P5/6 Poetry

P5/6 have been discussing the poem ‘In the Dark’. We looked at the language used by the poet and discussed how the images he was describing matched with what we saw in our own bedrooms at night. We then drew pictures based on our discussions.




Our Weekly Reflection Primary 3/4

Today in primary 3/4 we have been reflecting on our learning over the past week. We worked in groups to share our ideas. Here are some of them:

“I have been learning to add and subtract numbers” Keira

“Our group was learning to add in 100’s eg: 300 plus 400 equals 700.” Cameron and Leo

“I enjoyed the visit from Karen from the Youth choir who taught us how to keep a beat to the music.” Debbie

“I enjoyed creating our own maths game, demonstrating our learning of adding and subtracting numbers up to 10,000” Lewis D

“After reading the BFG dream chapter, I wrote my own story about my ideal dream. ” Liam D

Thank you for reading our ideas!

Hi from Primary 3/4

A big welcome from primary 3/4. We have all settled in well to our new class and are enjoying making new friends!! Thank you to all parents who attended ‘ Meet the Teacher’ session last week, it was nice to chat to you all. A reminder to send gym kit with your child on a Wednesday and a Thursday .


P2 Sharing the Learning

Many thanks to all Parents/Carers who attended our sharing the learning session today. It was lovely to see adults and children interacting with one another and I am sure everyone left with ideas of how to keep learning fun over the holidays!!

Invite to P2’s Sharing the Learning

Parents/Carers are invited to attend our final sharing the learning session of primary 2. The event will take place on Monday 11th June @ 9.30am in the gym hall. Our theme will be ‘Read, Write and Count’ and we hope to share some ideas of how you can help your child with their learning over the summer holidays! See you there!!

P3’s adventure to Low Port

P3 children enjoyed a fantastic couple of days at Low Port Outdoor Education Centre. The weather was especially kind to us and we had fun taking part in different activities ,such as Orienteering, visit to the canal centre and a woodland adventure at Beecraigs. We all enjoyed the disco on the Thursday evening and the children took great delight in watching Mrs Walker and Mrs Morrison show off their moves on the dance floor!! All children behaved well and were a credit to themselves, their parents and the school. Well done boys and girls. Photographs will be uploaded to the blog next week.

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