P5’s Weekly Post

This week we have been very busy!



We have been learning to compare our personal experiences with a text. In addition we hunted for ‘wow’ words in our group novels and used dictionaries to find the meaning of these words. As an extra challenge we then had to use the words in a new sentence.


We watched a video about how bears hibernate, made notes and then turned these notes into an explanation text.


We have been learning to find fractions of quantities using division strategies. It was tricky at first but we are improving with practise.


Sophie – I enjoyed creating an abstract piece where the colour and line represented a feeling.

Lily-Elen – I enjoyed the observational drawing. We drew a classroom wall!


Our new topic is ‘Earth’s Materials.’ After completing a brainstorm which included what we knew and what we would like to find out we learnt about the layers of the earth. These are the crust, core and the mantle.


We continued to research our chosen dinosaur.


Hope – I am better at dribbling in football.

Bella – I am better at tackling.

This week we also learnt about how to stay SMART online.


Bailey – I enjoyed listening to the concert.

This was an RSNO production which involved listening to a reading of Gaspard the Fox which was accompanied by an orchestra.



This Week in P3/2


During reading this week, we were developing our questioning skills. We took notes during our class novel to help us construct a question. When taking notes, we only wrote the important parts and did not write in sentences. Using our notes, we constructed a question and gave it a friend to answer.

Think week, we continued to develop our explanation writing skills. We had to explain the life cycle of a frog. It is very important that the title informs the reader of the content.

“We were writing explanation sequences of the life cycle of a frog” S.C.

“At the sequence explanation part we have to use the words, first, next and then.”  S-L.W.



This week, we finished our times table topic. We were using the knowledge we have developed through this topic to help us tackle multiplication word problems. These can be challenging as we need to use our problem solving skills to calculate the answer.

“I have been using the pop its to calculate the answer. If it’s 2 x 2 I pop 2 along the way and I pop 2 down the way and then count the total.” B.P.

We were linking our multiplication to our word of work topic. In P3/2 we created our own bakery. We were given an equation and had to make cakes and add candles to the cakes to solve the equations.

“We used our times tables when working in the bakery. We had to put the candles in the cakes and find the total.” K.M.

Health and Wellbeing

For our topic of relationships we were looking at friendships. We had to identify the traits we look for in a friend and had to think about why these traits are important. During our class discussion, we identified that a lot of the traits we look for in a friend were also our school values.

During P.E., we were developing our football skills. We had to gain control of the ball when dribbling. We were also passing the ball to our team mates. This involved us adjusting our technique depending on where our team mates were.

P6/5 14.5.2021



P6/5 have been learning about maths a lot this week.


For the maths we have done factors of numbers. We have also been trying to work out the area of some shapes.


For this week we have been doing explanation writing on word and our jotters. We have also done some presentations on games and IPhone more things like that. We also done some book covers to help us with our assessment skills.


We have been doing some outdoor learning with Miss Dobbie and learning what plants need to grow. We have also learnt a new word called biodiversity that means the variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat.


P7/6 14th May 2021


We have been learning how tides happen.  We found out that tides are created by the moon’s gravitational pull.

Numracy- We have been learning how to turn decimals into percentage.  We do this by multiplying the existing decimal number by 100.

Literacy- We practiced our spelling words.  We read our class novel and we discussed how the events were similar to our own.

Writing- We also learnt to write and explanation text.

HWB- We discussed what we look for from a friend.  We also talked about compromise.

This week in Primary 2

Hello! - Super Simple Songs

Have a read to see what we have been up to this week.


Archie M – “We were playing time games like snakes and ladders and matching pairs to help us learn how to tell the time”

Louie – “We have been using analogue clocks to help us learn o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to”


Andrew – “We learned about good and bad secrets. If someone touches your private parts you tell them no”

Jayden – “A good secret is like a birthday surprise”

Lacey – “You should never keep a bad secret and you should tell an adult if you have one”


Kayden – “We were explaining the role of a teacher”

Alfie – “A teacher has fun with you”

Sophie – “A teacher helps you do maths if you are struggling”


Vrishti – “We were learning about Spring and blossom trees”

Elizabeth – “We used different paints and brushes and our fingers to paint blossom trees”

Stock Photos by Ayse Ezgi Icmeli (Swanomurphy) | Megapixl

Ancient Egypt comes to P4/3!

We continue to explore our topic, Ancient Egyptians. Following last week’s virtual lesson with Mrs Liddell, we were lucky enough to have a delivery of artefacts from Egyptian times. This was so interesting as it enabled us to look closely at the items and learn more about them. A big thank to Mrs Liddell for enabling us to do so.


We continue to develop our understanding of multiplication. Most children can apply their knowledge in a range of ways, including describing arrays of numbers. Have a look at some of our examples:

Health and Well-Being

We continued to discuss the topic of Friendship and identified the qualities of a good friend. We then acted out different scenarios of how to resolve conflict and make everyone feel safe and secure. Here our some of our efforts;

What a busy, productive week it has been ! Well done P4/3!


Weekly Update From P1A

I Hope you have all had a good week , we certainly have here in P1. We have been very busy. We now have a beautiful castle for the dragon. The children have made crowns and shields and have really enjoyed using their imagination as they play  in and around the castle. Some pictures below-

Last week we planted some beans in soil, this week we have planted some bean seeds in our own very special  see through “green houses”(some pictures below). By planting them in this way, I hope that we can see how the bean takes root and can begin to identify the different parts of a plant.

Writing –

This week we have been enjoying reading the story of the Three Little Pigs. The children have created  a narrative story about one of the little pigs. They had to describe the setting, explain what happens and how the character felt. Amazing writing by everyone!

Numeracy  and Maths

We have spent  part of the week creating simple graphs to display information. The children are becoming more confident when identifying  the most and least popular item. In the pictures below you can see that most children liked the blue bean.

During smart start the children have been using dried beans to count collections and completing a bean jigsaw challenge.

We have also been looking at 10 as a base number and have been bundling groups of 10 using sticks to support the understanding of teen numbers.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will post more updates next week.




Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Welcome to another week in Primary 1B!

We have been busy this week working on our Fairyland project for the the dragon. We have planted our own beanstalks in the hope they will grow big and tall. It has been great learning about all the requirements needed for a plant to grow. We have even added a Botanist‘ to our classroom job chart, whose role is to ensure that we have watered our seedlings and made sure they have enough sunlight to continue growing.


Mrs Walker has also been busy using all of our wonderful mixed media creations to help construct a beanstalk for Jack! We think it looks fantastic……What do you think?

Alongside all of the wonderful creations we have been working on our literacy skills too.  We have written our own versions of Jack and the Beanstalk, we have been sequencing pictures and constructing our very own sentences. Have a look at some of our work, we are very proud of how much progress we all have made.


One of our main topics this week for Maths was investigating information handling and displaying different types of information. On Tuesday some very mysterious magic beans appeared in our class.  There were so many different colours and we had a big chat about our favourite colours and flavours. We decided to sort this information and constructed our own jelly bean bar graphs. It was very tempting to have a little nibble of some of the beans, Arianna was worried that a beanstalk might start growing in her tummy! I hope that doesn’t happen….

We watched the most amazing time lapse video of a bean plant and were fascinated by the size of the roots and how much they spread out into the soil in the search of nutrients. We were then a little disappointed that we would not be able to see the roots of our plants. Mrs Stevenson had the idea to plant more beans in a clear plastic zippy bag with some cotton wool in place of the soil. We have attached them to the windows for sunlight and added water so hopefully they will grow and we can observe clearly what happens.

We also took advantage of some of the (limited) sunshine this week to get outside for a bit of numeracy and movement. We drew our own larger than life number lines and took it in turns to shout out number stories. It was tricky deciding whether to jumps backwards or forwards depending on whether the story was adding or taking away.

In Health and Wellbeing this week we have been talking about relationships and our families. We had great fun playing a game where we had to go around the class and find members of our family, we were each given a card with different animals and the only way to find our family member was to make the noise of that animal. We think that Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Walker definitely had the most fun, seeing we played the game at least three times!

We then spent a bit of time talking about how all families are different and unique. We finished the session by saying why our families are so special to us. Here are some of the wonderful and heart warming reasons that came up in our discussions.

Kaleb – My family are special because they keep me out of danger.

Arianna – My family are special because they keep me safe.

Bryan – My family are special because they look after me.

Kellan – My family are special because they let me play.

We hope you enjoyed reading our blog this week.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B


This week in Primary 4

Welcome to another week of learning in Primary 4.

In Writing we have continued with our genre of Explanation Report Writing. We reminded ourselves how this sort of text had to be written in the present tense and also how this was not a text where we mention I or We or talk about our feelings. This week’s piece was on The Life Cycle of a Butterfly. We used a smart start activity where we had to order the stages of the Life Cycle of a Butterfly, then we watched a video about this and took some notes. After this, Mrs Hillan showed us an example piece and we talked through this together before creating our own versions. Read some of our pieces below:


In Numeracy we have continued working on our tables, with a focus on all tables again this week. We will soon be completing our post-topic assessment on this to see how we have improved since the start.


In Spelling this week we have created interesting sentences using our words as well as testing our partners on the words for the week. We have also created some spelling pictures for our words.


In Reading we have continued to use our summarising skills. We have summarised our own group texts again. We need to ensure that we remember our punctuation as we write. We have also worked on our comprehension skills by answering questions based on our group texts.


In our topic this week we got to see some cool objects and artefacts from Ancient Egyptian times. Here are our thoughts:

Sophie C – When Mrs Hillan opened the box, it was like we were in history.

Summer – It was very interesting seeing all the things from Ancient Egypt.

Erin R – It was fascinating learning about the Egyptians beliefs.

Emily – I liked the cat statue because they thought they would be protected by it.

Sophie G – I liked seeing different things with hieroglyphics on it.

Olivia – It was exciting and there was some cool things inside the box.


This week we have begun our personal class talks where we have been sharing information on a topic of our choice. Mrs Hillan and our peers have been assessing us on our skills in doing this. The skills we have looked at are being able to speak loudly, speak clearly, look at our audience and share facts. We have really enjoyed hearing these so far, some really interesting subject choices. We will continue these next week.

Well done P4 for another busy week!

P5’s Weekly Update !


This week we started a new topic – fractions.

Bailey – I enjoyed this!

We focused on finding fractions of shapes and learnt vocabulary such as numerator (the number on the top of the fraction) and denominator (the number on the bottom of the fraction.)

We learnt how to draw and label fractions of shapes including mixed numbers when the fraction includes a whole number.


This week we have focused on predicting during our reading sessions and we wrote detailed pieces explaining what we thought would happen next based on evidence from the text.

We pretended to be one of the characters in the novel and wrote some super diary entries this week.

In addition we also worked hard to create some excellent explanation texts. Bailey suggested we wrote about the process of mummification. So we watched a video first, made notes, and then turned these notes into an explanation text with our writing partners.

In spelling one of the strategies we used this week was writing out the words in bubble writing which we did outside in chalk.


We had  a brilliant workshop with RSNO National School’s Concert Programme.

Bailey – I learnt that you could use music to help tell a story.

Next week we will be watching a concert with this company. We can’t wait!


This week we discussed what friendship meant to us. We discussed how sometimes we can have issues with friends and discussed what strategies we can use to help us deal with these.

As a warm up to the lesson we acted out either a positive or negative mime connected to friendship.



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