P6/7 June 2, 2020

Good Morning P6/7s!  It’s another beautiful day!  I hope you will enjoy it.

I have set a competition on Sumdog which is closing on Friday 9.40 am.  Let’s who is the master speller in our class!

Remember tomorrow is Well- being Wednesdy, it would be great to see your work on this.

simile, metaphor and personification sheets LA, MA, HA


Money_bestbuy, profit and loss, wage and wage rise

Op art


Aspects of Viking life research and shield making


Primary 3 – Tuesday 2nd June


Hello everyone! Hope you are all well and making sure to have lots of fun in the sun in between your tasks. Remember to check your packs for more tasks.



Our weather has been mixed over the past wee while with some gorgeous sunny weather to some rubbish cold and wet weather! Here’s hoping the nice weather stays around for a good while longer!!! Write a weather report. See how many adjectives (describing words) you can use!

Do a bit of research and then write a set of clear instructions on how a rainbow is made – remember to include some lovely pictures!


Try this website for some different ways to help with your spelling – Spelling City: https://www.spellingcity.com/spelling-games-vocabulary-games.html


Writing – remember to complete Miss Taylor’s writing task that will be posted on the blog at some point this week.



Choose a number between 10 and 20. How many different ways can this number be partitioned? Do bigger numbers have more ways they can be partitioned? Try some out!

Here is an example of partitioning to remind you:


14 could be partitioned as:

10 and 4

11 and 3

12 and 2 etc


You could also have a look at this PowerPoint for larger numbers:




Use maps and atlases to identify Ireland and more specifically, Northern Ireland.

Watch some video clips of Gaelic football and Irish dancing. Why not try out some Irish dancing!!

Find out about any Irish legends – note down the key information you find.

Find out about London and look at images of famous buildings such as Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament.  Pick one of these to do a detailed drawing of. Record keys facts around about your drawing.

Research a city in Great Britain and an area of the countryside – Make a list of the two to compare them – what is the same and what is different?



Find an object in your house or outside in your garden – draw it carefully, showing attention to detail. Why not try shading it in to show the lighter and darker parts of it. This video clip might help with this:




We are going to have another look at Family today, with a focus on Siblings. Use the link below:


Work your way through the activities and games. Once you have finished, and completed the test at the end, write 3-5 sentences about who you have in your family using the website and what you have learned to help you.


Enjoy Wellbeing Wednesday with your families tomorrow! Remember the link to the activities will be on here.  Mrs Lockhart & Mrs Morrison will be with you on Thursday and Friday as usual.

Take care,

Mrs Hillan


Happy Tuesday Primary 1/2 02.06.20

Good Morning Everyone!

It’s Tuesday!! Hope you all managed to enjoy Monday’s sunshine and all the home learning tasks provided. Here are your activities for Tuesday, new packs will be available this week but try and finish off as much as you can from the last pack.


Access this week’s text – No Tricks, Gran  through Oxford Owls e-books –  oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page

Username – deans12    password   mrsstevenson

Re- read the story out loud with the help of an adult. Can you identify 6 tricky words from the text. Use the roll, read and find sheet to play the game with an adult.

roll read and find sheet  

You can choose an activity from your guided reading home learning pack or can complete the activity below.

Jumbled sentences – read the words from the story and put them into the correct order. Remember where the capital letter and full stop go, that will help you out and don’t forget to read your finished sentence to check it makes sense.

  1.  stop. Gran had to come
  2. hurt had Gran arm. her But
  3. big  a Gran box. had  
  4.  Dad “Gran” said groan. a with 
  5. was spook. a not 

Finally, have a go at https://www.turtlediary.com/game/sentence-unscramble-first-grade.html   where you have to unscramble the sentences. Good luck!


Today we are going to learn another new sound – ‘y’

Here is the jolly jingle for y

How many words can you think of which contain the y sound? Have a look around your house, what can you find?

Here is Geraldine to help you think of some..

Have a go at practising writing this letter.. this slide below will help you.

Why not grab some chalk and go outside and practise writing this letter on the ground or what can you find around your garden to make the letter?

Once you have practised forming the letter correctly, have a go at spelling these words…

y -u  – m           y- u -ck       y-e -s      y- e – t        y- e- ll                  y- e -ll -o -w

Draw a picture to go with each of the new y words.

Finally, I have added  ‘Yellow Yo-yo’ to our home learning section of Education city. Good Luck!


Numeracy and Maths

Daily Ten – We’re continuing to revise topics we have already covered in school, this week.

  1. What day was yesterday?
  2. Can you name the 4 seasons?
  3. How many Saturdays are there in June?
  4.  Double 2
  5. Double 4
  6. 3 + ____ = 10
  7. 8 + ____ = 10
  8. 4 + ____ = 10
  9.  5 + ____=10
  10. 10+ ____ =10

Today I would like you to have a go at drawing your own rekenrek to display your knowledge of double numbers.

Here is a little example to help you.

You could even have a go at making your own rekenrek – using a pipe cleaner and some beads.


There are lots of fun activities through Glasgow science centre this week as they celebrate #BigBiodiversityWeek with World Environment Day being celebrated on June 5th (Friday) Every day at 10am they have a new biodiversity themed video. Why not log onto their Youtube channel GSC at home. Yesterday they were looking at food chains-  have a little watch!

Here is a little video to help explain  a little further what a food chain is.

Can you have a go at making your own very simple food chain?

I’ve added a Learn It on Educationcity called Food Chain Safari – have a go..

I hope you have enjoyed today’s tasks. Tomorrow is Well being Wednesday so I will be back on Thursday for some more home learning ideas.

Mrs Stevenson



Primary One – Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all had a great day yesterday!

Happy Tuesday

You will soon be receiving a new Home Learning Pack so, try to finish off as  much as you can from Week 6, 7 and 8 . Some new tasks for you to complete today.

Activity 1 – Phonics Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock wh sound

L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound

S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words

S.C. I can write this sound

Yesterday I introduced you to the wh sound. Today I would like you to complete 2

activities from your Home Learning Packwh Words Cut and Paste and also Code Breaker wh and th. Below is a clip from Youtube hopefully you will find it helpful.

I would also like you to try playing the “I See Words” game from Educationcity. It will help you to practice recognising some of the tricky words we have learned so far. Remember your Educationcity password is in your jotter. Just login, go to subjects, literacy, then early** and lastly scroll down to “I See Words” Enjoy!


Activity 2 – Classroom Clipart, Multicultural Kids Reading Clipart, AMB-2305 | TpT Reading

L.I. to read words and sentences

L.I. to find information in a text

S.C. I can use the pictures in a text as a clue to help me recognise unfamiliar words

S.C. I can use words that I know in a sentences to help me predict what an unfamiliar word could be

I hope you enjoyed reading and sharing your non-fiction book from Oxford Owl.

Today I would like you to answer the questions below. Remember to use part of the question to form your answer.

  1. Why do the animals in the book have big eyes?
  2. What does a fox like to hunt?
  3. Why do some bugs light up at night?
  4. At dusk what can you often see?
  5. What animal shape can some of the stars make?
  6. Challenge Question – What do you think the message of this story was?

Activity 3 – Writing independent reading clipart clipart panda free clipart images ...

L.I. to write an imaginative story

S.C. I can give my story a suitable title

S.C. I can describe what happens in my story

S.C. I can use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces

S.C. I can write at least 2 sentences

S.C. I can draw a picture to go with my story

S.C. I can self assess my writing by reading it to someone

For this writing activity I would like you to firstly go to your home learning pack, writing activities , task for week three. There is a picture of a little girl reaching up to open a magic door. Have a look at the picture and think about why she was there? what was she looking for? how was she feeling? You have a story starter  There was a loud bang and to my surprise a door appeared on the garden wall……… You can copy the story starter into your jotter and then continue by describing what happened when she pushed the door opened! I would love to see how you continue the story so please send copies to me via the school email. Enjoy!

Activity 4 – Numeracy Stock Illustrations – 660 Numeracy Stock Illustrations ... Number Talks

L.I. to find a total without having to count each object

L.I. to make 10

S.C. I can show the steps I took to solve a problem

S.C. I can explain why I did it the way I did

S.C. I can check my answers and make sure they are correct

Remember Number Talks are all about how you solve a task mentally. For these activities don’t use anything to help you, just use your brain!

How many dots do you see and how do you see them?

Below – How many dots do you see? how many more to make 10?

Activity 5 – Free Subtract Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ... Subtraction

L.I.  to subtract a 1 digit number within 10

S.C. I can solve a 1 step subtraction problem using concrete materials or pictorial representations

Today I would like you to complete 2 pieces of work from your Home Learning Pack. Turn to  Subtracting from 3, 4 and 5 Home Activity 12 and Subtraction Word Problems Home Activity 13. Top Tip – Remember you can cross off the animals you are taking away to stop you counting them twice. You may need someone to help you read the word problems. Enjoy!

Activity 6 – Art and Design

L.I. to use a range of media creatively

S.C. I can use stones, paint and chalk to make painted rock houses

I have noticed when I have been out on my walks little painted houses that have been made by children. I think they look beautiful and make people smile!


Why not have a go and creating your own stone painted house. Some instructions below (might be a good idea to start with an interesting stone shape) Enjoy!

Tomorrow is “Wellness Wednesday” so Mrs Stewart and Mrs Wallace will be posting fun activities for you to try. I will be back on Thursday with more tasks for you. Have a great day!

Deans Den- Tuesday 2nd June

Hope you are all well and ready for another week of fun learning!! Ask your grown up to collect your learning packs from school later this week and you should find a Deans Dens booklet as well!!

We are now in June and officially it’s summer time!! I hope the sun continues to shine!! Thinking about nature, I wonder what we can expect to see in Scotland during this time of year. Ask a grown up to read the powerpoint I have attached and maybe the next time you go on a walk, have a look around and see the wonderful nature that surrounds you!



P5 Tuesday 2nd June

Good Morning everybody. Let’s get energized.Choose the Joe Wicks workout: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or anything else you like.

Smart start –Newsround


Then write 3 sentences about what you have learnt.Extension – If you finish check out the rest of the Newsround website or catch up with any other work you need to finish.Chat will go back on about 9:55 to discuss learning.

Numeracy-Money-Choose some of the following activities:

Design a board game involving money. Use your imagination. Try and include some problem solving questions.

Ask a parent if you are allowed to look at a shopping receipt and highlight any items on it that cost less than £1.

List the ways you can keep money safe.  What is the safest?  Why?

Research breakfast cereals on online shopping sites.  Compare the costs of different packets.  Which is the best value for money and why?

Research bikes.Find the cost of three different ones.  Look at the range of costs, choosing an expensive, a medium –priced and a cheap bike. Which would you buy and why?

After Break

Firstly choose one of the two activities from below to complete for about 30 minutes.

  1. Finish any unfinished work.

2.Storytime – Listen to David Walliams . The link is live at 11am.Why not lie back and rest your eyes when you listen? – choose which chapters you want to read. https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses-catch-up/

Then – Literacy-Spelling-LI to spell words with common endings (ough)

Look at this ough – different sounds then choose some of the following activities:

  1. Using a dictionary go on a word hunt and find as many words that end with ough as you can e.g. although. Then write an interesting sentence with each word in it.

2. ough crossword

3.missing words and sorting activity

Extensions-if you have time you could :

Go to Sumdog spellings, continue to practise the words from last week’s spelling list or write ough words in chalk outside.

If you want to compare your ough words with some examples look at this when you have finished:answers – some examples

After Lunch

Missing drama? Join in with this video https://www.nationaltheatrescotland.com/latest/connect-and-create

Health – resilience alphabet –G is for gratitude

Personal Project  (about 30 minutes)

Continue with your research and make notes in your own words, in your jotter. You can use reference books, for example, encyclopedias and atlases, the internet, newspapers and magazines or personal interviews.

Science Practical Activities If you have the equipment and/or maybe someone to help you choose one of the following activities.(Or save them for a rainy day.)

Inertial Eggs   (ask before you borrow any eggs)

Floating Paper Clip  (simple equipment needed )

Before you go if you enjoyed the TEDED science videos why not try this one-Why does everyone hate pigeons? https://ed.ted.com/best_of_web/QRnJqzQu?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=dailynewsletter&mc_cid=b5245a7945&mc_eid=5754ba87ba





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