Good Morning Primary 1/2 29.4.20

Good Morning Boys and Girls!


Happy Wednesday everyone, I hope you are ready for another day of home learning fun!

Let’s jump right in with some……


Have another go at reading ‘Mix, Mix, Mix’ on the Oxford Owls ebooks page. I want you to have a think today about what you would put in your potion to mix, mix, mix! Share this with an adult and you could even make it! I have attached below a template for writing out your very own magic potion. Use page 1 if you have a printer or you can make up your own in your purple jotters.

Magic Potion template

If you are having a go at this activity remember to use those ordering words that we used for writing instructions previously.

Success criteria

I can first, next and last to order my ideas.

I can use a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces.

I can sound out words I am unsure of.


This week we have been working on learning all about the ‘w’ sound. (a big thanks to those who sent me some ‘w’ pictures yesterday – great work!)

Today I would like you to have a go at practising writing the letter. In your packs is a picture of 3 witches. The idea is to follow the pattern of the 3 witches hats to make the shape of the letter. There are a few worksheets within the pack to help you practise. In case you haven’t got your pack yet I have attached a practise sheet below.

w handwriting sheet

Don’t forget to tinkle pink and green for growth your work, use a sharp pencil and ensure your letters sit on the line.

This is a great website to explore if you are having some difficulty remember the correct formation of each letter.


Numeracy and Maths 

I thought we could have a go at subitising again today. Get your shouty voices (or pencils) ready to say how many dots are in the ten frame, remember you only have 3 seconds and the aim is to recognise how many without counting!

Daily 10.

Instead of me giving you your daily 10 today, visit this website…

Choose level one, addition, numbers up to 10.

Look at the example below. The starting number is 3, so how many more do you add on to make 5?

Using a number line is an easy way to find the solution, put your finger on 3 and count on until you reach 5, how many jumps did you make with your finger? Or you could use counters (or anything around your house) start with 3 then make 5, how many did you have to add? Have a go, there are 10 questions, I suggest putting the timer on manual until you have got the hang of it. Then you can challenge yourself.



How did everyone get on with making their own shops yesterday. I’d love to see some pictures if you have them?

Today why not practise making totals in your shop? Invite someone to visit your shop and you can add up what they spend.

Below is a link to a great game to help you add up coins.

Start by choosing ‘one coin’  and begin to practise using 1p’s to add up totals.


Health and Wellbeing

Did you manage to figure out the 3 key messages from the road safety clip yesterday. STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. Well done if you got them right.

Why not design a poster displaying those key messages. Here are some pictures for inspiration.


Good luck with all of your learning tasks for today. I look forward to seeing all of your super work.  I will be back tomorrow with some more ideas for  home learning. Enjoy the rest of your day and if you are out for a walk don’t forget to stop, look and listen!

Mrs Stevenson



Deans Den

Happy Wednesday everyone!! I hope you are all safe and well and managing to complete some of your home learning. Inside your Deans Den booklet there is a Spring flower hunt worksheet and maybe when you head outside for your daily exercise, you could look for some of the flowers and try to draw them! Remember to send any of your work to the school e-mail and I will access it from there.

On Wednesdays, we usually attend Mrs Anderson’s yoga class and learn about the different ways of keeping our bodies and minds healthy. I have found a clip from ‘Cosmic Yoga’ which demonstrates  yoga moves linked to one of our favourite stories, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ Try it out and maybe ask some of your family members to join in!!

Primary 1/2 28.4.20

Happy Tuesday!

Good morning boys and girls, I hope everybody is ready for a terrific Tuesday.


Choose one of the activities from the guided reading grid supplied in your home learning pack. Remember to access the book of the week you can do so by visiting the website below or you can apply any of the tasks to a book of your choice from home.

User name deans12

Password mrsstevenson

Our focus book for this week is ‘Mix, Mix, Mix’. Re- read the book with the help of an adult.

Can you retell the story in your own words to an adult? You could even draw a story map of the order of the story to help you sequence what happens in the story. Below is an example of a story map for Little Red Riding Hood. This is a great visual way to help you recall the order of events in a story and a fun activity if you like drawing.

If you don’t have access to the reading grid, I have attached a copy below.

Guided Reading homelearning grid


The new sound focus this week is ‘w’ which is a red sound (made using our lips) and it is stretchy like our snake. Yesterday I sent you on a word hunt for the sound and asked you to make the letter shape using any materials you found around your home. Today lets have a go at using the sound to make some words. Use your purple jotters. Have an adult sound out the letters and can you listen and slide them together to make a word.

w – e – b              w – ee – d          w – i – n – d             w- i – n

w – e – t               w – e – n – t        w- a – g                w – a – g – o – n

Then have a go at writing the word on your own and draw a picture to go with the word.  Remember to listen carefully to each of the sounds in the word and make sure you form each letter carefully and rest it on the line.

Here is our favourite friend Geraldine again to remind us all about the letter ‘w’.

Numeracy and Maths

Daily 9!!

Here are 9 questions to help you use all the strategies we have been working on in numeracy this year so far.

Today – Can you fill in the missing number to make ten?

2 + ____ =10                5 + ______=10              0 + _____=10

7 + _____=10               1 + _______=10          10 + ______=10

3 + _____=10               6 +________=10            9 + _______=10

Follow the link below to play a game online to help you brush up on your number bonds for 10.

Maths –  Money

I hope some of you managed to catch the money lesson from Natwest yesterday over on Facebook live.

One of my little boys favourite game is to play shops. To help you get used to using different amounts of money why not set up your own shop role play area at home or in your garden.

You could decide what your shop is going to sell and collect lots of items and think about how much you would like to sell them for (pretend of course!) You can make price tags for your items and then invite members of your family to come shopping. You could even design signs for your shop.

Here are some images to give you some ideas.


Have an adult help you with writing out the prices. Don’t forget to use £ and p!

I would love to see some pictures of your shops if you decide to give it a go. Get an adult to take a picture and email it to our school office.


Health and Wellbeing

Road safety.

Do you know the green cross code?

It is very important that we know how to keep safe when crossing the road. Below is a very short clip outlining a few key messages for you to learn to help you stay safe when crossing the road with an adult.

Once you have watched the clip can you share with an adult 3 of the most important actions you can take when crossing the road.


Good luck with all of your learning tasks for today. I hope you find then fun and interesting. I will be back tomorrow with some more ideas for your learning. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Mrs Stevenson





Deans Den- Tuesday 28th April

Good morning and I hope you are all safe and well. I hope a grown up has managed to collect your P1 learning pack from school. Inside the pack there should be a Deans Den workbook for you to explore. There are different spring activities for you to complete and why not give some of the Spring craft ideas a go!! Ask a grown up to help you.

I hope you are all managing to access I would like you to explore the story, ‘The Hedgehog’ Look at the picture clues and talk over the story with a grown up. I have attached a link of instructions on how to make a hedgehog. Give it a go and remember to send photos of your work to the school e-mail and Mrs Rodden will send them on to Mrs Morrison. Have a lovely day!!

Happy Monday Primary 1/2 27.4.20

Happy Monday Everybody!

Good Morning everybody, I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed some of the fantastic weather that we experienced in Scotland. Today new packs are being issued and will be ready to collect from the school front office from 10 am until 3 pm. If anyone is running low on stationary there will also be an opportunity to grab some essentials to keep you going with your learning and creating.

To get you started for the day, why not join in with Joe Wicks for 30 minutes of movement. Here is the link for you to follow. He will be live from 9.00 to 9.30am.

Not forgetting Mrs Anderson’s 30 day yoga  and mindfulness challenge. How are you all doing? Don’t forget to visit her blog and website for new yoga poses to practise.

I recently discovered that our most favourite musicians, the Fischy Music team are holding weekly Monday morning assemblies. Here is the link to week 6, you could have a listen and see what songs you recognise or maybe even learn a few new ones!


This week lets focus on another book from the Oxford Owls ebooks collection.

Here is the website and log in details for our class.

Click on the pink tab, ‘My class login’

user name – deans12

password mrsstevenson

Find the story, ‘Mix Mix Mix’

Read the story with the help of an adult. Can you answer the following questions..

Why do you think Rob rubs his tum?

Can you name some of the things Rob puts in his pan?

Would you like to taste his mixture and why?


Our new sound to focus on this week is ‘w’

These are some of our learning targets for this sound that we will be working on for the rest of the week.

Success Criteria

I can say the sound to match the letter shape.

I know that w is a red, stretchy, lip sound.

I can blend this sound with other sounds to say a word I recognise.

I can write this letter to spell words with the sound.

How many words beginning with w can you think of? Go on a search around your house for inspiration.

Here is the jolly jingle just for fun.

Can you make the letter? In class we would use play doh or loose parts. What materials can you find in your house the make the shape of the letter? Remember you can take pictures and email them to me using the school email address.\


Numeracy and Maths

Daily 10

Let’s challenge ourselves with 10 questions this week instead of 5. I will include a mixture of calculations which we have been working on since the start of the year.

4 + 4 =         6 – 6 =        5 + 6=       3 – 2 =      5 – 0 =

5 + 5 =         10 – 3 =      3 – 1 =       6 + 6 =      10 – 2 =

Good luck! Remember to talk about the strategies or tools which you used to help you solve the calculation.


Our new maths focus for the start of this term is money. Included in your pack are lots of worksheets which will help you get to grips with coin values, ordering money, adding money and a few other fun activities.

As a starter for this topic Natwest are holding a MoneySense Monday lesson on Facebook live. You will have to ask an adult to help you find the page. This goes live from 10.00 to 10.30am and the focus is on notes and coins.

If you want to explore their website there are a number of fun interactive games for you to play.

Hopefully by now, you all have access to your sumdog passwords and user names, I have set a skills practise game called ‘Money 1’ in our class section for you to challenge yourself with.

I have also set a very simple game on EducationCity called Money Box Sorting which will help you recognise and identify different coins by looking at their colour. There is a also a fun colouring activity in your pack which will also help you work on this skill. Below is a link in case you haven’t got your pack yet.

coin detective  


Our brand new topic for this term will be centred around ‘The Woodland’.

As a starter activity for this afternoon, have a think about what you know already about the woodland or forest. Think about trees, plants and animals. What would you like to learn? I would love to hear your suggestions.. why not have an adult take a picture of your ideas and email it into the school email address. Your work could include questions, statements, pictures… be as creative as you like!

Good luck with all your learning activities for today. I will be back tomorrow with more tasks for you.

Mrs Stevenson




P.1/2 24.4.20

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for another day of learning!

As you know Mrs Stevenson has encouraged me to do the Joe Wicks workout. Use her link again for you and anyone else in your house who wants to join in and get moving. It’s a great start to your day


I thought we could look at some shape work this morning.

Let’s start with a little revision. Look at the powerpoint.


Now go on a shape hunt around your house and garden. Keep a tally mark count of the shapes you find. Look for page 3 of the worksheets.







There is also a shape picture you may want to colour. Choose your favourite one from the selection.


We had been discussing values and how they link to some religions.

Watch the Kindness powerpoint. You will need a little adult help to read it all.


Now complete the Be Kind poster or make your own. Think of a time when you have been kind and illustrate this.

I was kind p.1.2.

Have a lovely weekend!

Deans Den

Good morning all, happy Friday!! I hope you have had a lovely week with time to enjoy the beautiful weather. I am missing our time together, especially snack time when we would help each other prepare snack and talk about our day. I have found a recipe on the programme, ‘Big Cook Little Cook’ where they make a baguette bridge, linked to the tale “The Three Billy Goats Gruff, ” one of our favourite stories!! Ask a grown up to help you and if you can send a photo of your snack to the school e-mail. I would love to see your efforts!!


23.4.20 Primary 1/2

Good Morning Everybody!

Happy Thursday everyone, I hope you are all well and ready for another sunny day.


For our last task featuring the story ‘The Big Carrot’ I would like you to create a sentence for the ending of the story seeing the last page is only a picture.

Use our class log in details to access the Oxford Owls ebooks

Username  – deans12

Password  – mrsstevenson

Re- read the story and think about what the last sentence in the book might be. You could even make the very last page by drawing the picture and writing the sentence beneath. You might even like to add on some speech bubbles and think about what the characters might say or think.


Yesterday we had a focus on the ee and oo sounds from previous terms. For today’s phonics revision, let’s look at b and d. These are two tricky sounds which can catch a few of us out quite easily. Here’s a fun clip to help us remember what they look like.

One way to help us remember which way round each letter goes is to make a thumbs up in each hand and put them together. Imagine it is a bed with bedposts, sound out the word bed  b-e-d.

I have attached an activity for you all to try.

b and d confusion colouring   

Now have a go at thinking of some b and d words. Can you write them out with the correct initial sound and making sure it is the right way round? Here are some to have a go with if you can’t think of any.

b – a – t           b- u – n           b – a- p               b – e – t

d – o – g         d – i – d             d- i – p                d – e – n



Subitising ten frames.

Below is an activity to help you with your subitising skills.  You only have 3 seconds per flash card so be ready, you can either shout them out at the computer or write them down, making sure you get the numbers round the correct way.

(Subitising is the ability to instantly recognise the number of objects in a small group without having to count them out.)

Have a go at completing this ten frame worksheet.

puppy ten frame activity

Ten frames are easy to make, if you have some chalk you could draw some outside and even join two ten frames together to practise numbers up to 20 or if you like a challenge beyond 20!

Daily 5 – Near Doubles.

Remember the rule and see if you can solve the calculation without any tools. If you can that’s brilliant, but it’s ok to have a little help too!

4 + 5 =                       5 + 6 =                  3 + 4 =

6 + 7 =                        2 + 3 =

Transient Spring Art

My challenge for you today in art is as follows.

Go into your gardens/ or on your daily exercise have a look for some natural materials, such as different leaves, twigs, interesting stones etc. Bring them home and lay them out to create a picture. If you are lacking materials you can always use different objects you find around the home which you think might be interesting.  You can be as creative as you like, the great thing about this is you don’t need to glue the materials down. If you wish you can take a picture and send it to the school email address. Here are a few to give you some inspiration.

Good luck with all your learning activities for today, but remember it is just as important to relax and have time for play. Mrs Lockhart will be posting some more activities for you tomorrow and I will be back here on Monday. Have a great weekend and stay safe everyone.

Mrs Stevenson




Deans Den

Good morning all and I hope you are ready for another day of learning. I hope you all managed to log in to and access the e- books. Here is a reminder of our log in details:

click on our class login

username: deansden

password: nurture

This should take you to ‘My bookshelf’ and then the selection of books.

The book I would you to explore today is called ‘The Haircut.’ Talk with your grown ups about what happens in the story and how the story ends. Once you have finished, go to play activity one where you have to organise the story in the correct order. Use the book to help you complete the task. Good luck!!

Deans Den

Good morning all!! The sun is shining which always makes Mrs Morrison feel happy, hope you do too!! I hope you managed to log in to and read the first story, ‘Fetch’. Did you enjoy it?? Maybe talk with a grown up and think of a different ending to the story. Draw your version and ask someone to help you write a sentence.

I have attached a link to a programme called ‘Numberblocks’ which will help us to name, recognise and form numbers correctly. It will also help develop understanding that numbers represent quantities. Watch the episode and afterwards you could draw one of something that is around your house, eg: one toy, one door, one chair. Have fun!!

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