Primary 3 – Wednesday 1st April 2020

Good morning everybody! Hope you are having a lovely week so far. Below are some other tasks for today:

-Research April Fools Day – read up on why people play April Fools Tricks.

Write a made-up story of something you have apparently done– something that is almost believable, but silly too.


  • Create some tricky adding and takeaway sums for someone at home to do. Ask them to create some for you too – see who gets the most correct!


  • Take a walk around your house – note down at least 10 items – try your best to spell them correctly. Use a dictionary or Google to check the spelling of each word and then write a definition next to each one to say what it means.


  • Watch the Easter Story – write down the 3 most important points you took from this:

  • Create an Easter card for your family. Use whatever materials you have to make this as bright and fun as possible. If you Google DIY Easter cards, they have some super ideas.
  • Easter wordsearch – you can use the link below to access one or you can Google Easter word search and there are loads you can download.

I will also post a writing task from Miss Taylor and RME task from Mrs Lockhart very shortly.

This will be the last day I add extra activities this week, you might get some on Thursday or Friday from Mrs Wallace or Mrs Stewart. Have a lovely Easter, have fun, relax and stay safe!!!!

Mrs Hillan

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