Happy Tuesday Primary 1/2

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you all had a great Monday and are ready for Tuesday’s tasks. Remember to keep working through the at home learning packs  (week 2) and checking in here for any extra activities.


For reading today I thought you could explore this website.


I have set up a class account for us  –

Username: deans12   password: mrsstevenson

There are lots of super ebooks for you to practise your superb reading skills with our favourite characters Biff, Chip and Kipper! I thought today we could all have a go at reading ‘Kipper’s Diary’ (level 1+) and complete play activity one and two as a follow up.

Remember to be good readers we always –

  • Follow the words with our fingers
  • Use our word attack skills to sound out tricky words – (look at the first letter, chunk the word into syllables/chin drops)
  • Use the pictures to give us clues

Seeing the book is all about the weather and how normally part of our daily routine in class is recording the weather,  why don’t we all have a go at being meteorologists? Look out of the window everyday and record what the weather is like in your purple jotter. Don’t forget the date and even challenge yourself to write a sentence, for example,

Today the weather is cloudy and I am going to go and play in the garden.


The Daily Five

Here are your daily five for today.  Pop your answers into your purple jotter.

Remember to look at the symbol and choose a tool to help you find the solution. You could even make your own number line to help you.

10 – 5 =             5 – 5 =            3 + 2 =

6 + 1 =              5  + 0 =


Yesterday I sent you all on a 2D shape hunt. I would love to see any pictures you made. Remember you can email photographs to the school email address


I know that Mrs Stewart is going to tweet any examples of excellent home learning! So get snapping and emailing anything you are proud of.

Today I would like you to have a go at naming 2D shapes and identifying how many sides they have. Here is a shape word mat to help you.

The first activity asks you to write the name of the shape and complete how many sides it has. Some of the shapes are what we call irregular (they look a bit different, but we can identify them by counting their sides) Have a go! Again you can print this page or simply copy into jotters.

2D name the shape

Finally just for fun I have added a colour by shape worksheet.

2D colour by shape

I have added another game to our class section on Education City. It is called Bar -B Shapes to help you recognise and name 2D shapes. You will find it under our home learning section. Good Luck!


Health and Well being

Yesterday we began to look at household products and how they should be stored and used in a way that can keep us safe. Today I would like you to think about the question –

How can we stay safe at home?

Talk to an adult and share your ideas together. You could even design a poster displaying your ideas on how to keep safe at home. For example, drawing a locked medicine cabinet or keeping household cleaning products in an out of reach cupboard.  I have attached a template for you to use below.


Here is brief  youtube clip about medicine safety as a little reminder.

I hope you all have a great day.

Don’t forget to do your daily workout with Joe Wicks, listen to a read aloud from the link yesterday and get some time outside in the fresh air.

Has anybody been counting the rainbows and teddy bears in the windows on their daily walks?

I would love to see any pictures of your windows if you have made a display for your local community.  Speak to you all tomorrow.

Mrs Stevenson




Deans Den

Good morning all, hope everyone is safe and well. Children should be working from week 2 of their work packs, but remember there is also a Deans Den workbook to explore as well.

Snack time is a very important part of our time together in Deans Den as it enables the children to take responsibility for setting the snack table and helping to prepare food. We had learned to make our own sandwiches, prepare fruit and wash and dry our own dishes!! I’m sure this is a task they could help with at home! I have included a link to Big Cook, Little Cook, a well known children’s cooking show on CBEEBIES. Hope you enjoy and it may inspire you to try some cooking as a family.

Good Morning Primary 1/2

Good Morning Everybody – I hope you all have had a restful and relaxing weekend and are ready for another week of some fun home learning tasks.

This week you should be moving onto week 2 of your home learning packs, but like last week I will be posting additional activities here for you to try.

We would normally have our Big Monday morning check in, instead why don’t you tell an adult about how you are feeling today and what did you enjoy doing over your weekend. If you have any older relatives or friends could you share this with them over the phone? Or perhaps you could draw a picture of one thing you did over the weekend and write a sentence to explain your picture. This could be added to your purple jotters. Don’t forget all the writing targets… Can you share them with an adult?

Here are some ideas for activities today.


Choose one of the books from your pack. Is it Fiction or non-fiction. Can you tell an adult what the difference is? Once you have read your book, design an alternative front cover. Don’t forget to include the author, illustrator and the title of the book.

As an additional task, go on a book hunt around your house. Choose at least 10 books and sort them into fiction and non fiction. Can you explain to an adult why you have sorted each book into each category? Here is a little song for you to listen to, to help you remember the difference between fiction and non-fiction.

I am missing reading aloud to you all during our milk and story time.  I found this super website with a huge selection of some of our favourite read aloud books. If you copy the address below into the search bar you will be able to choose your favourite story and have it read aloud to you by an adult. Grab some milk or water and enjoy!


Don’t forget to get an adult to give you 5 daily calculations to solve using the tools we have been learning about in class. Remember don’t get tricked out by the symbol!

Here are my five for today.. complete them in your purple jotter..don’t forget to date your work!!

10 – 2 =               3 + 7 =                6 – 4  =

5 + 4 =                 6 – 0 =

One of the tasks in your home learning pack this week is all about shape. If you could complete the activity here is a little fun follow up task.

This time I am challenging you to go on a shape hunt around your house. What shapes can you find. Draw around objects, eg a DVD for a circle or a book for a rectangle etc. Cut them out and decorate them. Create your own shape picture or if you have a printer get an adult to print the sheet below for you to fill in. Add some colour to your pictures too.



Health and Wellbeing

This term we are learning all about keeping ourselves healthy.  Today I would like us to focus on household products, including medicines and how they can be harmful to us if not stored and used in the proper way.

To get started there is a game on Education city called Baby Jack, this will help you get an idea about which types of foods and medicines can be helpful or harmful – have a go and see how many you can get right. I will add this game to our Home learning section on the website.

Take a look at these 2 set of pictures below…

Sort the pictures of household items/ products into the rooms where they would be found, either kitchen or bathroom; then each pair takes, for instance, the kitchen pictures and sorts those into items safe for them to use/not safe for them to use.
Can you share with an adult reasons why some items are safe/unsafe for you to use.



I hope everybody has a great day and remember to spend some time outside seeing the sunshine has made an appearance at last. Speak with you all tomorrow.

PS.Who joined in with Joe and his workout this morning? Here is the link in case you missed it!



Good Morning Deans Den!!

Good Morning all, happy Friday!! We usually head to the gym hall with P1 where we learn to move around the gym hall safely, find our own space and learn to move our bodies in different ways. Could you try out these skills in your garden? Yoga is another way of keeping our bodies fit and healthy and I will post a link to Cosmic Yoga, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Give it a try!! Have a lovely weekend and I will check in again on Monday.


Hello P.1/2

I hope you are all well this morning and ready for another day of learning!

Mrs Stevenson has encouraged me to do the Joe Wicks workout. Use her link again for you and anyone else in your house who wants to join in and get moving.It’s a great start to your day!

I thought we could carry on some of our information handling work. We are good now at taking information and creating a bar graph. Can you use this information in the sheet below to make a bar graph. You would need an adult to draw the outline of the graph or print zoo-bar-graph-activity-activity-sheet_ver_1

Also we have been looking at the Christian religion in class. Now we are focusing on our values. An important value, which is stressed in many religions, is one of forgiveness. Being able to say sorry plays a big part in that.

I have uploaded the powerpoint we looked at before as a reminder for you.p.1.2 -sorry-powerpoint (1)

Try to think of ways you can show you are sorry. I have some ideas. Maybe you could draw a picture to show you were sorry, you could do something nice for the person you have upset, you could give them a hug or you could simply say sorry.

Draw a picture of your best way to say sorry and write the word sorry underneath.

Have a great day.


Good Morning Primary 1/2

Good morning everybody.

I hope you are all well this morning and ready for another day of learning!


After hearing so much about Joe Wicks and his workouts, I thought I would have a go this morning. It was great and really got my heart pumping and even worked up a sweat!

Here is the link, why don’t you persuade whoever is in your household to join in with you and get moving. It really is a great way to start the day and get a little bit of exercise.  I certainly will be making this part of my morning routine.

Another idea for something to add into your daily routine is completing our class date chart each morning to keep track of the date, days and the weather. Here is the link for this activity.


Mrs Anderson would normally be taking the class this morning but instead she has sent us all a 30 day Mindfulness Challenge. There are lots of ideas for you to work through at home to help you feel calm and relaxed. Start today……

Mrs Anderson’s yoga website has lots of fun activities and one I would recommend is the sleepy bedtime yoga. Check it out before bedtime.


I hope everybody had a go at some of the new sound tasks yesterday. Today  we should have a practise at writing the sound. I know how amazing you all were at joining oo, ee and ai, this is the same idea. You keep your pencil on the paper until you finish. You can use your purple jotters to have a go…. don’t forget to green for growth and tickle pink when you have finished…you could even draw your own traffic light too!

I bet you could all easily share the success criteria for our handwriting lessons with an adult… have a go!

  • sharp pencil
  • Letters on the line
  • letters the right size
  • Keep your pencil on the paper until you have finished
  • Take your time

How many did you remember?

Here is a visual to help you below, again you can print this or just display it on your screen, ai is included too so have a go at that one also as a little recap.

oa and ai letter formation

Once you have had a practise see how many oa words you can write in your jotters, not forgetting the join. You could even draw a detailed picture to go with each of your words. For those of you who are feeling confident, write a silly sentence with as many oa words as you can fit in. Remember the sillier the better.  This is my silly sentence, you can use this if you can’t think of your own.

‘The toad went to the shop to get a loaf and some soap.’


One of your tasks in the pack was focusing on learning the number bonds for 10.

Could you get an adult to test you as part of your daily 5 task?

Here is a song to help you remember..

Here is a little follow up task..

Making 10 .

There is a ten frame at the top to help you.  You could either print the sheet off or simply display it on your screen to fill in the answers in your purple jotters. Good luck!

Have a great day everybody. Mrs Lockhart will be adding to our blog tomorrow but I will pop on and say hello at some point.

Remember you can log onto Educationcity (passwords/usernames in jotters) to have a go at some of the activities..

‘Goat Load’  –  oa sound

‘Addition Impossible’ and  ‘Hustle and Bustle’ for number bonds to 10.

Deans Den

Good morning all!! I hope your day is going well so far. I hope the number formation practise is going well. Today, I would like the children to work on matching numbers to its correct quantity. Cut up pieces of paper and write one number (up to 10) on each piece. Jumble the numbers up and let your child pick out a number. Say they pick the number 5, then they have to go and find 5 objects (eg: toys) Have fun!!

Good Morning Primary 1/2

Good Morning Everybody!

Have a go at teaching an adult our welcome song, don’t forget the actions too.

I hope everybody is working through the week 1 activities and consolidating all of our learning and having some fun too!

Yesterday I made a cake with my little boy and if you have the ingredients available I would thoroughly recommend doing some home baking. It’s a great way to practise all the measuring you have been working on with Mrs Lockhart and of course you get a tasty treat at the end of it all!!

This is the recipe I used…


This is the finished cake! It’s a bit wonky but we tried our best.  Have a go yourself and take some pictures of the finished masterpiece, you could even write out some of your own instructions on how you made it!


Lets have a go a learning a new sound…..

The sound for this week is ‘oa’ . If you remember, this sound can be found in Inky’s vowel house. It is a black tunnel sound and our lips stay round when making this sound.  See below for the story which goes with this sound. A good little reminder to help you with the sound is ‘when two vowels go walking the first one does the talking’.. you say the first sounds alphabet name and the second sound is not pronounced.

2 VH story for parents

Below is the Jolly Jingle for this sound…just for fun!

Once you have got to grips with making and saying this sound, here are a few activities you can have a go at to help you consolidate. If you have a printer, you can print them out or simply just display them on your screen and use your jotters to complete the task.

oa roll and read mat

oa workbook

Write the oa word worksheet    

I hope everybody has a good day.

Mrs Stevenson


Deans Den

Good morning all, hope everyone is safe and well. On the previous post I have uploaded a copy of the number formation rhyme cards that we use at group time to help us form our numbers correctly. Give them a go!!

During our time together we love to read stories. Some of our favourite books include: ‘The Gruffalo’ ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’ ‘Room on the Broom’ and ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ Ask your child to re-tell the stories and if you google the story titles, some are shown on the internet. I know you can access The Gruffalo via BBC I-player.

Hope you all have a lovely day, stay safe everyone xx

Good Morning Primary 1/2

Good Morning Everybody!

I hope everybody is safe, well and enjoying some precious time at home with your families. You should hopefully have got your work pack at home and can start working your way through some of the week 1 activities. Remember you can also use your purple jotters for any writing, drawing or numeracy that you would like to practise and your education city passwords/usernames are stuck into the inside cover.

I will start putting some extra little activities up and will be saying hello most days so be sure to keep checking our blog. Here’s one to get you started.

We have recently been learning all about time… can you practise reciting the days of the week in order? You could have a go at writing them out, cutting them up and putting back in order using your jotters for this. Here is a link to the song we use in class to help you.

If you fancy a little challenge, have a go in French!


Have a good day everybody and stay safe!

Mrs Stevenson



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