22.4.20 Primary 1/2

Good Morning Everybody!

I hope you all managed to enjoy some lovely Scottish sunshine yesterday. Here are some of today’s additional home learning tasks.


This week, we have been reading The Big Carrot on Oxford Owls ebooks. Did you manage to find out the book which was similar to this one….. The Enormous Turnip! Today I would like you to have a go at ‘un-jumbling’ a sentence from the story.  Normally we do this task with the jumbled words cut up and we arrange them in the correct order. You could get an adult to write out the words on a piece of paper and have you stick them in the right order to make the sentence make sense. Re – read the book on the website and have a look at my jumbled up sentence below. Think about where the capital letters and full stops go and that should give you a good start.

tug carrot . and Tom the Ifra big

Remember to write the sentence out in your best handwriting and you can add a detailed picture to illustrate the sentence.

Got any carrots in your fridge? Did you know that you can use the tops of your carrots to plant and turn into a pretty carrot greens? I heard that some of our bean stalks are growing at a pretty crazy rate so I thought maybe since we were so successful with growing them that we could try something a little different.

How to grow a carrot top

Remember our bean Stalk diaries?  Why not keep a carrot stalk diary and record everyday how much your carrot grows, you could draw a picture, measure the stalk with a ruler and write down anything interesting that you notice.  I am definitely going to try this with my little boy. I wonder who can grow the tallest carrot? But first have a think about all the different things a plant needs to survive. Can you share what you already know with an adult? Here is a little song to remind you.

carrot diary

I have attached a very simple template for you to use if you have a printer, otherwise you could make up your own in your jotters.


Yesterday we revisited ‘ck’, so today let’s have a look at two different sounds from last term. Can you remember the story of ee and oo from Inky’s Vowel House? Share the story with an adult if you can remember. If not below is a little reminder for you.

2 VH story for parents

‘ee’ and ‘oo’

Here are 2 clips to help you recall the ee and oo sounds.

What objects can you find around your house which contain these sounds? Find as many as you can and draw pictures of them writing out the word below your picture in your purple jotters.

I have attached a little challenge sheet for you to have a go.

ee oo code breaker

You can either display it on your screen or if you have access to a printer print it off to complete with the support of an adult. You have to figure out the code to make to the word to help you read and complete the sentences at the bottom.

I’ve added two new games to our homework section in Educationcity for you to practise.

‘Meet the Sheep’  and ‘The Big Cook Book’. Good luck and have fun.

Numeracy and Maths

Our daily 5 for today with a focus on using near doubles to help us find the solution to the calculation.

5 + 6 =                4 + 5 =             6 + 7 =          10 + 11 =       2 + 3 =

I have attached a game below for you to play with an adult. It requires a dice and two counters. This will help you to get faster at recalling your doubles and using your knowledge of doubles to help solve near doubles calculations.

doubles and near doubles board game

I mentioned above about measuring the growth of your carrots. I know that Mrs Lockhart has been teaching you all about measuring on Friday, so here’s a little challenge for you all.  Go on  a hunt around your house, how many measuring instruments can you find and what do they measure?

Can you find something which measures…

Time, water, length… what else can you think of?

As usual here is a little song to give you some inspiration.

Good luck with all of your home learning tasks today. I hope you all have fun.

Mrs Stevenson




Deans Den

Good morning all , hope you are safe and well and enjoyed the Easter break. I am missing our group times but look forward to seeing you all again when it is safe to do so. I will continue to post daily activities for you to complete, along with the work Mrs Fleming and Mrs Stevenson ask you to do.

I have set up a class login on www.oxfordowl.co.uk which enables you to access stories online. Here is our class login (click on the tab at the top of the page)

user name: deansden

password: nurture

The first story I would like you to read is ‘Fetch’ Remember to look at the picture clues to help you. You could also complete the activities that go along with the story. Have fun!!

21.4.20 Primary 1/2

Good Morning Everybody.

I hope everyone had a great first day back with home learning yesterday and managed to complete some of the assigned tasks. Here are some additional tasks for today should you wish to complete them.


If possible log onto Oxford Owls Ebooks


Our class log in

Username – deans12

Password – mrsstevenson

The book I would like us to focus on this week is ‘The Big Carrot’

Read the book with an adult and have a go at activities 1 and 2 focusing on labelling the pictures and sequencing the story into the correct picture order.

Does this story seem familiar? Can you think of another story which is very similar to this one? I can… I will reveal it tomorrow, let’s see if you can guess correctly.


I would like us to spend this week revising some of the sounds we have already covered in class and then next week I will introduce one new sound a week for us to focus on.

Today let’s look at ‘ck’

Watch this short clip and learn along with Geraldine the Giraffe!

Hopefully Geraldine will have helped you to remember some of the things we learned in class about this sound.

‘ck’ is a short, quiet sound which comes from the back of our throats (so it is a yellow sound – we need the flashlight to shine into the back of our throats to see where the sound comes from)

k and c also make the same sound as ‘ck’. The tricky part is knowing which one to use. Here is a short clip from Nessy spelling to help remind you..

Now it’s time to put our learning into action.

Can you go on a ‘ck’ hunt around your house. What objects can you find which have a ck in them? Once you have found all of your objects have a go a spelling the word and drawing a picture to go with it. You can use your purple jotters to do this task.

If you can’t find any objects have a go at blending together these sounds to make some ‘ck’ words. Have an adult read the sounds out to you, you can write them down and read them back to your adult.

l – o – ck                       d – u – ck                 n – e – ck                p – a – ck

s – o – ck                       r – o – ck                  l – i – ck                 l – u – ck

Finally for our last phonics task ask an adult to read out this silly sentence.

The lock on the clock was stuck.

Listen very carefully and write it into your jotter. You can get your adult to repeat it as many times as needed or even chunk it into little sections. Don’t forget all those things that a good writer does –

  • Capital letters
  • Full stops
  • Finger spaces
  • Letters on the line
  • listen to the sounds in each word to help you spell

How about having a go at writing your own silly sentence, how many ‘ck’ words can you squeeze in?

Log into Education city – I have added a new game called ‘Pack a Rucksack’ into the Home Learning section of our class to help us learn about the ck sound.

Numeracy and Maths

Last term we had a focus on doubles, ie 2 + 2 = 4     3 + 3 =6 etc. This week I would like us to have a go at using near doubles to have solve addition calculations.

So for our daily 5 today let’s try

2 + 3 =   ( we know that 2+2 =4 so 2+3 is just one more..easy)

4 + 5 =               5 + 6 =               3 + 4 =       1 + 2 =

Can you solve the calculation in your head without using any tools?

Today I would like us to focus on improving our counting skills. Have an adult give you a starting number. You can start to count from that number until the adult says stop! Additionally can you write out the numbers that you counted, don’t forget to make sure the number face the correct way! You can make it as easy or as challenging as you feel confident with. Once you feel confident counting forwards, try the same thing backwards!


Science/Art and Design

Yesterday I sent you all off on a Spring Walk to look for signs of Spring and to talk about what you notice in the natural environment. One of the things I have been noticing lately is the amount of different insects that have inhabited my garden. One insect in particular is the bumble bee! This has led myself and Noah to find out a little bit about bees and all of their very important jobs.

What can you find out about bees? Ask an adult to help you find out some facts about bees and design your own bee fact file.  You could include the answers to questions such as

Where do bees live?

What jobs do different bees do?

What do bees eat?

What are the different types of bees?

You could even practise drawing a bee. Here is a step by step guide to help you. Then colour in your bee (using real life colours if you have them).

If you are feeling really ambitious and confident you could choose from one of the activities below and have a go at some bee crafting.

Good luck with all of the activities for today.

As  promised here is our non-blue chick, we actually managed to scrape together some yellow paint. Noah was very surprised to be painting with a fork and not a brush! He insisted it was a duck and not a chick though.. What do you think?


I’d love to see any pictures you have made, send them to the school email address if you can.


Good luck with all of your activities for today. Remember to get outside and enjoy some of the sunshine.

Mrs Stevenson

Welcome Back Primary 1/2

Welcome back to term 4 of our school year. I hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday and didn’t eat too many chocolate eggs from the Easter Bunny, like I did! oops!! I’d better get logged onto Joe wicks everyday at 9am!

I hope everybody had a go at Mrs Stewart’s Easter STEM challenge this morning, I can’t wait to see all of your creations, you can email any pictures you have into the school email address.


You should now be onto week 3 of your home learning packs this week but as usual I will be posting additional activities on here on a daily basis.

Science/ Talking and Listening

With the appearance of the sunshine at long last, we have well and truly entered into the season of Spring. Spring officially starts on March 1st and runs until April 31st, although it’s been so cold lately that it’s only now that it’s beginning to feel like Spring to me. Today, on your daily exercise, or if you’ve already been out to stretch your legs go into your garden or open the window, I would like you to think about Spring and what happens during this season of the year.

Here are some key questions to discuss with an adult whilst on your ‘Spring Walk’.

What changes do you notice from the previous season (Winter)?

What do you notice about the trees, grass, flowers, fields…etc?

What sounds can you hear as you walk?

Look up! what can you see in the sky?

Look down! What can you see on the ground?

How does this season make you feel?

What can you smell in the air?

What is your favourite thing about Spring?

What foods do you like to eat during Spring?

What type of clothes do you wear?

What different activities do you do during this season and how are they different to other seasons like winter?

Once you have been on your walk, take a look at this short clip from the BBC outlining some of the changes in behaviour of plants, animals and the natural environment during the season of spring.


Music/Art and Design

Here is a link to one of my most favourite ‘Fischy Music’ songs. Primary 2’s you might remember this one from last year. Have a listen… can you join in with the words and even come up with some actions.

Can you make your own spring chick? A really easy but effective technique is using a fork and some yellow paint. I might even try this today with my little boy, although I think it might have to be a blue chicken as we’re all out of yellow paint, if you can use real life colours that would be great but don’t worry if you are low on resources like me! I will post a picture tomorrow to show you how we get on!


Good luck with all the tasks for today. I will be back tomorrow with some more activities for you all. Enjoy the sunshine.




Deans Den

Good morning all, I hope you are well this morning. This is my last post before the Easter holidays  and I would like to wish you all a safe and relaxing time. It has been a strange couple of weeks and I have missed seeing the children on a daily basis. Please pass on my best wishes to them. To finish with, Joe Wick,the body coach has a dress up PE workout today and as I know how much the children enjoy playing with costumes, I thought they might like to join in. I will attach the link below. Happy Easter everyone!!


P.1/2 Friday 3/4/20

Good Morning Everybody!

This is our last day before our Easter Holidays starting this afternoon.

I know you have been learning about the Easter story. Easter is an important Christian festival. Watch this Powerpoint telling us all about Easter celebrations and if you can, retell some of the information to your family.



I know you had an opportunity yesterday to make an Easter card. There is a nice idea on youtube you might want to try, follow the link  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_gwArY5qNs

Also, continuing our work on getting information from a bar graph, look at the fruit graph carefully and answer the questions.                        fruit graph

Happy Holidays!

Good Morning Primary 1/2

Good Morning Everybody!

I hope everybody is safe and well this morning and ready for another day of home learning with me.


Hopefully everyone got a chance to watch the Easter Bible story yesterday and now has an understanding of why we celebrate Easter. In case you missed the youtube clip here is a PowerPoint also detailing the main points.

Easter story PPT

Have a go at drawing your favourite part of the Easter story and you could even add some labels to your pictures.


I thought that today we could have a go at writing a little Easter themed story. I have written the start and your job is to finish it off for me. I know how wonderfully imaginative you all are so can’t wait to hear what you come up with.

The Easter Surprise.

Suddenly there was a strange cracking sound. To everyone’s surprise the egg split open and out popped……..

Finish the story… What popped out of the egg? What did it look like? What did it say and do?

Share your ideas with an adult and have a go at writing the next part of the story together. Don’t forget to use your writing targets.

We are learning to write in sentences.

Successful learners always

  • Use a capital letter at the start of a sentence
  • Use a full stop at the end of a sentence
  • Use finger spaces to space out our words
  • Try to sound out words we don’t  know by listening to the sounds

Draw a picture to go with your work and check you have written the date and the title at the top of the page. Good luck and I can’t wait to hear all the fantastic ideas you come up with! You could get an adult to take a picture of your work and email into the school office. This is the school email address.


Art and Technology

It wouldn’t be Easter and the end of term without some Easter Arts and Crafts to complete. I know its really tricky to get craft supplies just now and in the Stevenson household we are running low too, so don’t worry if you can’t get any of the resources you can use what you have!

If we were in school today we would have been making some Easter cards. Here are some ideas for you to have a go with. If you don’t have the supplies you can always fold a piece of paper in half and decorate it with some colouring pencils with an Easter picture.



As a fun little maths challenge today. I have attached a 2D shape cutting skills activity. This is one you will need to get an adult to print for you unfortunately.

Easter chick 2D shape cutting activity

Mrs Anderson says hello and she wanted me to add these 2 little activities for you to complete at home.



Here is your Daily Five for today. Yesterday we focused on addition of doubles. Today let’s focus on subtraction of doubles. Do you notice anything interesting about your answers? Don’t forget to use your tools and talk about your answers to an adult.

5 – 5 =              3 – 3 =            1 – 1 =

2 – 2 =           4 – 4 =

That’s all for today boys and girls. Mrs Lockhart will be adding some activities for you all tomorrow on your last day of term. I wish you all a very ‘Hoppy Easter’ and hope you all stay safe and happy.

A little shout out to another extremely kind friend who decided to make Easter packs for all his friends and deliver them when he was out on his daily walk. This made my heart sing and once again brightened up my day yesterday. Take care everybody. I miss you all.

Mrs Stevenson x

Deans Den

Good morning, I hope you are all well and ready for another day! I hope you managed to watch the Easter story and discuss any questions your child may have had. I will attach a link to a website with some simple Easter craft ideas. Give them a try if you can.

I hope you continue to work through the Deans Den booklet. You can take your learning outdoors (in your garden) by practising letter and number formation  using chalk or stones from the garden. Have fun!!

36 Fun & Easy Easter Crafts For Kids

Happy April Fools Day Primary 1/2

Good Morning Everyone.

Happy April Fools Day – did anyone get caught out this morning?

Here is a little clip giving you some information about why April Fool’s is celebrated throughout the world.


I hope everyone managed to have a read of Kipper’s Diary yesterday and were able to complete the follow up activities. Here is the link again as we are going to be using the book for a follow up task today.


In your home learning pack you should have a copy of  Roll, Read and Find. Here is another link in case you have misplaced it.

roll read and find sheet

With the help of an adult, read through Kipper’s diary and select any words which you have found  a bit tricky, such as went, day, was, sunny, windy and hot. Write these in pencil into the boxes numbered 1-6 ( so you can rub out and use the sheet again)  then roll a dice ( or number bits of paper 1-6 if you don’t have a dice) and whatever number you get, read the word, then search through the book to find the word, you could even get an adult to challenge you to write them down without looking.


We are not going to be introducing a new sound this week but focusing on consolidation of the oa and ai sounds from previous weeks.

Get an adult to challenge you to writing some words containing these sounds. Don’t forget to use the join we learned last week when writing the sound.

Have a go at sounding out and writing

l-oa -f       s-oa -p        t -oa -d       c -oa -t      b -oat -t     r-oa -d

w-ai-t         r-ai -l          m-ai-l       m-ai -d      p-ai -d       n – ai – l

Can you draw some detailed pictures to go with your words. Don’t forget to green for growth, tickle pink and write the date on your work.


Here are your daily Five for today. Remember to share with an adult how you have solved the calculation and what tool you have used.  Let’s have a focus on doubles today…

5 + 5 =                2 + 2 =             4 + 4 =            3 + 3 =        1 + 1 =

I found this fun youtube clip called Dancing Doubles to support you..

If you are finding the daily Five too easy and want a challenge, this is a super website which I have used with classes before.


There are options for addition, subtraction and ordering numbers. Start at level one and see how you get on.


This week we have been focusing on 2D shape.

Here is a great online game which incorporates not only shape but repeating patterns too (something which we focused on way back in term 1).


I would suggest starting at level one and working your way up to level 2 depending on how confident you feel.

Don’t forget you can visit Education City and play the game Bar -B shapes from yesterday’s tasks.

Health and Wellbeing

Yesterday I set you the challenge of designing a poster to display why and how we can keep ourselves safe from household products and medicine. Well done to those of you who completed the poster, I look forward to seeing them. Don’t forget you can email your efforts to our school email address.


Today I would like to ask the question, which are safe/unsafe for you to use. Can you come up with a list of household objects which are safe/unsafe. For example…

  Safe                                                                      Unsafe

tablet                                                                        bleach

teddy bear                                                              kettle

You can draw/write these into your purple jotters.



With Easter fast approaching I thought it might be a good idea to focus a little bit of our learning around this Christian celebration.  What is Easter? What do we do differently during this holiday? Why do we celebrate Easter? Share your ideas with an adult.

Here is a link to the Easter story for you to watch.

Good luck with all of your home learning for today.

A little shout out to the kind friend in our class who sent in some writing for me yesterday, it made me smile so so much! A big thank you for brightening my day.

Oh and I found out yesterday that Amazon has made all their stories online free to stream. Audible Kids is fantastic, we started listening to Winnie the Pooh yesterday. Here is the link, there are so many books to choose from. Enjoy!


One last thing! Mrs Anderson wanted me to remind you to keep going with her 30 day yoga and mindfulness challenge.  Here it is again in case you have forgotten.

Happy Learning,

Mrs Stevenson




Deans Den

Good morning, hope you are all fit and well and ready for the day ahead!! This week in Deans Den we would have been exploring the Easter Story and developing the children’s understanding of the significance of Easter. I have attached a link to the Easter story and if possible you could watch this together and discuss the content with your child.

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