Primary 1B Learning Highlights

This week in Primary 1B we have been focusing on the fact that it is now officially Autumn, our favourite season. We have discussed all the different and exciting events which happen during Autumn such as, Halloween and Bonfire Night. These are the things we are most excited about……

Finlay – seeing all the branches on the trees.

Arianna – maybe seeing some snow!

Saatvik – Seeing the colourful leaves.

Leighton – seeing the branches on the trees as the leaves fall.

Alfie – carving a pumpkin at Halloween.

As part of our learning we read the story of Leaf Man.

This is a beautifully illustrated story book about the adventures of a ‘Leaf Man’ and where the wind takes him. We had great fun identifying all the different animals in the story and were amazed at how they were all made out of different types of leaves. Once we had finished the story we had a go at creating our own Leaf Man, using some of the leaves we had collected on our Autumn walk.  Here are some of our creations.

We had lots of left over leaves so we practised our fine motor scissor skills by cutting the leaves up and gluing them onto a leaf template to create a colourful Autumn leaf collage.

As one of our writing tasks we have been drawing, describing and labelling Autumn trees. We discussed all the possible details which we could include, such as, Autumn animals which live in trees! We were able to share some amazing ideas. We also all had a go at writing the title on our work and some of us even tried to add some of our own labels onto our pictures. Check out some of our fabulous efforts.

We have also been busy this week working on learning all about our new sound ‘p’. This is soft, short and bouncy sound made with our lips, it is much quieter than the red lip sound ‘m’ that is why it is pink. We have been fantastic at recognising words which begin with the p sound and practising how to form this letter correctly. We made some Popcorn p’s to help us remember the shape of the letter.

It’s been a busy but fun week yet again. We have worked our socks off this week and we are looking forward to next week already! Have an amazing weekend everybody.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

It’s been another busy week in Primary 1B.

This week we have had a focus on the mathematical concept of ‘pattern’. We have been exploring patterns in our environment and noticed that if we look carefully patterns are everywhere! In particular, we have explored some simple repeating patterns, using colours and shape. Here are some of the activities we have been completing in class to help further our learning.


We have been practising simple repeating patterns and after reading the story of the Hungry Caterpillar we decided to make our own pattern caterpillars.


We have enjoyed using the game Complete the Pattern on the Smart Board. This is the link to the game in case you want to have a practise at home

As we quickly approach the new season of Autumn, a lot of our learning opportunities have came from the children bringing in objects of interest, more specifically leaves! We love it when something sparks our interest and have had lots of opportunities to explore how the seasons change and what we notice. We have been investigating our 5 senses and what they are. We are now able to name each of the senses and in class we have been relating them to Autumn. We drew pictures and labelled them with things we can…. feel, taste, see, smell and hear during the Autumn months of September, October and November.



We have also been learning all about the sound ssssssss.

We created a ‘Spotty Snake’ to help us remember the shape of the letter. We had lots of fun with this activity and the end results look fabulous. We practised writing the sound, S is blue letter sound because we use the tips of our tongue to make the sound. It is a long, soft and stretchy sound. We have been practising lots of different ways of forming the letter correctly. It is a tricky one to get around the right way!






What a busy and quick week it has been. Just a reminder that Monday and Tuesday next week will be a (well deserved) holiday for everyone and we will welcome the children back to school on Wednesday.

I have been hearing lots of stories how the boys and girls have already started to get to work on their spelling challenge. This is fantastic to hear and I look forward to hearing all about the inventive methods everyone has developed to help them learn the new words! I may even ‘borrow’ some ideas to use in class!

Have a lovely long weekend,

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

This week we have been getting to grips with using Numicon to help us when learning all about number. Each Numicon represents a number from one to ten and can give us a picture of what a number can look like and can help us begin to see relationships between numbers, each piece has one more hole than the previous. Below are some examples to show you what they look like!

We have been exploring the shape of the Numicon and matching the number of holes in the Numicon to the number it represents. We have found that there are lots of different ways we can use Numicon in our class to help us with our learning. Below are some pictures which explain how this fantastic resource has been helping us this week to make sense of all things number……

Matching the Numicon to the numeral. Mrs Stevenson wrote numbers on our desks and we had to match the Numicon to the numeral.


Numicon shape pictures. We need to manipulate the Numicon to make it fit the picture to complete the shape.

Numicon can help us to develop our fine motor skills too. Whilst we are getting reading to be fantastic writers in primary One we have been working hard on developing our finger muscles so they are ready to write. We had to use the tweezers to place the pom poms into the holes in the Numicon. This was tricky but it also helped us see the number of holes and help us with counting too.

We also made our own Numicon city. We had to match the Numicon to the shape of the sky scraper, we were able to count up to some pretty big numbers!


Our school value this week has been centred around RESPECT. On Monday we had a discussion about what respect means to us, what it looks like and what it sounds like. We have been earning raffle tickets and pegs all week for always showing respect to others. This means, being a good listener, following instructions, taking turns and of course always using kind actions.

Being and feeling Safe and happy.

In our health and well being focus this week we have discussed where we feel safe, happy and belong. Here are some of our thoughts.

Reuben – “I feel safe and happy when I am in school with all my friends and at home with my family.”

Kaleb – “I feel safe and happy when I am with my dad watching the rugby.”

Mikah -” I feel safe and happy when I am at home watching the television.”

Saatvik -” I feel safe and happy when I am in my garden with my flowers. ”

We drew some pictures to illustrate our ideas and shared what our pictures meant with Mrs Stevenson. We are becoming very confident at discussing our learning and adding lots of important details into our pictures.  Here are some pictures of our work.



We hope you enjoyed just a little snapshot of some of our learning from this week.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary1B




A mmmmmmmmmarvellous week in Primary 1B

What an extremely busy and quick week it has been down in Primary 1B. There have been lots of wonderful and exciting learning experiences happening in our classroom and we would like to share some of our highlights with you.

We have been continuing to focus on getting to grips with our school values, this week’s focus has been on the value Nurture. We have been talking about how we can nurture each other with kindness and encourage each other.

In phonics this week we have been learning about the mmmmmmmmm sound – that’s right the letter Mm. We know that it is a red sound because we make it using our lips. We also know that it is a looooooooong stretchy sound. We have been excellent at listening out for the sound at the beginning of words and can list lots and lots of different words beginning with m.

Here are some pictures of the different types of activities we do in class to help us learn.


In numeracy we have been learning about the number 3 and 4. We have learned some number rhymes to help us remember how to form the letter correctly. Below is the one to help us remember number 4! We have been investigating all the different ways of making and representing these numbers.

One of the games we have really been enjoying is using the online dice roll, where we can roll the dice and shout out the number which is shows! This is great for getting us used to identifying regular dot patterns, we’re such experts now that we don’t even need to count the dots!! Here is the link in case anyone wants to have a go at home.

We have also been working very hard on improving our fine motor skills through adding lots of important little details into our drawings. One of the activities we have enjoyed this week is making play doh faces to help us remember all the different facial features we all have. Here are some pictures of our creations.


We hope you have enjoyed our little snapshot of our week.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B.






Primary 1B Weekly Update

It has been another busy and fun week in Primary 1B, we have lots of exciting learning to share with you all.

We have been reading lots of different stories this week. One of our favourites has been, ‘While We Can’t Hug’ by Eoin McLaughlin.

We have been trying really hard to think of all the different ways we can show we care instead of giving someone a hug and this book has really helped us to come up with new and imaginative ways to say hello or else help a friend out if they are feeling a bit glum. One of our school values which we have been learning about is SAFE. Of course, we know just now that to keep each other safe we have to find different ways instead of touching each other to show we care. Little Hedgehog and Tortoise are taught by Owl that blowing a kiss, making a silly face or doing a silly dance are all ways we can communicate without touching. We have been trying very hard to remember this down in Primary 1B and practise them everyday.  Miss Taylor even taught us about a ‘Jiggie Hug’ on Wednesday and we have been giving Jiggie hugs to our friends and teachers.

Another amazing story we shared was ‘The Invisible String’ by Patrice Karst.

This has been the most valuable book for helping us to feel Nurtured and Included, another two of our school values. It has helped us to feel connected to our loved ones  even when we are not with them. We loved the message of the story so much that we made our own invisible string necklaces alongside a little poem to send home to our grown ups. Hopefully you will have all received a necklace and can wear it with love.


We had lots of fun working on our fine motor skills, threading the pasta to make the necklace and then painting it with nice  and bright colours. We hope you love them.

During our story time we have been really good at remembering our amazing listening skills.  Luckily we have a helper to remind us…….

That’s right, it’s Mr Potato Head. He reminds us to have  –

  • Listening ears
  • Looking Eyes
  • Quiet lips, hands and feet

We have also been working on sharing our likes and dislikes about each story we read, alongside talking about the author, illustrator and the blurb. We are getting really good at sharing our opinions and listening to others.

We have been working hard on recognising and writing new numbers and have become something of Number Experts! This week we have learned all about 2 and 3. When we learn about number we learn in lots of different ways. Here are some pictures to show you how we learn.

Next week we are going to be starting to learn all about sounds and letters, as well as learning about more numbers and becoming name writing experts!

We hope you have enjoyed reading our blog this week.

A little reminder – Gym will be held on Mondays and Fridays. Outdoor learning will be on Thursday afternoon with Mrs Dobbie.  Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for going outside.

Thank you!



Welcome To Primary 1B


Welcome to our Primary 1B class blog. We will use this space to share all the many successes in our learning and to keep all the parents and carers up to date with what is going on in our class.

We have had a very successful first full week back in Primary One B. All the children have settled into school life and are already making big steps in their learning. It’s been a busy busy week. Here are some of our learning highlights.

Recognising, building and writing our names.

We have been working hard to write our names every day. We use the magnetic letters to build our names and put the letters in the correct order and then have a go at writing it on our own. We are getting so good and practise certainly does make perfect.

Learning about numbers

We have also started learning all about numbers. We know that numbers are EVERYWHERE in our world so it is important that we can recognise and write our numbers. We have been getting lots of practise at doing this already with some of the activities in the classroom.

Story Time 

One of our most favourite times of the day in Primary One B is story time. We have read some fantastic books already and would like to share a few with you.

Giraffes Can’t Dance.

This is a story about a giraffe called Gerald who is laughed at because he can’t dance. Thankfully the story has a happy ending but we won’t ruin it for you by telling you. After this story we made our own Gerald. We practised our cutting and sticking skills and painting to create two different types of Gerald, they look great on display in our classroom.

We also discussed all the things we were looking forward to achieving…the things we can’t do yet…… Here is some of our examples that we shared together.

Kaleb – I can’t wait to be able to drive a car!

Arianna and Saatvik – I can’t wait until I can ride my bike.

We also have been reading the story of the Rainbow Fish.

This is a wonderful story all about  kindness and sharing. We worked hard create our own glittering scale to add to our class rainbow fish. It looks fantastic and it is going to form part of our class charter which we will be working on developing next week.

We are excited about next week’s learning already!






P.1/2 Friday 26.6.20

Good Morning P.1/2

I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for your last morning of learning before the holidays! I have tried to find some fun activities for you.

Dance Time

Let’s learn a dance!

Phonics Game

You will need adult help to put in the following information

Username: march20


Then look for the Dragons Den game. You will need to sort fake and real words using sounding out. If you get it right you see the dragon breathing fire!

Draw your Shadow

This is a great activity for a sunny morning. Use the worksheet attached and follow the instructions.

Draw Yourself and your Shadow P.1.2


Remember this from last week.

Choose this one at bronze level if you want a challenge.

Or this one

if you want to practise.


Why don’t you try an experiment. Look at the attached worksheet and see what you discover. Share your results with someone from your family.

Do an experiment

Story Time

Have a lovely summer holiday. So looking forward to seeing you again next session.

Deans Den- Friday 26th June


Happy Holidays!!! Today is the last day of term and I wish you all a safe and happy summer holiday. I look forward to seeing all when you return in August as big P2 children. Take care and see you soon love, Mrs Morrison.


One more sleep!! Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 25.06.20

Good Morning Everyone!

Happy Thursday boys and girls, today is my last day posting on the blog for you. I’m feeling so so sad that I can’t see you all in person and have an amazing end of term celebration with you all in our classroom together. I am going to miss you all next year and hope to see you all around the school and hopefully hear a about the amazing things you will be achieving with your new teacher. I wish you all the best of luck and please know that I have had the best year working alongside you all and helping you to learn, grow and be the best you can be. You are all superstars!! Have an amazing summer holiday, keep safe and healthy and most importantly have lots and lots and lots of fun.

So to finish off our last day (blog) together let’s have fun on day 5 of our virtual trip to Disneyland. I don’t know about you but this has really made me want to visit Disney with Noah at some point! The rides all look amazing.

Disney Day 5!


Look at this picture from the movie ‘Moana’.

Only 1 in 1000 turtles live to be adults, they need our help!

Can you help the baby turtle to get to the sea by pointing out all of the obstacles.

What do humans need to do when they are on the beach to keep turtles safe? I love going to the beach but am sometimes saddened by all the things which can spoil such a beautiful place. How can we keep our beaches a wonderful place to visit for not only us as humans but for all the wildlife too?

Can you make a leaflet or poster to tell beach-goers how they can protect the environment?

Learning Intention: I am learning to care for the planet and its animals.

Success Criteria:

  • I can identify risks to the turtles.
  • I can explain what we can do to look after the turtles/planet.
  • I can present my ideas clearly through a recording or poster/leaflet.


Watch the clip from ‘Moana’ and answer the questions:

What did Moana find on the beach?

Where did the turtle go?

Why did Moana want to go back to the beach?

P1: Make sure you write your answers in sentences. You could think of a question to ask somebody else, to check that they were watching carefully! Can you remember what a question word is? Share them with your adult.

Learning Intention: I am learning to answer questions about what I have seen/heard.

Success Criteria:

  • I can watch and think carefully about what is happening in the clip.
  • I can answer questions about what I have seen. 

P2/1 challenge – create your own questions about the video and challenge your adult to answer them. Write them out and don’t forget to use a question mark at the end.


Enjoy the Toy Story ride.

The Toy Story characters are all very good friends. Can you write a letter to one of your friends? You might want to tell them a piece of news, or what you enjoy doing with them. Do you have a special memory that you share with them from this year in school?

Learning Intention: I am learning to write a letter.

Success Criteria:

P1: I can use “to” and “from”. I can sound out words. I can draw a detailed picture. 

P2: I can write in sentences. I can use “to” and “from”.

Health and Wellbeing

Watch the video of the parade. Can you join in with any of the dancing?

Why not have a go at making up your own dance. Choose your most favourite song and try out some dance moves! Have fun!

Learning Intention: I am learning to follow movements that I see.

Success Criteria:

  • I can follow movements.
  • I can create my own dance.

Finally to finish off our virtual trip, create your own souvenir photo using the templates below.

I hope you have enjoyed these type of posts for the last 2 weeks of term and been able to use some of the skills we have been learning and practising throughout the year. Mrs Lockhart will be posting tomorrow for the last day before the holidays, as I’ve already said, enjoy your summer and have lots of fun before starting back to school in August.

Mrs Stevenson xx


Deans Den- Tuesday 23rd June

Good morning all!! I hope you are all well and looking forward to the Summer holidays! Let’s try some cooking today! In today’s episode of Big Cook, Little Cook, Ben and Small make footballs using cress and potatoes, sounds delicious!! Try out the recipe and ask a grown up to help you.


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