Happy Monday Primary 1/2 11.5.20

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and you are bright and ready for another week of home learning. There will be new packs issued this week so don’t worry if you are running out of activity sheets.

Why not start the week off with a Fischy Music assembly. Below is the link for last week (week 7) if you follow the link it will take you to week 8.

I hope you enjoyed that, sometimes singing is a great way to lift your mood if you are feeling a little blue or sluggish.


Visit Oxford Owls ebooks to access the new book for this week.


The username and password  – deans12  mrsstevenson

With the help of an adult read the story ‘Leek Hotpot‘. Before you start, can you make a prediction as to what you think might happen in the story?  This story should help us revise the sound ‘ee‘, how many times can you spot it in the story?

You will need to use your ‘decoding‘ skills to tackle any tricky words you come across. To be successful at this remember to,

  • Look at the first sound
  • Chunk up the word -(is there a word within the word?)
  • Use the pictures for clues
  • Read around the word (miss it out, can you think of a word which might fit in and make sense?)

Once you have read the story you can have a go at both of the accompanying activities one and two, focusing on reading ee words and matching them with their rhyming partner and secondly listening for sounds within the words.

Good luck and remember you can choose an activity from the guided reading Home learning grid also.

Guided Reading homelearning grid

Have a go at this online game to help with reading and writing CVC words.

Visit Topmarks.co.uk – ‘slides’ – Here you have to choose the last letter to complete the CVC word.

I have added a new game on the Home Learning section of our Educationcity class area, it’s called ‘Snug as a Bug in a Tub’ – it focuses on using the middle ‘u’ sound to complete CVC words.. have a go, can’t wait to see your scores!


New sound /sh/ this is a green sound formed by using the flat middle section of your tongue! Have a look at your mouth in the mirror whilst you make this sound.  Think about what your tongue is doing. Is it a loud or quiet sound? shhhhhhhhhh… it’s a quiet sound and stretchy sound (like our snake).

Can you think of any words which contain the /sh/ sound? Write down as many as you can think of, even look around your house for inspiration.  Here is our trusty friend Geraldine to help us out if we are stuck thinking of some /sh/ words.

Here is a list of /sh/ words.

Ask an adult to read them out to you and have a go at writing them down.

Sh -e -d           sh -ee- p        sh- o- p       sh – i -p

f -i- sh             c -a- sh          d -i -sh        m -a -sh

If you don’t get them first time, keep practising, use the spelling grid in your home learning pack to give you some different practise ideas. For example, rainbow writing,  pavement chalk writing…there are an endless amount of ideas.  I’ve added a copy of the grid below for convenience.

Hands-on-spelling-fun-to-use-with-any-word-list-Childhood101 (1)

Finally have a go at writing your own silly sentence containing as many /sh/ words as you can think of! The sillier the better! If you can’t think of one, here is mine. Have an adult read it to you and you can copy it down. Don’t forget to listen carefully and sound out all the words and of course don’t forget the capital letter, full stop and finger spaces.

The sheep had a dish from the fish shop. 


Numeracy and Maths

Daily 10

Let’s continue with working on adding on ten. To warm up, here is a clip from Miss Swanson’s favourite you-tuber, Jack Hartmann. You can join in once you are feeling confident.

Here are your questions for today. I have added the 100 square below to help you out if you need it.

  1. 20        2. 67     3. 10    4. 25    5. 61       6. 90     7. 23     8. 50       9. 30      10. 74


Today I thought we could have a making a ‘money animal’. Ask an adult to lend you any loose change they have and you can fix them into the shape of your desired animal. I really like the giraffe.

This is a great activity for getting you used to handling different coins, thinking about their size, shape, colour and of course how much they are worth! If you fancy a challenge can you add up how much your animal is? I wonder who can make the most expensive animal and I wonder who can make the least expensive animal?

Please email any pictures of you coin animals, I’d love to see them.


I thought I would remind you all of this song from last term when we were talking about ‘Build up’s’, have you built anyone up lately? Have a think about what it means to build someone up and to tear someone down.  Try and give at least one build up to someone in you household today!

Have a great day boys and girls, enjoy all your tasks and I will see you tomorrow back here for some more home learning.

Don’t forget to visit Sum Dog and Education City for lots of games added into our class areas.

Mrs Stevenson



Good Morning P.1/2

I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for another day of learning! I thought we could try another way to start our day with this dance workout. Enjoy!

2D Shape                                      

Watch the clip to remind you about shapes and their sides.

2D Shape Edges Sort Activity Sheet

2D Shape Number of Sides Activity Sheet


Let’s continue our work on values.





Watch the story from the Bible of The Lost Sheep.

2020 Mrs L p.3 RME he-Lost-Sheep-Story-Powerpoint_ver_2

Now complete the poster worksheet below.

caring for all poster

It’s a special day today. On the 8th of May 75 years ago the Second World War ended. There were lots of celebrations then and today lots of people are remembering and celebrating too. You might want to make your own bunting (a kind of flag) to hang up.









Let’s finish with one of my favourite stories. Follow the link

Have a lovely week end. See you next Friday!

Deans Den – Thursday 7th May

Good Morning!! I hope you are all managing to keep fit and healthy. When we are at school, we enjoy  gym classes with Mrs Fleming and yoga time with Mrs Anderson. I have attached a programme from ‘Cosmic Kids’ yoga and  the theme is ‘Trolls’ I know some of you have watched the films and thought you may like to attempt some yoga moves, as well as acting out as trolls!!  Have fun!!


Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 7.5.20

Good Morning Everyone!

Good morning boys and girls, I hope you are all ready for Thursday’s home learning tasks. Don’t forget to keep working through the learning packs, there will be a new one ready for you soon.  Let’s jump right in with Thursday’s activities.


Visit  https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ to access our book for this week – ‘Top Dog’

Username deans12

Password mrsstevenson

Re- read the book with the help of an adult.

Remember all those things that a good reader does.

  • Follows the words with their finger
  • Uses the pictures for clues
  • Sounds out any tricky words

Yesterday I gave you some before reading questions, let’s try some after  reading questions today? Share your thoughts and ideas on these with an adult.

-Which dog did you like the best and why?

-How do you think Floppy was feeling throughout the story? Are there any picture clues to help you?

-How do you think Floppy felt at the end of the story and why? How can you tell?

-Biff, Chip and Kipper did a nice thing for Floppy to make him feel better, have you ever done anything to make someone feel better?

Choose an activity to complete from your home learning pack guided reading grid.  I have attached a copy below.

Guided Reading homelearning grid 

As a fun little game to finish off our reading today – I found this online to help you practise reading CVC words. Have a go, you can either write the words down or shout them out at your computer.


Yesterday we had an introduction to the sound ‘ng’.

Today we are going to have a go a writing this sound.

I would encourage you to have a go at joining the two letters together when you write them, there are a few practise sheets inside your home learning packs to guide you with the correct formation. Don’t forget to be successful when writing this join you need to  –

  • Have a sharp pencil
  • Rest your letters on the line, apart from g which has a tail!
  • Take your time and don’t lift your pencil until you have finished the join.

Another way to use ‘ng‘ is to add it to the end of a word with an ‘i‘ to make it ‘ing’

Can you have a go at listening carefully to these words

pack -ing         pick -ing     lock -ing

lick -ing            kick -ing    suck -ing

Have a go at writing these and drawing a picture to go with each one. Below is a little activity to help you practise this skill.

adding ing activity

I have added a game called ‘Sing a Song’ to our Home learning section of the Education city class area. Remember your passwords are glued to the inside cover of your purple jotters.

Numeracy and Maths

Daily 10

For today’s daily ten, I though we could continue with last weeks topic of ‘ten more’. This time I’m going to make it a little bit trickier.. Here goes, so if the number was 45, ten more would be 55… If you have access to a 100 square that would really help, alternatively here is one below. Ask an adult to help you with a practise run first.

Can you figure out the strategy to find ten more on the 100 square? (It’s easy just find the number and look below it, you can even count on ten to check!) Which number changes and which number stays the same? Share your ideas with an adult.

  1.  25            2.   19          3.   56           4.  67        5.   33           6.  81   7.  10       8. 73            9. 23           10. 22


How is everyone getting on with the money box challenge? Remember to send your pictures into the school office as  I would really love to see them.


Today I thought we could get some practise using real money. Hopefully the adults in your house will agree to help with this little challenge as it will benefit them too.

When we grow up we have to work hard to earn money for the things we need and want to buy for our families. I would like you to have a little go at seeing how much work goes into earning yourself some money. With an adult decide on a list of jobs which you can do to help out around the house. For Example, washing the dishes, making your bed, reading a story to a younger sibling… next agree with an adult how much you will get ‘paid’ to complete these activities, it can be as little or as much as your adult agrees to. I have included a chore chart template below, but it might be just as easy to make your own.

Chore Chart

Remember to keep working through the money worksheets in your Home learning packs.

I have also added another challenge on Sum Dog website this time focusing on 2D shape words. Have a go, well done to all of you who have logged on and given it a go, there were some pretty impressive scores, keep it up!


Below is a link for a guided drawing of a butterfly. There are lots of butterflies about at the moment especially if you are out walking in the woods. They are one of my favourite insects and it is great opportunity to practise our drawing skills and of course we need to use careful listening too. Remember to colour in your butterfly. Have FUN!

This made me think about one of my most favourite stories to read to my little boy, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Grab a glass of milk or water and lets pretend it’s story time in class.

Have a great day Boys and Girls, Mrs Lockhart will be sharing some activities for you to complete tomorrow. Have an amazing weekend, hopefully the sun will shine for us. Before I go, I just wanted to add that Miss Swanson wanted me to share with you that she is missing you all so so much, she says hello and is happy and healthy at home with her family. She cannot wait to see you all very very soon!

Mrs Stevenson

Good Morning P1/2 6.5.20

Happy Wednesday!

Welcome back boys and girls, I hope everyone had a lovely long weekend and you are feeling refreshed and ready for Wednesday’s home learning tasks. Don’t forget you can work your way through the home learning packs too and use the blog for any additional tasks you would like to complete.

Miss Stanway sent us teachers a little clip to share with you all. I know how many of you had wobbly teeth before school closed so I thought it would be fun to share ‘The Tooth fairy in Lockdown’, it made me giggle, I hope it does the same for you.



It’s a short week this week for learning but let’s focus on another new book from the oxford owls ebook selection.



Log in using  username : deans12

Password: mrsstevenson

Access the book  – ‘Top Dog’

Have a go at some before reading questions with an adult-

  1. Can you make a prediction about what is going to happen in the story?
  2. What do you think Top Dog means?
  3. Who do you think the main characters will be in the story?
  4. Where do you think the story takes place?

Now have a go at reading the story with an adult. Remember all the things a good reader does to be successful… can you share them with your adult.

  • Point to each word
  • Use the pictures for clues
  • If we are unsure of a word sound it out
  • Look for words we know

Once you have read the book have a go at both of the activities at the top of the page. They focus on matching the sentence to the picture and listening for the ‘o’ sound and sorting some words into two groups. Good Luck!



Last week we focused on the new sound ‘w’. Here is a clue for this weeks’ new sound.. can you guess what it is..

That’s right it’s ‘ng’ – it’s made up of 2 letters which make one sound coming from the back of your mouth.

In your pack you should see this sheet


What words can you think of which contain this sound? Here is a clip to help you.

Now, why not have a go at sounding out and writing some ng words and drawing some pictures to go with your words.

k – i –  ng              s – i – ng           s – o – ng            p – o – ng

b – a – ng              f – a – ng          l – o – ng            l – u – ng -s

Finally I would like you to have a go at writing a silly sentence with as many ‘ng’ words as possible. Don’t forget all the things a proper sentence needs.

  • Full stop at the end
  • Capital letter at the start
  • Finger spaces between the words
  • All the letters resting on the line.

Numeracy and Maths


I hope you liked last weeks’ coin toss game and it helped you begin to get to grips with all the different coins, their values and maybe even making some totals by adding their values. Let’s continue with the theme of money and jump onto Facebook and catch up with Natwest Monday Sense Monday (even though it’s Wednesday!) Monday’s (4th May) lesson was all about saving money, something which I should probably watch too!! You will need an adult with a Facebook account to help you access this lesson.

Keeping with the theme of saving money I  thought I would set you all a little challenge to design your own money box using recycled materials. There are loads of ideas out there especially on Pinterest. Here are a few that I liked, they may just give you some inspiration.


I would love to see some of your money boxes, so if possible have an adult take a picture and email it into the school office.


I really do look forward to receiving pictures of your fantastic work at home, it makes my day!

Health and Well being

Last week we looked at crossing the road safely and thought about the key messages of STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. Today we are going to expand on them a bit further.

The 6 steps of the green Cross Code.

With the help of an adult explore the website

Green cross code

Can you list the 6 key steps and explain them to an adult.

Learning Zone

Visit the early section of the road safety Scotland and navigate to ‘green cross code pics‘ game to match the key words to the pictures. Feel free to explore the rest of the website, there are some great games to play to help you learn more about keeping safe on the road.


Have a great rest of the day and I hope you have enjoyed today’s learning tasks. I shall be back tomorrow with more!

Mrs Stevenson



Deans Den- Wednesday 6th May

Good Morning!! I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying the beautiful weather. Mrs Morrison always feels happy when the sun shines!! I hope you are working through the Deans Den booklet, have you made any of the Spring crafts?? Please send photos of your efforts to the school e-mail and I will access them from there.

Today, we are going to focus on developing our listening skills. Do you remember our whole body listening song? Here is a copy of the words, try singing the song to a grown up:

Eyes are watching,

Ears are listening

Lips are closed

Feet are quiet

Hands are still.

I have attached a copy of some listening games. Ask an adult to join in with you, enjoy!!



Deans Den- Friday 1st May

Happy Friday!! I am missing our group time together, especially when you all take your turns as Lead Learners and read some of our favourite stories. The Gruffalo is definitely one of the best books by Julia Donaldson and we can all recall the story with confidence. I have attached a copy of a recipe to make a Gruffalo cake and also a link to help you make Gruffalo paw cakes. Happy baking and please send a photo of your attempts to the school e-mail for me to look at.

We are going to make and bake a Gruffalo Cake ind

No Bake Cookies – Gruffalo Paws

Have a lovely, safe weekend everyone!!

P.1/2 Friday 1.5.20

Good Morning P.1/2

I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for another day of learning! I thought we could try another way to start our day with this dance workout. Enjoy!

2D shape

Now to continue our shape work. Look at the powerpoint.


You will remember most of these shapes but I think there might be a few new ones.

Look out for the pentagon (5 sided shape), octagon (8 sided shape), hexagon (6 sided shape) and quadrilateral (any 4 sided shape).

Now complete page 1 , 2 and  3 only of the following worksheets. It’s a sorting task and you will need to cut out and glue.



Let’s continue our work on values.

Watch the Bible story The Prodigal Son

The father forgave his son for leaving the family.

Can you make a poster encouraging people to forgive?

Forgiveness poster

Story time

Here is a lovely story to finish up with, one of my favourites.

Have a lovely long week- end.

Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 30.4.20

Happy Thursday Everybody!


Good morning Everyone! It’s Thursday and nearly the start of a holiday weekend, don’t forget that Monday and Tuesday are holidays for you all.  Here are some additional home learning ideas for you all today, remember you can use the Home learning packs too!


Access this weeks’ book (mix, mix, mix)and  re-read with an adult.


Username dean12

Password mrsstevenson

Choose an activity from your guided reading grid (found in home learning pack 2) to use with the the Oxford Owls ebook  ‘Mix, Mix, Mix’, which we have been focusing on this week.

Are there any words which you are finding tricky? Why not play the ‘roll, read and find’ game with an adult. There is a copy of the game in pack 1 but I will attach a copy below just in case.

roll read and find sheet

Phonics/Art and Design

So this week we have been exploring the letter w, with word hunts, handwriting practise and spelling activities. Today I would like us to do something a little more creative. Firstly, think about the letter w and all the things which start with that letter. How many can you think of? Can you make a list of them all?

Choose one to word to create a picture of or even a model of (if you are feeling ambitious!) Here are some ideas below for inspiration.


I would love to see any pictures you make so please, if you can email them into the school office, they really make my day!


I have added another game to our Home learning section of educationcity, it’s called ‘Wishing Well’.. you have to identify all the words beginning with w, easy peasy! Good luck.

Numeracy and Maths

I thought I would pop this youtube clip up for you to practise counting forwards and backwards to 100. Remember it’s Mrs Swanson’s favourite!!

Daily 10.

For today’s daily 10 I thought we could say ten more. For example if the question was 30, ten more is 40. Have a go, we have done lots of counting in tens in class so with a bit of practise writing the tens number we should get the hang of it.

1. 20                   2. 70               3. 10          4. 0              5. 60              6. 30                   7. 80               8. 40          9. 50           10. 90


Today I thought I might share a fun game to play at home to help you learn a little more about money. Hopefully some of you have set up your own little shop to play in and of course there are  a number of worksheets in the home learning pack too.

For this game you will need:

  • A pile of loose coins of different values
  • A hoop/box or something to throw the coins into

This game is called Coin Toss and there are lots of learning opportunities to teach you all about money and coins in particular.

  • Sit back and throw coins into the hoop, as you throw them in shout out the name of the coin ‘ in goes 5p’ etc..
  • You can sort all the coins that made it into the hoop – by value/colour shape etc
  • You can talk about the size and colour of the coins and what makes them different
  • You could work with an adult to add up all the coins that made it into the hoop
  • Once you have calculated the total you could chat about what you could afford to buy with that amount

You could even go one step further and talk about things we need like food, water clothes versus things we want like sweeties and toys and how we need money to buy all of these things.

Yoga Time

During this time at home it’s important we take time to relax and do the things we enjoy doing. I know that any time we have used ‘cosmic yoga’ in the classroom we have all thoroughly enjoyed it. I have left a link below…namaste!

I hope you all have a lovely holiday weekend and I will be back here on Wednesday to share more learning ideas. Mrs Lockhart will be posting here for you tomorrow. Enjoy the well earned break.

Mrs Stevenson

Deans Den go on a Shape Hunt!!

Morning all and happy Thursday!! I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying the learning tasks set by all of your teachers. For our maths activity today, I would like you to learn about 2d shapes. Do you already know any names of shapes? If so, tell a grown up. Shapes can be found around your home, in the garden and in your local area. Why not ask a grown up to take you on a daily walk and try to spot as many different shapes as you can?? I have attached a sheet which you could copy to record the different objects you discover. I have also added a  song which may help you with the names of the different 2d shapes. Have fun!!

Shape hunt activity sheet


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