell tricky words.

As part of our Health and Well-Being lessons this week, we used the story ‘The Colour Monster’ to help us discuss the different emotions and feelings we may experience. Look out next week for pictures of our Health and Well-Being wall display.

Well done to the children who brought in appropriate footwear and clothing for outdoor learning with Mrs Dobbie.  Outdoor learning takes place every Friday morning.

Have a lovely weekend and I will post again next Friday.


A Busy Week in Primary 4

This has been another busy week in P4! In Numeracy we continue to focus on our addition skills, with a particular focus on our layout of chimney sums. The pupils have produced some lovely, neat work that they should be very proud of. I hope we will keep up this standard! We worked out answering some single digit, 2 digit, 3 digit and even 4 digit addition sums. We will extend this by looking at carrying within addition also. I can already see many children becoming more confident with their addition skills! We have also been working on our mental maths skills with some mixed questions – mainly focused around addition and subtraction.


In Literacy this week we have continued reading in our groups. We have had some discussion around the texts and we have tried some comprehension questions based on what we have read. We are using a variety of skills such as finishing the sentences, matching the sentence starter to its ending and then giving our own full answers to a question. We have been focusing on common words (Frys Words) for our spelling just now and will continue this for the next while to build up our spelling confidence and knowledge. In writing we have created an All About Me story to tell everyone about us and the things we like and enjoy doing. Have a look at some below:


In PE we have been doing some Team Races. We decided on the types of races we would like to do which ranged from the bunny hop race, to a walking race to a skipping race and more! The children had lots of fun taking part in these, although I think some of us need practise in going right to the finish line!!! We look forward to trying out some other races next week!




A Busy Week in P4/3!

It has been another busy week in P4/3 as the children continue to settle into their new class and the changes that have had to be made, due to current circumstances. Well done P4/3 for taking it all in your stride!!

We have practised developing our reading skills and are trying to use reading attack strategies to help us read with more confidence and fluency. We designed new front covers for our books and thanks to Georgia for suggesting to display them around our fireplace in the reading corner, they look amazing!!

In maths, we have revised our knowledge of time and money and discussed how we use these skills in our everyday lives.

All the children have completed a health and well-being questionnaire and next week, we will look at different emotions and feelings through emotional literacy, using a book called ‘The colour monster.’

Outdoor learning with Mrs Dobbie takes place on a Friday and can you please send your child to school with sensible clothing and appropriate footwear (wellington boots), many thanks with your help in this matter.

Looking forward to another fun week in P4/3, stay safe and I will post again next Friday.

Mrs Lockhart’s Days


This week we had a data challenge in Maths. I provided the information and the children chose how to present it e.g. tally chart, pictogram or bar chart.Then they answered the questions around the data.The results were of a very high standard as you can see from the sample below.
















We also used our P.4 writing jotters for the first time and we can all be very proud of our first page. At the moment we are focusing on descriptive texts and there were some splendid descriptions.

Primary 4 Getting Focused

This week Primary 4 have been busy getting back into the swing of things with our literacy and numeracy.

We have continued revisiting our addition skills in numeracy and have looked at how to use chimney sums. Some of us have used these before, some of us hadn’t. We will look at these over the next week or two.

We have started a new reading book in our groups. It was nice to be able to read together again. We will use these books to have some good discussion.

Primary 4 have continued our novel study this week by looking at all the possessions Joe has. We then had a think about what our priorities would be if we were a billionaire. It was interesting to hear everyone’s thoughts!

Below are some of our finished kites that we started last week detailing what we liked about P3, what we are looking forward to in P4, what we are good at and what we need to improve on/need help with.

We had a lot of fun this week listening to each others’ ‘True, Twisted and Totally Fake’ stories. Some of them were pretty tricky to guess which was which and these led on to some super discussions. The children were so enthusiastic and I think this is something we could definitely try again later in the year!

Welcome to P4/3

P4/3 have had a great first full week back at school after being away for so long!! Mrs Morrison is proud of all the children for their attitude in class as they adapt to the changes we have had to make, well done P4/3!!

This week we have been working hard as a team to make our new classroom look very special. Together, we have designed “The Great Wall of Friendship” and identified the different qualities needed to be a good friend. Some suggestions included “be supportive to your friend, sharing is caring, look after your friend if they are upset and friendship never ends” Picture to follow on the blog next week.

The children have enjoyed outdoor P.E. and have been learning about why it is important to exercise and keep fit. The class enjoyed a range of warm up activities and especially had fun playing the bean game! Weather permitting, outdoor P.E. will take place every Wednesday and Thursday.

Today, the class enjoyed their first outdoor learning session with Mrs Dobbie. Please remember to send your child to school with appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear.

Have a good weekend and I will post again next Friday.

Mrs Lockhart’s Days

I totally agree with Mrs Hillan,  P.4’s have settled in really well. I feel very lucky to be their ‘Thursday/Friday’ teacher.

On Thursday and Friday we have introduced a positive behaviour strategy that is enjoyed by all. We have a ‘secret person’ chosen from all our names in a box. Mrs Lockhart and Mrs Wood are the only ones to see the name and we watch to see if the chosen child is a model pupil. If they are, the class gets 3 marbles in the jar towards our class reward and we announce the secret person  who gets a big clap and cheer.

The children have responded really well to this challenge.

Emily said ” It’s really fun. We have to try to be good for a whole day and then we find out who it was.”

Ryley said “We do it every day and find out at the end”.

Derry said “It’s fun because it’s a mystery!”.

Allysa said “The special person – it’s a secret!”.

Our class novel (for Thursday and Friday) is Black Beauty. We have practised drawing horses and researching horse facts.



Welcome Back Primary 4!!!

Primary 4 are settling back in nicely and adapting well to the changes in school life just now. Last week we welcomed everyone back by having a check in to discuss some facts about ourselves and what we were looking forward to in P4. We also shared some stories of our Summer.

This week we have started our class novel which we are going to do a novel study on. We are using David Walliams’ story ‘Billionaire Boy’. So far we have read the first 2 chapters and looked at the main characters and what roles they may play in the story. We used the pictures and our imaginations to help with this. As we read, we may change our minds!!!

We have also used what we have read to draw what we imagine the main character to look like in more detail. In pairs we did a comparison between two of the main characters – Joe and his Dad. This gave us an opportunity to think of good vocabulary to show what was the same and what was different about them.

We have been working on information about ourselves to eventually create an ‘All About Me’ story. We shared information on the things we like and don’t like as well as favourite things and hobbies. Primary 4 began a listening and talking task where we had to think of a story that was true, one that was almost true with a little twist in it and one that was fake – I’m sure we will have fun next week trying to guess which is which for everyone!


Primary 4 have revisited our addition skills this week to get our brains warmed up and back into the swing of things. We have done this using number talks as well as some written tasks. We will build upon this over the next few weeks and revisit subtraction too!


We did a bit of art/health work to create kites to display in our classrooms – these tell others what we liked about P3, what we are looking forward to in P4, anything we are really good at and the things we feel that we need to improve on/need support with.


This week we also had a discussion about what we would like to include in our class charter to make our class the happiest and safest place for us to enjoy and learn in. Each of us drew our own images for each part of our charter, these will be displayed in our class. We hope to complete the rest to go on our wall next week.

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