This week in Primary 4

In Numeracy we have continued working on subtraction. We have used this in our Number Talks also. This is one of the sums we had to work out and say how we got our answers:



In writing this week we have looked at Persuasive Writing again and created a one-sided argument about why having a school garden is important. We began by coming up with good reasons for this before completing our pieces.

Children’s pieces:


We have taken part in daily activities to raise awareness of the Children in Need theme this week. We have discussed our goals for each day as well as what we are grateful for and any worries we may have. We have thought about how we can help ease our worries also. Here are some of our thoughts and some pictures:

It helped me discuss how I felt and why I felt that way – Alyssa

I feel happy after writing about all my worries – Erin R

It is good to let the teacher know what your worries are about – Kayleigh

I am grateful for having my family, pets and friends all around me – Maisy

Also as part of this we did Joe Wicks 5 minute workout every morning to start off our day. This was fun and got us energised for the day!!

Well done Primary 4 for working hard again this week!


Mrs Lockhart’s Days

In our Health & Well Being lesson this week we had to challenge our assumptions or as Ariah put it ” Not judge a book by its cover “.

It was really interesting work. We looked at pictures of different people and tried to guess their hobbies and interests from their appearance. Then we discussed our answers – often we were way off! We all realised how much we judge people on appearances and how misleading that can be.

It was a very engaging, thought provoking activity and we all learned a lot.

Have a go ………………

P4/3 Update

It has been another successful week in P4/3 as we continue to challenge ourselves in our learning.We have been learning new sounds this weeks and I can tell from the results of the dictation carried out this morning, that all children have made improvements. This is so nice for Mrs Morrison to see the children motivated and wanting to improve, well done P4/3!! A big thank to parents/carers for all your hard work in supporting your child’s learning. Here are a couple of spelling tasks that have been completed at home and in class:

In numeracy this week we have been learning about place value, which involves identifying the value of a number. Some children have found this concept tricky to grasp, so we will continue to explore this further next week.

Have a lovely weekend and I will check in with you next week.



Primary 4’s Week

In Numeracy we have started working on subtraction. We completed an assessment to see where we are all at so that Mrs Hillan knows where we need supported or challenged.

It was fun but a little bit tricky – Erin R

It was quite easy but some of the sums were quite hard – Alyssa

When there was a big number and a small number you had to count in between which took a bit of time – Derry

It was hard work! – Summer

In our assessment we could only use our whiteboards to help us – Chloe

It was tricky but we were allowed to use our whiteboards to work out sums – Ariah



For literacy this week we have continued working hard on our new spelling words and we have these home again to practise. We have our new homework out which requires us to pick two tasks from the grid to help us learn our spelling words. It is really important that we complete these each week.

In writing this week we have looked at Persuasive Writing again and created a one-sided argument. We used Fireworks as our theme this time. We assessed ourselves using our core target grids and our genre target grids for persuasive writing. We spoke about the pros and cons of fireworks to help us decide which side of the argument we wanted to write from. We will look at another persuasive piece next week. Here are some pieces from this week:




We continued our topic of The Egyptians this week. We finished creating our questions on what we would like to find out about the Egyptians, here are some of them:

Who was the King? – Maisy

Where do they sleep? – Jessica

How did they survive? – Ciaran

Where do they get soap? – Shay

What did the Egyptians do for fun? – Holly

Where did they get the sand from? – Lacey

How did they speak? – Joe

What food do they eat? – Gracie

How did they make pyramids? – Caelan

Where do they live? – Daniel

Halloween Fun

We had great Halloween fun on Friday. We were able to dress up in our favourite costumes and had a Halloween craft session as well. There was a great display of original thinking and some fantastic creations made.

The verdict Halloween craft time was amazing!

Happy Halloween from P4/3

There’s been some spooky goings on in P4/3 this week as we have had fun celebrating Halloween!! The children have been creative and designed their own Halloween characters using a range of materials. They will be sent home with your child today.

In Literacy, we have been learning about  Persuasive genre of writing. This involves writing  a one sided argument to try to persuade the reader.

The purple group had some persuasive ideas about  Halloween.
” I think Halloween is fun because  …..
I get to carve pumpkins. (Ashley)
you get to scare people. (Tadas)
you get to dress up in a costume.  (Lennon)
I like dressing as a black cat.  (Nathan)
I like to wear my buzz lightyear costume.  (Nathaniel)
you get to spend time with your family.”  (Elkie)

All the children made a good attempt at this and we look forward to developing our skills in the coming weeks.

Many thanks to all who have completed the homework tasks. It is lovely to see the children motivated and wanting to improve and challenge themselves. Well done P4/3, Mrs Morrison is proud of you all.

Have a lovely weekend, stay safe and I will check in next week.

Our Week in P4

In Number Talks we have been continuing to look at a two digit addition sum and the pupils have been asked to share how they would work it out and if they could find more than one way to answer it. One of the sums given was 64 + 34  and here were some of the ways of working it out:


For literacy this week we have continued working hard on our new spelling words and we have these home again to practise. We practised our spelling words by writing them in fancy lettering. There are some pictures below to look at. Next week our spelling will look a bit different and we will have some other activities to try at home.



In writing this week we have looked at Persuasive Writing and creating a one-sided argument. We used Halloween as our theme. We assessed ourselves using our core target grids and our genre target grids for persuasive writing. We talked through what each target meant then assessed ourselves after we had read over our work. We will look at another persuasive piece next week.



We were introduced to our new topic this week which is The Egyptians. We began by recording what we already know about them and then thought about what we would like to learn about them and how we will do this.

I am excited to learn about Hieroglyphics – Erin R

I am looking forward to learning about the history or Egypt and about their gods – Alyssa

I am excited to learn new things about Egyptians – Summer

I am excited to learn about the history of the Egyptians – Sophie G

I am looking forward to knowing new things about the Egyptians – Daniel

I am excited to learn what Egyptians do – Lewis

I am excited to learn how they got around – Shay

I am excited to learn about how they mummified people – Emily

I’m excited to learn about how they take their brains out of their noses!!! –  Maison


P4/3 Update

Last week was a short, but busy week in P4/3. We continue to develop our Literacy and Numeracy skills and try to incorporate strategies learned into all areas of the curriculum. The class liked to participate in outdoor P.E., especially using the trim track where they can develop their balancing and climbing skills. On Thursday, we had to cut short our use of the trim track due to the weather, however, this lead us to discuss the reasons why and how Health and Safety has to be at the forefront of any physical activity we take part in.

From Monday 26th October, spelling, reading and numeracy activities will be sent home for children to complete. These tasks will compliment what has been learned in class and include some written and practical activities. Could I ask that homework is returned to school every Friday. Many thanks for your help in this matter.

Mrs Lockhart’s Days

This week we worked hard in our reading fluency. We noted that we take a pause at a comma and at a full stop. This helps the reading make sense.  We spotted some people self-correcting when they read incorrectly and we realised that helps our understanding too.

Our P.E. outside continues to be great fun. There are lots of running games and our hearts certainly get a good work out.

Lewis  – I like the running best because I can run fast.

Shay – I enjoy P.E. outside because I can run really fast. It gives me so much exercise and makes my heart go really fast.

Ryley – It makes me feel better about myself because I am getting more fit and healthy.

We practised our note taking on Friday and then wrote a paragraph on a current piece of news. Mrs Lockhart thought there might be some journalists in the making!

Roman – We wrote notes about the news and then I chose to write about slavery.

Summer – It was really useful to take notes so we could remember all our good ideas.

Alyssa – I found it interesting and fun. The note taking was nice because it gave you a good plan and supported the actual piece of writing.

Happy holidays everyone.

Weekly Update from P4/3

Well we have made it to the end of term and what a fun, busy and hard working term we have had. All of the children have made progress in their learning and challenge themselves in everything they do, well done P4/3!!

As part of our learning about the BFG, we decided to use our creative skills and design dream catchers. We talked about the different job roles that use creative skills and some of the suggestions included ‘fashion designer.’ ‘artist,’ and ‘architect’. I think the children have done a great job, well done!!

This week in class our school value focus has been to ‘value’ each other and ourselves. I have to say Mrs Morrison felt valued by her class this week as all of the children made me ‘Best Teacher’ cards to celebrate National Teacher Day. Thank you P4/3 and Miss Taylor for helping to organise the surprise!!

Have a super holiday, stay safe and I look forward to seeing all of the children when they return.

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