Primary One News

It has been another exciting week in Primary one. Firstly our class won the weekly peg challenge. Pegs can be awarded by any member of staff (except their own teacher) for a number of reasons, it can be for excellent work, displaying our school values or for completing a challenge. It is the first time this year we have won and our reward is an extra playtime if the weather ever improves.


This week we welcomed 2 new members into our Deans family. We have 2 beautiful baby guinea pigs! More are due any day from our other pregnant mummy guinea pig.

Health and Wellbeing

This week we have been focusing on our “Dreams and Goals” We are going to create a display explaining what they are and how we hope to achieve them.


Some of their goals included learning to swim, being a better friend, developing good listening skills etc. I will keep you updated as we think a little more about how we can achieve these goals.


We are continuing to develop our independent writing skills. Most children are now using our tricky word wall and alphabet strips. We tried hard to write instruction about how to build a snowman and to write more detailed sentences describing who, what they were doing and where.



This week we have begun looking at subtraction. It has been introduced in a very practical and active way. We shall continue to focus on this skill and I am hopeful that the children will make the connection between addition and subtraction quickly.

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend and I look forward to seeing the children on Wednesday 19th.

The Art of Persuasion!(P5)


This week we have been learning about the features of persuasive texts.

In spelling we learnt about how to spell different homophones – words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings.

Lewis – I enjoyed learning about homophones.


This week we learnt about mixed number fractions and how to find fractions of amounts.

Bella – I found it tricky but fun!

Aleena – I enjoyed the fractions of amounts because it was challenging but also fun.

Monika – I enjoyed fractions. It was fun but challenging. I hope we can do more on Wednesday.


Charlie – I liked doing hockey in P.E.


We brought in fluffy teddy bears to draw and used line for effect.

Keris -I enjoyed drawing our teddies.

Maia – It was challenging drawing the teddies.


We imagined what it would be like to be Mary Queen of Scots and wrote about how she felt at different times in her life.


Samuel – I enjoyed finishing off my invention that turns people into villagers.

This week in P2

This week in P2 we have been learning how to take notes using bullet points. From these notes, we have been working on writing facts in our own words.

During numeracy, we have been learning how to calculate one hour after and one hour before on both digital and analogue clocks. Some of us have been learning how to calculate durations in whole hours.

We have also been learning about St. Valentine this week. We learnt why he is known and why Valentines Day originated. We wrote wonderful poems inside Valentines cards for our loved ones which we made by ourselves.

We even had the chance to see the baby guinea pigs! Ask us how cute they are and we will be happy to tell you!

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