P6/5 Week ending Friday 11th March


No Green Gym, so we took advantage of the lovely weather and went outside and looked at the trees and classified them (deciduous, evergreen, conifer, pine etc). In the afternoon we did a flow chart to help us look at classification

Maths – continued work on fractions, with most of the class looking at mixed numbers.

In language new spelling words went out.

In PE we extended our learning on hockey, focusing on passing and shooting.


In language today we created scripts for Macbeth and his good and evil consciences. We were able to use drama to help bring this to life, and LM excelled in this. We did this for extended writing, with some of the class working in small groups.

For maths we continued to look at fractions, with most of the class now having a much better understanding of equivalent fractions.

Coding with Mrs B was great fun, as always.


Maths: one group continued their work on fractions. The rest of the class consolidated their recent maths work by creating loop games.

Language today was extra spelling activity. We also finished writing our “Macbeth’s Consciences”.

Mrs D continued the work on planting trees and posted on Twitter for people to stop walking their dogs in the field.

For IDL we quickly went back over facts and myths in Scotland.


Maths: continued looking at equivalent fractions, drawing pizzas to help us.

Language today was working on questions about the new reading books to help with our comprehension. We also did an extra spelling activity, again.

For IDL we made “fortune tellers” about Henry VIII.

Some of the children helped support the P1s and 2s with their ICT.

We even managed to squeeze in a quick music lesson!


Maths: worked on more pizza!

PE: football activities with Mrs M. Also our class game: “Ball Tig”





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