Update from P2

Primary 2 | welcome to our class blog

This week has been short but packed with lots of learning!


Jayden – “We wrote an explanation about the role of a nurse”

Max – “A nurse gives you medicine”

Mark – “A nurse gives you injections”

Emily – “A nurse helps you with wounds”


Archie P – “We kept learning o’clock”

Ethan – “We were trying to find half past on an analogue clock”

Lacey – “It is half past when the minute hand is at the 6 and it is o’clock when the minute hand is at the 12”

Outdoor Learning

Jordon – “We have been collecting sticks for a bug hotel”

Kayden – “We are making bug hotels to help keep the bugs alive”

Alfie – “My bug hotel will have stick, rocks and some other things in it”

Come back next week for some more updates!

Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and managed to have some fun time with your family.  Although it has been a short week we have been very busy carrying out tasks from the dragon. We have finished Jack’s beanstalk and made a beautiful golden goose. Some pictures below –

Writing – Narrative

The children have really enjoyed writing “once upon a time” stories where they have been encouraged to use their imagination. They have written stories about kings, princes, wolves, hungry dragons etc. Some super examples below-

We thought it woulds be a good idea to grow our own beanstalks. So we have planted and watered them and are going to record their progress. We also looked at the life cycle of a bean. Once they start to grow the children will bring them home and you can plant them in the garden. Hopefully they will grow into large beanstalks with lots of pods!

Maths – Measure

We have done a little measuring this week using non-standard units. The children drew around their feet and cut out their foot shape and used it to estimate and then measure objects. They also used cubes, magic beans and stones. Some of thier estimates were fairly accurate!


I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will back next week with more updates.





Primary 1B Learning Highlights.

It’s been a super short week but we have managed to cram lots of fun learning into a short space of time. Here is a little snapshot of one of our learning experiences this week.

One of our learning highlights this week has taken from our focus on a new maths topic  ‘Measure’. We have been exploring all the different things we can measure both inside our classroom and outside in the natural environment. On Wednesday we took our learning outside to find natural resources as units for non standard measure. We had lots of fun experimenting with all the different things we found. Here are some pictures to explain further.

We were lucky enough to have Mrs Anderson teaching us some more yoga this week also. We focused our yoga on one of a favourite texts ‘The Wonky Donkey’. There was lots of stretching and breathing but also an awful lot of giggling!!

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B


A Short, but Busy Week in P4/3!

It was a fantastic start to our week as we took part in a virtual lesson with Mrs Liddell, from museum services. She was able to share her knowledge about the Egyptians and showed us some artefacts too! It was really interesting to learn some new facts and also to apply our questioning skills to broaden our understanding. Here are some of the questions we asked:

“Why was the bracelet so important to Egyptians?” Lexie

“What food did the Egyptians eat?” Elkie

We continued to work on the explanation genre of writing, using the context of ‘How a Caterpillar Morphs into a butterfly” Almost all children were more confident with the content and structure of writing and next week we will continue to practise, but with less help from Mrs Morrison! I’m sure the children will rise to the challenge!

In numeracy, we continued to develop our skills in multiplying numbers. Some children worked on describing and building arrays (groups of), whilst others tackled multiplication word problems. It was a challenge for all, but we gave it a go, well done P4/3!

I’m sure next week will be just as much fun!

Mrs Morrison

This week in P4

This week has been a short week for us all, but we have still been busy.

We were very lucky as the West Lothian Museum people gave us an online lesson on the Egyptians. The lady showed us artefacts and told us lots of interesting facts about them and the Egyptians. Here are some of the facts we liked best:

Emily – Scarabs were in the bandages with people when they were mummified.

Roman – They used Canopic Jars to store their hearts in.

Maison – Egyptians used to wear straw sandals.

Gracie – They wore masks when they died because they needed to know who they were to be brought back to life.

Lacey – They wear jewellery so that nothing bad happened.

Shay – They had little blue statues called Shabtis

Summer – Egyptians slept without a pillow, they used a neck rest instead.

Derry – They thought cats protected them.


We created a new explanation text on the role of a nurse. This gave some super discussion again and some of us even learned something new. We have included some of our pieces below:

We are still working hard on our times tables, with this week having a focus on all of our tables. Here are some of our thoughts:

Holly – I have learned the 9x table.

Ciaran – I have learned most of the tables. They are getting easier!

Rihanna – I think the times tables are getting easier the more I practise them.

Hadiyaah – I feel that times tables are tricky but once you start learning them slowly, they get easier.

Erin R – I think that once we move onto Division it will be really easy as we already know our tables.

Emily – I feel like multiplication is a bit harder than division.

Thank you for reading about our week!

This Week in P3/2


We were using our echo reading skills to develop our expression and fluency skills. We were also developing our questioning skills. After reading our book, we had to think of a question to ask our friends about the text. Questioning skills help develop our understanding of the text.

For writing this week, we started our new genre of explanation. We were writing about how a plant grows. First, watched video about the germination process and had to use our note taking skills to help us with our writing piece. We collaborated in our groups to discuss the process of how a plant grows.



This week, we continued to learn about times tables. We were using textbooks and developed our skills of presenting our work neatly. We were also using problem solving skills to tackle multiplication word problems.



We started our new ‘World of Work’ topic. As a class, we discussed why adults have jobs and how we can develop skills to help us in the world of work. Additionally, we learned about different job sectors and the jobs within them.

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