Numeracy We have been continuing to learn about time. Scarlet - "We have been practicing quarter to and quarter past." Brendan - "We know about half past and o'clock." Writing We have been learning about writing notes. Ethan - "You don't need full sentences when you write notes." Lexie - "We have been learning to write a sentence from our notes." P.E. We have been learning different jumps. Isla - "We did bunny jumps over a bench." Darby - "You need to bend your knees when you land." Topic We started our new topic of Castles. Finlay - "We learned the different bits of a castle." Lexie - "There is a moat around the castle which is hard to get over because it is super deep." Isla - "There are pointy towers." Sophia - "There are tiny windows called arrow loops so that you could shoot arrows out of them." Today was Participation Friday. We had a special visitor come in to work with us and help us begin the design process of our products for the spring fayre. Keep an eye out to see the finished products!