Happy New Year from P3/4!!

It is nice to be back together after our Christmas holidays and are looking forward to the term ahead. A reminder to Parents/Carers to ensure your child brings gym kit on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (P4 children only) and please ensure your child has appropriate indoor shoes.


After watching Newsround, we were interested to learn that schools in Paris may open later, allowing children to spend more time at home. This inspired us to write a persuasive piece of writing on the subject and to include different points of view.  Fraser thought it would be a good idea to stay home longer as he could” spend more time caring for his guinea pigs.” Debbie thought it would be a good idea for schools in Scotland to open at the normal time as she has to ” get up at the same time anyway as her Mum goes to work.”


During our number talks sessions we have been revising our strategies to help us double numbers. Aleena and Liam suggested two different methods to use. Please keep practising this at home.


Busy Times in Primary 3/4!!

It has been a busy week in P 3/4 as Christmas preparations are underway. P3 children have been learning songs to perform at the infant nativity. We are confident our lessons from Karen of NYCOS will help us become fabulous singers!!

Whilst the primary 3 children have been practising for the nativity, primary 4 have been revising their learning on making their own power points. They have enjoyed developing their skills and are looking forward to next week, when they will peer tutor the primary 3 children and help them create their own power points. Wish us luck!!!

A big thank you from Primary 3/4 and 4

Thank you to all who attended the Christmas Fayre on Friday and purchased teddies from our stall. It is lovely to know they have all been re-homed and will be looked after with care and kindness.

We still have some bags of Christmas playdough to sell for 50pence. They will be available to buy in class this week. Thank you.

Sharing the Learning with P4

Many thanks to all who attended our sharing the learning event. We all enjoyed listening to what the children had learned this far in primary 4. Making the dream jars was also a fun task and it was so nice to hear that Alexis and her family all added their dreams to her jar when she brought it home!!

Another sharing the learning event will be held next year xx

P3/4’s Weekly Reflection

It has been another busy week in primary 3/4. We learned about Guy Fawkes and wrote a fact file about the Gunpowder Plot. Here is some information of what we learned:

” Guy Fawkes and his 12 friends including Robert Catesby did not like the decisions King James 1 made and so decided to kill him” (Hope)

“The plot was not successful because the King’s guards discovered the barrels under the Houses of Parliament and they sent Guy Fawkes and his friends to jail.” (Jaxson)

In science we looked at living and non- living things and grouped them accordingly.

With Mrs Dobbie ,we learned the story of Moses and worked together to sequence the events in the correct order.

It has been a busy week and we are looking forward to out sharing the learning event next week.

Primary 3/4

It has been nice for us all to be back together and hearing all about our news from the holidays!! We have reminded ourselves of the expected standards in the classroom and how we must work hard to achieve the best results.

Primary 4 children have been learning to play handball in preparation for the tournament next Wednesday. Please ensure your child has a bottle of water and sports clothing to change into.


Our first term of Primary 3/4

We have been reflecting on our learning from the start of the term. One of the most interesting things has been reading the BFG by Roald Dahl.  We have enjoyed listening to the story and developing our writing skills by taking notes and presenting our information in paragraphs.

Another area we have been focussing on is how we receive feedback and the different ways feedback can improve our learning. “My feedback is to improve my handwriting and the layout of my work”  (Hope)

Our focus in the gym hall has been to travel safely and improve our co-ordination skills. ” I can control the ball with a hockey stick” (Liam)

Our focus in numeracy this term has been to work with numbers up to 10, 000 and to recognise place value.” Primary 4 children have been using the textbook and have enjoyed working out word problems.”  (Cameron)

Our motto for next term is to “continue to work hard but with less chatting!” (Lewis)

Weekly update from Primary 3/4

It has been another busy week in class. We have been learning to be a good friend and how making the correct choices can benefit the whole class. We had a lovely afternoon making compliment clouds and they have  certainly brightened up the classroom!!

A big focus this week has been to improve the quality of our writing pieces. We are learning the different ways of taking notes and how this can help transfer our ideas into paragraphs. We are proud of our progress and our next steps is to peer and self assess our writing pieces, using a range of strategies.

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