
It has been a short, but busy week in P4/3. We have been working hard on developing our literacy skills, in particular learning to take notes to help us write extended sentences. Have a look at some of our work.


We also looked at core writing targets and how we should be using them every time we write. Ask your child to tell you more about them.

In numeracy , we have been exploring adding and subtracting 10 or 100 to a given number. Some children have been finding this a tricky concept to grasp, so we will revise our learning next week.

We have made the most of the better weather and enjoyed P.E. sessions. We continue to improve our fitness levels by using the trim track and taking part in different races.

Have a lovely weekend and I will check in with you all next Friday.

P4/3 Update

It has been another busy and enjoyable week in P4/3. We continue to work together to improve our learning environment and develop our abilities to become independent learners, well done P4/3!!

In Literacy we have been learning to spell common words. These are words that will be found in most books, texts etc that will read and don’t necessarily have a pattern to them, but still have to be learned. I was so impressed that some of the children will transferring their knowledge from their spelling and identifying common words in their reading books, well done!!

We continue to work on number patterns and sequences up to 1000 and in some cases beyond. Ask your child to demonstrate their learning.

Finally, a big well done to the children who have been working hard at home with their numeracy, spelling, note- taking and directed drawing. Mrs Morrison is proud of you all.

Enjoy the long weekend and I will check in with you next Friday.

A Busy Week in P4/3!!

It has been another busy week in P4/3 as we continue to challenge ourselves in our learning. Mrs Morrison and Miss Swanson are proud of the children, well done P4/3

We made the most of the dry weather and enjoyed our first time together on the trim track. We discussed the safety rules and I am happy to report that everyone took part safely and responsibly.

In numeracy this week, we have been exploring number sequences, identifying odd and even numbers and recalling number bonds. Here is an example of our work

A big success this week has been the children’s focus and enthusiasm towards their writing tasks. Miss Taylor visited our class to share her knowledge of descriptive writing. All children were able to write a descriptive piece about dogs and The Big Friendly Giant and as they were doing so, were learning to write in paragraphs. Here are some of the comments from the class about their learning.

” I challenged myself with my writing” Ashley

” I was confident about my writing” Finlay

“I am trying to work independently” Tadas

Well done P4/3 for an amazing week!!


Update from P4/3

It has been another busy week in P4/3. We have been working hard to improve our learning environment, here are some photos of our reading area and The Great Wall of Friendship.


In literacy, we have been learning to use a dictionary and have discussed why this is an important tool to use. Well done to Brendan and Skye who used the dictionary to help them spell tricky words.

As part of our Health and Well-Being lessons this week, we used the story ‘The Colour Monster’ to help us discuss the different emotions and feelings we may experience. Look out next week for pictures of our Health and Well-Being wall display.

Well done to the children who brought in appropriate footwear and clothing for outdoor learning with Mrs Dobbie.  Outdoor learning takes place every Friday morning.

Have a lovely weekend and I will post again next Friday.


A Busy Week in P4/3!

It has been another busy week in P4/3 as the children continue to settle into their new class and the changes that have had to be made, due to current circumstances. Well done P4/3 for taking it all in your stride!!

We have practised developing our reading skills and are trying to use reading attack strategies to help us read with more confidence and fluency. We designed new front covers for our books and thanks to Georgia for suggesting to display them around our fireplace in the reading corner, they look amazing!!

In maths, we have revised our knowledge of time and money and discussed how we use these skills in our everyday lives.

All the children have completed a health and well-being questionnaire and next week, we will look at different emotions and feelings through emotional literacy, using a book called ‘The colour monster.’

Outdoor learning with Mrs Dobbie takes place on a Friday and can you please send your child to school with sensible clothing and appropriate footwear (wellington boots), many thanks with your help in this matter.

Looking forward to another fun week in P4/3, stay safe and I will post again next Friday.

Welcome to P4/3

P4/3 have had a great first full week back at school after being away for so long!! Mrs Morrison is proud of all the children for their attitude in class as they adapt to the changes we have had to make, well done P4/3!!

This week we have been working hard as a team to make our new classroom look very special. Together, we have designed “The Great Wall of Friendship” and identified the different qualities needed to be a good friend. Some suggestions included “be supportive to your friend, sharing is caring, look after your friend if they are upset and friendship never ends” Picture to follow on the blog next week.

The children have enjoyed outdoor P.E. and have been learning about why it is important to exercise and keep fit. The class enjoyed a range of warm up activities and especially had fun playing the bean game! Weather permitting, outdoor P.E. will take place every Wednesday and Thursday.

Today, the class enjoyed their first outdoor learning session with Mrs Dobbie. Please remember to send your child to school with appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear.

Have a good weekend and I will post again next Friday.

P3- Friday 26th June

Happy Holidays P3!!!

Good morning all!! It’s the last day of term and your last day of P3. I wish you all a safe and restful holiday and look forward to seeing you when you return in August as P4 children! Here are some activities to finish off the term:

One of Mrs Morrison’s favourite holiday destinations!!

Remember to try to design your own theme park

Design a Theme Park (1)

We would normally gather together as a whole school on the last day of term. Sadly, this is not the case this year, however, we can always join in a sing-a-along with the cast of Fischy Music

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!! See you in August!



Deans Den- Friday 26th June


Happy Holidays!!! Today is the last day of term and I wish you all a safe and happy summer holiday. I look forward to seeing all when you return in August as big P2 children. Take care and see you soon love, Mrs Morrison.


Deans Den- Tuesday 23rd June

Good morning all!! I hope you are all well and looking forward to the Summer holidays! Let’s try some cooking today! In today’s episode of Big Cook, Little Cook, Ben and Small make footballs using cress and potatoes, sounds delicious!! Try out the recipe and ask a grown up to help you.


P3- Friday 19th June

Happy Friday and I hope you all have had a great week!! Did you join in the virtual sports day? Remember you can still send in photographs to Mrs Moyes and every photo received will earn 5 points for your class. The class with the most points will win a prize!!! I have attached the letter which gives you the e-mail address and activities for you to complete.

Deans Primary Sports Day 16th June


Today, I would like you to be maths detectives and solve the  mystery of who released the balloons at the village fayre. You have to work through a set of clues, using your maths knowledge to help you. Put all the clues together and you will discover the answer!! Good luck and have fun!!!



Glasgow Science Centre produce different science activities for you to complete at home. I have attached the link to the lesson on how to make homemade hovercrafts, looks like fun!!

Fitness Friday

Let’s finish off the week with relaxing our bodies and minds.

Have a lovely weekend P3 and I will check in with you next Friday, the last day of school before the holiday!!

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