Deans Den- Friday 22nd May

Good morning and Happy Friday to you all!! As it’s the last day of the school week, I thought we would enjoy some cooking. During our group time we talked about People who Help us and what jobs  you would like to do when you are older. Some of you wanted to become Fire Officers and in today’s episode of Big Cook, Little Cook, the chefs are making Nee- Naw Sirens for Frank, the Firefighter. Yum, Yum!!

Have a lovely weekend!!

Primary 1/2 21.5.20

Good Morning Everyone!

Welcome back to the blog and I hope you enjoyed all the ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ activities.  Remember to keep working through your packs of home learning and using any of these activities to supplement your learning.


This week we have been reading ‘The Toys Party’ through oxford owls ebooks. You can access the story through this website –

Our user name is   deans12 and the password is mrsstevenson

With the help of an adult access the story and have another read through focusing on any words you found challenging previously.

You can either choose one of the activities from the guided reading grid or you can complete the activity below.

Jumbled sentences

Read the sentences below, they are all jumbled up. Can you put them back into the correct order so that the sentence makes sense? Remember the capital letter will go at the start and the full stop at the end.

  1. wanted Kipper party. a
  2. toys. got He his
  3. put cornflakes. He in
  4. baked beans. in put He
  5. cross. was Mum 

I’ve included a link to a fun game  ‘Viking Full Circle‘ to help you practise reading and spelling CVC words. You can choose any phase you feel comfortable with.


Below is a game to help you revise the new sound /ch/  (the link is for ch despite it being labelled as /sh/ ). Remember the ch sound will go either at the start or the end of the word.

Digraph /sh/, Phonics game to practice the consonant digraph /sh/

I spy with my little eye……. 

How many ch words can you find in the picture below? Write down as many as you can, listen really carefully to each sound in the word to help you with your spelling.

/ch/ handwriting

Today let’s have a go at trying to write the /ch/ sound using a join between the c and the h. Below is a little example for you to have a look at to help you practise.

This is how the join should look. Don’t forget to..

  • Use a sharp pencil
  • Rest your letters on the line
  • Make sure your letters are the right size
  • Don’t lift your pencil off until you are finished

Don’t forget to self assess your work with ‘Green for Growth‘ and ‘Tickled Pink’.

Finally, I have added a game onto our home learning section of Educationcity called ‘Cheeping chicks‘ – have a go… can’t wait to see all your scores! Good Luck!


Daily Ten

Focus on ten less again. Below is the 100 square to help you.

  1. 60    2.  75      3.  40     4.  100    5. 21    6. 90    7. 49   8. 20   9.  50    10. 80

Number talks

I thought I would give you a number talk challenge like we do in class. All you have to do is say/write how you ‘see’ the dots. There is an example for you to follow if you feel unsure. Remember there are lots of different ways to see the dots. Remember to use the + and = in the correct place and check your totals.

Health and Well being/Art and Design

We have been focusing on what makes a good friend, and to have good friends we’ve got to be a good friend. Today I want you to think of the most important quality to you in a friend. Maybe it is being kind, thoughtful or funny. I thought we could make a friendship flower picture. Ask an adult to help you make the word you choose using sticky tape (you will have to double it up to make it sticky on both sides). Below are some examples… I think this would be a great activity to get you outdoors and searching for different pretty and colourful flowers/grasses and then create a beautiful picture.

I would love to see anything you create so don’t forget you can send pictures onto me at the school email address.

Story Time

I’m enjoying finding stories online for us to share. Today I thought we could watch and listen to ‘The Very Quiet Cricket’ by Eric Carle so grab some milk or your water bottle and enjoy!

If you listen carefully when you are next outside on your walk you might even hear some crickets, chirruping in the grass. What other sounds can you hear? What sense are you using?

You could even have a go at drawing your own is a tutorial below to guide you.

Good luck with all your home learning activities today. Mrs Lockhart will be taking over the blog tomorrow and I will see you back here on Monday for another week of learning. Have a great weekend!

Mrs Stevenson

Deans Den- Thursday 21st May



Good morning!! Hope you are all safe and well. Did you take part in any of the activities set by Mrs Stewart for Well-being Wednesday? Mrs Morrison went for a long walk and was very tired afterwards!! I have attached some of the different ways to keep fit outside. Have a look and maybe ask a grown up to join in too!!

outdoor activities


Happy Tuesday Primary 1/2 19.5.20

Good Morning Everybody!

Good morning boys and girls, I hope you enjoyed the lovely long weekend and you were able to relax and play outside. I hope you are ready for this week’s home learning tasks. You should now have access to another home learning pack so can work through the worksheets and I will keep posting additional activities to go alongside the work in the pack.  Let’s get started.


Using the website –

Username    deans12     password     mrsstevenson

Choose the book – ‘The Toy’s Party

Can you make a prediction about what you think might happen in the story? Use the front cover and title as a clue, you could even have a sneak at the blurb on the back.

Read the book carefully with the help of an adult.

What did you like/dislike about the story? Would you change anything about the story if you were the author? Have you ever made a mess like Kipper and got into trouble?

Have a go at the 2 play activities included with the book. These focus on answering some questions about the story and putting the events of the story into the correct order. Good luck and have fun! Don’t forget if you want an extra challenge, choose an activity from your guided reading home learning grid.

Finally, have a go at ‘Whack a Mole‘ – you have to read both the words and decide which word is a real word and which word is a nonsense word.

Phonics – /ch/

Last week we focused on the new sound /sh/. This week let’s learn all about /ch/. Here’s Geraldine to help introduce the sound.

How many other words can you think of which contain this sound? Can you find any items in your house which have this sound?

Let’s have a good at sounding out and spelling some /ch/ words. Have an adult read these words to you, can you listen to each of the sounds used to make the word and write them down.  Sometimes ch might be the first sound or the last sound, don’t get tricked out. You can draw a picture to go with each word.

ch – o – p                  ch – i – p               ch – i – n

ch – i – ck                 ch -e – ss             ch – e – st

Finally, can you think of a silly sentence which contains as many ch words as possible? Have a go at writing it down.

You can have a go at writing my example if you can’t think of your own one, have an adult read it out and you can copy it down.

The chick eats the chips and the cheese from the chip shop. 

Good Luck!

Numeracy and Maths

Daily Ten

We have been focusing on finding ten more using a 100 square. Now let’s try our hand at finding ten less. You can use a 100 square for support or maybe you can challenge yourself to have a go without. So remember when we say less we are taking away and the number will get smaller.

Are there any tricks to finding ten less? You can count backwards ten places, what do you notice about the number? Which number changed and which number stayed the same? Now have a go for yourself. Let’s use 10’s numbers today to help us get the hang of it.

  1. 60       2.    90      3.   70      4.   100     5.  10        6. 20      7. 80    8. 30     9. 50    10. 40


Below I have added a link to a subitising activity. Just like in our number talks, can you say how many dots you can see without counting. Have an adult pause the clip at each dot pattern. You can copy the pattern down and can you make up a calculation to say how you see the pattern? Remember there are lots of different ways to do this!


Health and Wellbeing – Relationships 

Last we we explored the relationships we have within our own families, this week I would like us to look at our friendships. Below is a link to one of our favourite Fischy music songs ‘Snorty Bull’ – have a little sing along, can you teach somebody the actions that we learned in class?

To have good friends, we need to be good friends, What do you do to be a good friend? Can you think of something you have done lately?

Have a watch of this short clip from Toy Story 3. Think about how is shows ‘friendship’ and share some of the things you notice with an adult. What makes Andy and Woody such good friends?

Think about what makes you a good friend. Complete the sentence, I am a good friend because……  and draw a picture of you and your friends.

One last task to get your creative juices flowing. Mrs Anderson has asked for your help. She is working on a project about teaching yoga in schools, she needs to come up with a fun logo and slogan. That’s where you come in. I have attached below the format she would like you to use, there is also a little bit more information about a prize for the best entries!! So get thinking!

Mrs Anderson needs your help

Good luck with all your home learning tasks today.  I will be back on the blog on Thursday with some more home learning activities. Enjoy all of your Well being Wednesday activities!

Mrs Stevenson

Deans Den- Tuesday 19th May

Happy Tuesday, hope you are all safe and well !! As we continue to spend more time at home, I thought we would look at different ways we can show acts of kindness. Can you think how people feel when you do something nice for them? Talk through your ideas with a grown up and then have a look at the different pictures I have attached and decide which pictures are displaying acts of kindness. Have fun!!



Friday 15.5.20

Good Morning P.1/2

I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for another day of learning.

Just a wee reminder from Mrs Stewart can you please send your completed Wellbeing Slogan using twitter or email.

I thought we could try another way to start our day and learn some new dance moves. Enjoy!

2D shape

Now to continue our shape work. Look at the the 2D powerpoint.

2D only-1-properties-of-shape-warmup-powerpoint_ver_2

Notice the number of sides and corners or vertices in particular.

Now complete the worksheet. You will need scissors and a glue stick for this activity.

2D Shape Properties Activity Sheet


We are going to revisit a Christian ceremony that we have talked about before. Do you remember a Christening when a baby is welcomed into the church? Look at the youtube link and see Jack the puppet visit a church again.

Now complete the Christening (or Baptism as it is sometimes called) worksheet. Put the words from the wordbank in the correct place. Use the first sound as a clue if the word is tricky to read.


Story time

Here is a lovely story to finish up with. It is based on a very famous play by a man called William Shakespeare.

Have a lovely week end.

Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 14.5.20

Good Morning Everyone!

Good Morning boys and girls, I hope you are all ready for Thursday’s home learning tasks. Did you enjoy the tasks for Wellbeing Wednesday? Mrs Stewart would like to remind you to either send your entries for the motivational slogan to either the school email address or else you can simple tweet it @deansPrimary  with the #DreamBigAtDeans – I can’t wait to see all your fantastic efforts!!


Let’s start with a reading activity for this week’s book – ‘Leek Hotpot’ – you can access this book through oxford owls ebooks, username deans12  password mrsstevenson

Re- read the book with the help of an adult. You can choose to either, select an activity from your guided reading grid or choose the activity below…

Complete the sentences so they make sense, you can use the story book to help you. Remember to read the sentence after to check it makes sense.

  1. __________ and ___________ had a cookbook.
  2. We ________ cook a ___________ hotpot.
  3. They ________ lots of ___________.
  4. _______need a ________ pot.
  5.  Then ______ put the ________ on ______ hob.

Finally, have a go at the game ‘Machine’ on – it will help you sounding out and identifying CVC words.


Mrs Anderson has very kindly provided some writing tasks for you to complete, there are copies in your home learning pack, alternatively here is today’s task below.

Write 2 or 3 sentences about what you are most looking forward to when you come back to school.

Learning IntentionWe are learning to write sentences that tell the reader information.

Success Criteria –

  •  I can write facts about what I have been doing at home.
  • I can use capital letters.
  • I can use finger spaces in between words.
  • I can use full stops at the end of my sentence.
  • I can draw a picture to go with my sentences

Numeracy and Maths

Daily Ten

For your daily ten today, let’s finish off practising adding on ten more before moving onto ten less.

Here’s the 100 square as a support tool.

  1. 25     2. 60      3. 57      4. 20      5. 11     6. 80       7. 90     8. 21      9. 53  10. 30

Ten Frame subitising 

We’ve not done this in a little while, so brush up on your subitising skills to shout out or write down how many dots are in the ten frame (without counting, if you can!). You have 3 seconds per ten frame.


I have added a number of online games for you to try on Educationcity, you will find them in the Home learning section of our class area. They are….

  • Recognising coins
  • Splash out
  • Shelling out

Looking forward to seeing all of the work (pictures) from your money challenges.  They really do make my day. Please ask an adult to email them into the school office.

Make sure to finish off all the money worksheets in your last home learning pack.

Ever heard the phrase ‘ Money doesn’t grow on trees’ ? …I certainly heard that a lot from my parents when I was little!!

Why not have a go at designing your own money tree. All you need is a selection of real coins, a piece of paper and some crayons or coloured pencils. Draw the blank tree outline (or have an adult help you..) and choose a selection of coins to make the leaves. Pop the coins under the paper in the place you would like the leaf to be and rub! Ta..da.. A money tree.. Here is a picture to give you some inspiration.

Don’t forget to look carefully at the coins as you are rubbing them, think about how much they are worth, their size and colour, their shape and finally you could even add up how much your money tree is worth when you are finished.. What could you buy? Is it enough for that new toy you have your eye on? Have a look online, what can you afford to buy if your money tree was real?


Story time

I have been enjoying reading some stories to Noah by the author Eric Carle, last week we all listened to the Hungry Caterpillar. This week I thought I would share with you another favourite, the story of ‘The Very Busy Spider’. So grab some milk or your water bottle and let’s pretend it’s story time in class!

I don’t know about you, but I used to be quite scared of spiders. I’ve come to realise that they are not scary at all, in fact they are extremely useful little creatures. You will see lots of webs around your garden just now. They are fascinating and must take a spider so long to build! Amazing!! Why don’t you go on a spider web hunt and see how many you can find. You could even have a go at drawing your own complicated spider’s web or finding out why spiders are so useful.

I’ve added a link below to guide you how to draw your own spider. Have fun!

Parents/Carers – Below is a link to the School Meals annual survey, it would be very much appreciated if you haven’t already filled it out to do so.  Many Thanks!


That’s it for today boys and girls, I hope you have enjoyed all of your home learning tasks. Mrs Lockhart will be adding some tasks on here tomorrow for you to complete! Have a great weekend and hopefully the sun will shine. See you Tuesday on the blog (don’t forget Monday is a Holiday!)

Mrs Stevenson


Deans Den- Thursday 14th May

Good morning all and I hope you are ready for another day of learning. I hope you managed to join in with Mrs Stewart’s Wednesday challenge, was it fun??!! Today, we are going to continue to learn about 2d shapes and their properties. Have a listen to the song and then try a design or draw a model using different 2d shapes. Have fun!!


Good Morning Primary 1/2 12.5.20

Good Morning Everyone!


Good morning boys and girls, Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is safe and well and ready for today’s home learning tasks. Let’s jump right in….

Have you all been working out with Joe Wicks in the morning? Here is a link to join in if you wish to get your body moving first. Here is the link to yesterday’s workout, you can follow the link to tune in and go live at 9 am.


Yesterday I introduced you to the book ‘Leek Hotpot’ on oxford Owls ebooks. Log in again and have another read with an adult.

Jumbled up sentences

Here are some jumbled sentences from the story. Can you put them back into the correct order so that the sentences make sense? Remember the capital letter will go first and the full stop at the end. Read over your sentence when you have finished to check you have got it right. You can use the ebook to help you.

  1. leeks. They a of lot had 
  2. chicken pot. Dad in put the the 
  3. Mum been had shop. the to
  4. lid Dad hot the off pot. took the

Finally, I found a fun game online to help you with reading and spelling of tricky words. Check out ‘Spooky Spelling’, how many can you get correct? Don’t forget to keep practising all the sounds and words already in your word tubs/ on your word wall from the last home learning pack.

Phonics – /sh/ 

How many /sh/ words can you find in the picture below? Find the different picture and have a go at sounding out the word and writing them down. Is the /sh/ sound at the start of the word or the end?

Handwriting the /sh/ join

Let’s have a go at writing the sound by joining both the letters together. Do you remember all the success criteria’s relating to handwriting? Can you share them with an adult, what do we have to do to be successful?

  • Use a sharp pencil
  • Rest your letters on the line
  • Make sure the letters are the right size
  • Don’t lift your pencil off until you have finished
  • Take your time and keep trying

You could even self assess your work when you have finished, green for growth and tickled pink. 

I have added the game ‘Ship Shape‘ into the Home learning section of our educationcity class area. Good luck, I look forward to seeing all your super scores!

Numeracy and Maths

Daily Ten

Here are your daily ten questions for today. Remember we are focusing on adding on ten to say ten more. Do you remember the trick? It’s really easy, especially if you have a 100 square to help you.

  1. 53        2. 71       3. 60      4. 55     5. 10      6. 90     7. 33     8. 28     9. 14        10. 66

Good luck.


As we are reaching the end of our introduction to money topic, I have found this fun video online to recap some of the coins to 10p. I am looking forward to hearing how everyone has got on with all the little money challenges I have set for you over the last few weeks. You can email any pictures or work to our school email address.

Health and Wellbeing

We are going to be exploring our relationships. starting off with our own families. Everyone’s family is different and there are lots of different types of family. Today I would like you to think about your own family. Here are some key questions to consider.

Who is in my family?

What do each of these people mean to me?

Think of one special thing about each of the member/s of your family?  -(what do they do for you that makes them special, makes you appreciate them?)

Use the template (or make your own) to draw all the people in your family. Remember, families come in all different shapes and sizes, people who are in your family might not live in the same house as you and that’s ok!

My Family

Can you complete the sentence.

My family is special because……


Good luck with all of today’s tasks, I hope you enjoy them. I will be back on Thursday with lots of different learning ideas, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Wallace will be posting some ‘Wellbeing Wednesday‘ tasks for you.

Mrs Stevenson


Deans Den- Tuesday 12th May

Good Morning!! I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying spending time with your family. Today, we are going to learn about what qualities make  a good friend? During group time, we talk a lot about being kind to one another, how ‘sharing is caring’ and how our actions might affect other people. I have attached an activity which shows children displaying friendly and unfriendly actions. Talk through the pictures with your grown up and then you could draw pictures of the different ways we can be kind to one another.


I have added a clip of one of our favourite songs, ‘Who wants a friend like Snorty Bull’ Sing- a long at home!!


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