A shorter update than normal because of the holiday weekend.
The children are continuing to enjoy writing independently. During smart start they are using a word mat and the tricky word wall to create interesting sentences. Vrishti, Oliver and Louie were very proud of the work they produced.
Over the past weeks we have been working very hard to write sentences that include the who and what they are doing (some extending their work to include where the sentence takes place) This week we tried to add some descriptive phrases to make our writing more interesting. The children came up with some great describing words (they had a picture of a teddy bear) such as missing eye, chewed ear, fluffy fur, big smile and much loved. Some examples below.
We are continuing with subtraction in a very hands on way using the children themselves, leaves and cubes.
We are also now doing 5 mental maths questions a day, the children are really enjoying this challenge.
Have a lovely weekend.