Here is the link to the Jigsaw health and wellbeing work on relationships for today
Month: June 2020
P4 Science – 12th June
Here are the science cards for you to choose from for today’s science task as described on Team.
P5 Friday 12th June
Good Morning!Let’s get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : or try some Street Dance Moves on this site:
Smart Start – Choose Quiet reading or Free Write
Chat will go back on about 10:00 am.-Why not work outside in the shade – if it is warm enough this week!
Numeracy- Problem Solving
Last week I gave you some problem solving activities and you said you would like more. Some of you said they were challenging but we agreed ‘practise makes perfect’ so here are some more for you to try. Choose an appropriate level. If you need to make jottings and remember you might not succeed first time-this is a great opportunity to practise being resilient!Remember the answer is at the side of the page-you click where it says ‘solution.’
What was in the box?
Number lines
School Fair Necklaces-you might need to draw pictures to help you solve this one-
Junior Frogs
Always, sometimes or never
Money Bags
Multiplication Squares
Maze 100
After Break
Brain break
Mrs Stewart would like to know your thoughts about Participation Friday this year. I know we did not end up completing the event as they cancelled but she would really like to know what you thought the biggest success of the project was. Can you jot your ideas down in chat now.
We have been learning about resilience to help us cope with lockdown. Today we move onto M is for move
Personal Project
Continue with your chosen method of presenting your personal research.
Friendship Time (about 12pm)
Before you go-If you like nature you will love this short story: ‘What happened when we all stopped‘ –
Primary 2 – Friday 12th June 2020
Good morning everyone! Here are some learning activities to finish off your week!
Here are your phonics videos for the week! Can you spot any of your spelling words?
Green, Purple & Pink
Today for your word problems, I would like you to use objects around your home. Have a look at the problems below and see if you can answer them!
- forks + spoons + knives =
- white shoes + black shoes =
- hairbrushes + toothbrushes =
- books + TVs =
- adults + children =
Special Activity
I have spent a lot of time baking recently and working on my cake decorating skills. I thought it would be wonderful if you could have a go at baking a cake too! I have attached a link below with lots of different cake recipes for you to choose from. Happy baking!
username – deansprimary2 password – missborsbey
What is the setting of your story? How do you know this?
Green group – The snowman
Purple group – The birthday cake
Pink group – The toy’s party
Yellow group – Tiger’s family
Blue group – The dragon balloon
Tuesday will be our school’s virtual sports day! Be sure to keep an eye on the blog on Tuesday for some great sports day fun!
Have a great and safe weekend everyone!
P3- Friday 12th June
Good morning P3!! I hope you have all had a great week. Here are some learning activities for you to complete:
You are all invited to take part in Deans Primary School ‘Virtual’ Sports Day on Tuesday 16th June. Letters will be sent home via e-mail, make sure you and your grown up look out for the instructions and have FUN!!!
As we are continuing to learn about capacity, I have attached some potion worksheets for you to complete. Remember to record your answers in your home learning jotters.
Also, here are some challenge cards for you to try!! Ask a grown up to help you.
We are going to look at a new topic,’ dissolving’ To deepen our understanding,we first need to find out more about water. I didn’t realise water had so many properties!! Watch the following clip and then I have attached some practical activities for you to complete, enjoy!!
Fitness Friday
Let’s finish off keeping our bodies fit and healthy by joining in a fitness workout. Ask other members of your family to join in too!!
Have a lovely weekend and I will check in with you all soon.
Deans Den- Friday 12th June
Happy Friday everyone, hope you are all safe and well!! Today, we are going to focus on improving our cooking skills, Mrs Morrison certainly needs the practice!!!
In today’s episode of Big Cook, Little Cook, the chefs prepare Bagel Wheels for Betty the Bus Driver. Sounds delicious!!
Have a great weekend and I will check in with you all next week.
P6/7 June 11, 2010
Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 11.06.20
Good Morning Everyone!
Happy Thursday boys and girls, I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s Wellbeing Wednesday tasks and you are ready for a fun Thursday. Keep working through your packs (hopefully you have now received your new pack) and checking here for any additional activities.
Let’s start of the day with a song. Do you remember this one, it’s an oldie but a goodie… teach your adult the moves..
Today we are going to choose a non-fiction text from Oxford Owls. Can you tell your adult what the difference between fiction and non-fiction is? To access Oxford Owls follow the link and use the following details. username deans12 password mrsstevenson
Access the book ‘What’s in the Woods?’
Before reading can you make a list of all the living things you might find in the wood? Then with the help of an adult, read through the book, make sure you talk about the pictures and use them to help you decode any tricky words in the text. Use the questions at the back of the book for discussion with your adult.
Whilst we’re on the topic of woods and wilderness…today’s random act of wildness is..
This sounds fantastic, who doesn’t love to have a picnic outside! Although some of those birds can be a bit greedy so watch out – best to make up a nice snack of seeds for them too, see how many different birds you can attract to your garden.
Why not write a picnic list of all your favourite treats, try to include some healthy snacks too! Ask an adult to help you prepare your picnic and go and enjoy. Whilst enjoying your picnic what birds can you spot? You could even make your own binoculars for a bit of bird watching. Here are some ideas for inspiration.. super easy and I’m sure everyone has plenty of toilet rolls laying around.
I would love to see any pictures you take of your picnic or of any birds you happen to spot!
Today I would like you to practise a writing the wh sound using a join between the two letters. Have a go in your jotters, don’t forget to use a sharp pencil and to rest your letters on the line, making sure the tall letters reach high. Green for growth and tickle pink your work after!
Whilst we are focusing on handwriting. Below is a copy of the nursery rhyme Jack and Jill, if you have any fancy paper, practise your handwriting by copying out the poem in your very very best handwriting and draw a lovely picture to illustrate it. Again, it would love to see any of your work!
Numeracy and Maths
Let’s warm up with a song to help us with our daily ten…
Find the difference…. this is another way of saying take away. Find the difference between 5 and 10, we always know that when subtracting the biggest number goes first! So the calculation would be 10-5 = 5
So here are your daily ten for today. (write out the calculation making sure the symbols go in the correct place!)
- Find the difference between 7 and 9.
- Find the difference between 20 and 10
- Find the difference between 4 and 6
- Find the difference between 10 and 2
- Find the difference between 6 and 9
- Find the difference between 3 and 10
- Find the difference between 12 and 2
- Find the difference between 11 and 1
- Find the difference between 15 and 0
- Find the difference between 3 and 13
Can you remember all the different words for take away? Make a list of all the ones you can remember.
Story Time
Grab your milk or water bottle and have a listen to this story, ‘The Very Lonely Firefly’ by Eric Carle
I’ve always been really interested in fireflies and their glowing bodies, when I was in New Zealand I got to visit some caves with thousands of glow worms, it was so amazing! Here is a little clip – totally amazing and fascinating!
What can you find out about fireflies…
Can you make your own fact file about fire flies?
Or how about having a go at making something which glows in the dark? So cool, especially on these summer nights.
Finally, have a go at drawing your own fire flies in a jar.
I hope you have enjoyed all of the home learning activities for today. Have a great weekend boys and Girls, Mrs Lockhart will be posting activities tomorrow for you. Stay safe, I miss you all.
Mrs Stevenson
Thursday 11th June 2020
Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all enjoyed yesterdays “Wellness Wednesday” activities. Instead of a good morning quote I thought it would be a good idea to start the day with a song. The song below is from the Learning Station and I know how much you love singing their songs. So enjoy sharing this song with someone at home. It will make you smile!
I hope you have all managed to collect your new learning packs from school and enjoy working through the tasks. Some activities for you to try today.
Activity 1 Phonics – igh sound
L.I. to understand that 3 letters can make 1 sound
L.I. to read and spell words in sentences with this pattern
S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape
S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words and sentences
S.C. I can read and write sentences with igh words in them
On Tuesday I introduced you to our new sound from Inky’ Vowel House igh
Today I would like you to unscramble the sentences below. You may find it helpful to copy the words onto pieces of paper and move them around until your sentence makes sense. Good Luck!
Challenge – in your new learning pack there is a Phase 3 Roll and Read – igh game. Roll the dice and test yourself, how many igh words do you recognise?
Activity 2 – Reading
L.I. to read words and sentences
S.C.I can use pictures from the text as a clue to help me recognise unfamiliar words
S.C. I can use the words that I know in a sentence to help predict what a unfamiliar word could be
S.C. I can answer questions about a text to demonstrate my understanding
S.C. I can re-tell the story using pictures
New book today from Oxford Owls –, my class login, deansprimary1, reading, e-books, age 5-6 then scroll down to Fright Night.
Enjoy sharing the story with someone at home. Can you answer the questions to chat about at the front of the book? Can you re-tell the story using the pictures at the back of the book?
Activity 3 – Number Talks
L.I. to identify the number of objects in a set quickly, without counting
S.C. I can show the steps I took to solve a problem
S.C. I can explain why I did it the way I did
S.C. I can check my answers and make sure they are correct
Remember Number Talks are all about how you solve a task mentally. For this activity, don’t use anything to help you, just your brain!
For each card (8 cards on each slide)- How many dots do you see and how do you see them? Explain how you counted them, Is there a different way to do it? Which is the fastest most efficient way?
Remember to ask someone at home to test you on your daily 10 (addition, subtraction, time. money length etc.)
L.I to match numbers to their number name
S.C. I can match a number to its written name for example 5 to five, 8 to eight etc.
There is one activity I would like you to complete from your old learning pack. It’s called Number Names – Home activity 10 (use home sheets 23 and 24) Sheet 23 has numbers 0 to 20 and Sheet 24 number names zero to twenty. You can cut out the numbers and the number name cards and play a matching game or, turn a card over how many more to make 10 or 20 similarly with subtraction, when you turn a card over can you subtract it from 10/20 etc. Challenge – can you create your own game?
Activity 4 – Random Acts of Wildness
Today’s challenge- You can picnic in the garden or at the park. I know the birds would love a snack of fruit, cheese or seeds. Enjoy!
Activity – 5
As I have mentioned in previous blogs the Glasgow Science Center and posting activities and experiments for you to try at home. I think you may enjoy this one. It’s called Design-a-Saurus you can probably guess what it is about. Enjoy!
Have a fantastic day and I will be back tomorrow with some more activities!
P.3 11/6/20
Hello boys and girls, I hope everyone has had a good week and you are ready for Thursday’s home learning tasks.
Let’s start with some classical music to put us in a good mood. If you go to 10.26 there is music from Swan Lake that I think you would like.
Lets look at the powerpoint again and focus on the artifacts (slide 7,8 & 9) Complete the new worksheet using the powerpoint to help.
More about adjectives! If you want have another look at the following powerpoint which shows how useful adjectives are in descriptions. Then complete the worksheet.
We are continuing our work on fractions and in particular numerators and denominators. Follow the link to remind yourself about numerators and denominators.
Numerator is the top number in a fraction. It shows how many parts we have. The bottom number is the Denominator and shows how many equal parts the item is divided into.
Now complete the worksheet. Remember to colour the parts (numerator).
Colour and Label Fractions Worksheet 2
Health & Well Being
Today we have a problem to think about. Read the scenario (that is a made up situation) and then try to answer the question cards. What would you have done?
If you can, talk to someone in your family about the situation.