Another Busy Week in P3/4

We have had another busy week in P3/4 this week.

We started our mini topic this week. Our ‘wee tour’ of Scotland. We worked collaboratively with P3 as we explored the names of the different cities in Scotland. P3/4 helped the P3 pupils use an Atlas to discover and correctly place our Scottish cities on a blank map of Scotland. The children also shared some interesting facts that they already know about this amazing country. We completed mind maps to show our prior knowledge of this topic and also came up with some things that we would like to discover.

Keeping with our Scottish themed topic we looked at how to make Scottish Shortbread in our literacy lesson this week. The children were given the instructions, however, these were all jumbled up and the children had to write these in the correct order. But before that we discussed the language that is used in instruction writing. The children were also set the task to include sentence openers that flowed in a sequence of events. Such as: First, next, then and finally. The children really enjoyed this lesson and to expand on this they will use the instructions that they have ordered correctly to make shortbread next week. Look out for a special delivery next week!

Also in literacy the children were introduced to a number of new spelling strategies this week that will help with their spelling words for this week. One of the strategies had the children exploring alphabetical order and showed them that its not always the first letter that we go by. Ask your child to show you some of these spelling strategies.

The children were continuing to work on addition this week. We were using the chimney sum strategy as this has proved tricky for some of the children in the class, especially carrying over those cheeky 1’s! If the children could practice these at home that would be brilliant as we are moving on to subtraction strategies next week.

Thank you for all your continued support and encouragement. Have a lovely weekend.

Lead Learners in Deans Den!!

It has been another busy week in Deans Den as we continue to work on achieving our individual targets. Mrs Morrison is proud of the efforts of all the boys and girls, well done!!

Another success of Deans Den this week has been the children’s enthusiasm towards developing the role of the lead learner within the group. Children are given the opportunity to take a main role in learning opportunities such as storyteller, line leaders and group helper. These are all important skills to develop to help the children become independent learners. Keep working hard boys and girls!!

Busy Times in Primary 3!

This week in Primary 3 we have introduced our mini topic ‘Oor Wee Tour of Scotland’. We have been working alongside P3/4 which has seen us using the elements of our Social Intelligence Skills – collaboration, communication, leading learning within our groups and being aware of the feelings of others within our groups when listening to and accepting everyone’s answers. We created mind maps of what we already know about Scotland and then came together as a whole group to discuss what we would like to find out Scotland. P3/4 then helped us to locate the main cities of Scotland on a map. We used an atlas to help us.

We also all decided on our own New Year’s Resolutions which have now been displayed in class. It will be good to look back on these to see if we have managed to stick to them!

This week in Number Talks we have been looking at Making Ten. The pupils came up with lots of different sums to do this again this week. We were also very lucky to have Jemma from Nationwide in to visit us during our Numeracy time. She talked to us about her role within the Building Society and spoke to us about saving money. We got to see some of the fancy 50 pence pieces that have been in circulation too! Jemma very kindly brought each of us our own little piggy bank which we got to paint and take home!

Primary One Science Club

Today we had our first ever session of science club and it was fantastic!

We were investigating solids and liquids. We carried out an experiment using cornflour, water and a little food colouring. We made some predictions as to what we thought would happen.

Euan – I predict that it will bubble up.

Robyn – I predict that it will go even whiter.

Oliver – I predict that it will explode!

After making our predictions we set to work. What we found was that when we mixed the flour and water together it looked like a liquid but when we felt it with our fingers it felt like a solid! How puzzling.

We had great fun writing our sounds and names in the ‘gloop’ and watching it disappear before our very eyes!

We can’t wait to find out what experiments we will be doing next week!

Welcome back from P3!

Happy New Year from everyone in Primary 3! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed the holidays.

Primary 3 have been working with Mrs Hillan at the start of this week and we enjoyed sharing how we spent our Christmas holidays. We had a Circle Time and took turns to share the things we had done over the holidays as well as anything exciting we did on Christmas Day or New Year. This was a good opportunity to refresh our memories of the 4 skills from our Skills 4.0 document, focusing on Social Intelligence, using communication and being aware of our own feelings and the feelings of others. It was lovely to share what a wonderful time we all had!

We began reading the story of Greyfriar’s Bobby as a class. The children have done a super job of recalling the story so far and we have created our own versions of the cover of the book including something we heard about in the story so far. Some children chose to draw Bobby up in the Pentland Hills when he first ran away and met his new owner, Auld Jock. Others chose to draw Bobby following Jock to Edinburgh and visiting the busy city. The children came up with lots of options to choose from.



Primary 3 also revisited our Number Talks in Numeracy this week by finding out how many ways we could make the number 5. The children were keen to share all the different ways they found. Some pupils used addition skills, some used subtraction skills and a number of them used multiplication. There were a few children who even included all 3 skills in one sum!

Mrs Hillan has been very impressed with Primary 3 and looks forward to continuing to work with them whilst Mrs Buntin is absent. Well done P3, keep up the good work!

Welcome back to Primary 7

Primary 7 are back and ready for some hard work. Already we have been working on rounding decimals. To help us understand we found a clip that explained significant numbers.


Deans Travel Agents

To work on our new topic the class have split into 6 different groups and are planning a budget holiday. each group has chosen a country such as:

  1. Mexico
  2. India
  3. Israel
  4. Indonesia
  5. Japan
  6. A tour of the famous football stadiums in Britain

There are many skill that will be covered during this topic and each group will keep you up to date on their progress.

Some of the Primary 7’s have been selected to work together to improve the playground. Along with Mrs Wood, Mrs Rosie and Mrs Stewart they have been searching through catalogues to get ideas and implement the new look playground.

This term Primary 7 will have gym on Mondays and Tuesdays. Can they all bring a complete change of gym kit, no jewelry and a pair of indoor shoes both for gym and the classroom. We are getting new flooring in our room and we want to keep it as clean as possible.





New year!

Last week we were looking at a famous Scottish cartoon character and climate change. We have tried designing our own comic with the character about climate change. We also decided to be put forth in a big event in the Edinburgh Film Festival. We can get to make our own mini movies and if we win, we get to see our movie in a cinema! Also if we win massive film directors can get to see it on the big screen, other school pupils also get to see it! We have made letters to ask the company (for copyright reasons) if  we can use their characters.

We tried using a new genre in language, Persuasive writing. We used this genre for writing our email/letters to the company to persuade them to let us use their characters.

On the first week back we looked into a new topic for math, Division.  We have made math posters on laptops to show what we understand in math. We tried using the bus stop method when trying to do division. We have learnt what a remainder and how to use the bus stop methods. We also used fact families and used algebra.

What’s on…

Week beginning 13th January 2020

Mon –

Breakfast club fitness fun – p4-7

Lunchtime Multi-sports club

P4-7 Football club 3.15pm

P5 and 6 Tae Kwon do club 3.15pm

P5-7 art club 3.15pm

P1 science club 3.15pm



NYCOS working with p4

P1 and P2 multi-sports lunch club

Nationwide visit to p3

Planet soccer nursery session

Netball club at 3.15pm

P3 and P4 home learning club 3.15pm

Parent council meeting 6pm



Dad’s drop in session meet in Hub

Scripture Union lunch club

Planet soccer nursery session

P1-3 football club 3.15pm

Sewing club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm



Move to the Beat workshops P5 and P5/6

P4 Futsal session

Zumba club 3.15pm

Cookery club 3.15pm

Numeracy club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm



Fitness Friday breakfast club p1-3

Welcome Back Primary 3/4!

Happy New year!

It was lovely to see all the children back happy, healthy and ready for the new term.

To start the week off the children and I shared how we all spent our Christmas holidays. We sat around in a circle and took turns talking. This was a great way to practice one of our 4 skills from our skills 4.0 document. This document focuses on what makes a good work force and this term we are focusing mainly on social intelligence. It was nice to hear that they all had a nice time off and that Santa was good to them.

On Wednesday we explored what New Year’s resolutions were and discussed why people set these for themselves. The children then had a look back at 2019 and shared what they enjoyed the most about last year. Focusing on the feelings skill from skills 4.0 the children then came up with their own New year’s resolutions. The children thought about aspects of their learning  and what it was that they would like to improve going forward. There were some great goals set during this task!

This week we have also worked hard to finish our Viking helmets, it was a lovely task to finish our Viking topic. They have all done a fantastic job with these. 

We also closed our Viking topic with an exciting drama lesson. The children loved this lesson and all are budding performers. The children were asked to act out a scenario in which they played estate agents and had to sell a long house to potential buyers. The children were displaying great communication, collaborative and leadership skills throughout this lesson. They worked well together in their small groups to produce some great pieces of improvisation.

Well Done P3/4!

I hope you all have a lovely Weekend!

Latest News From Primary One

Firstly Happy New Year to everyone, I hope you all enjoyed the holidays I know the children did, they couldn’t wait to share all their news at check in time. We  thought it would be a good idea to write a thank you letter to Santa, to tell him how much we loved our new toys.

On Wednesday we had a surprise visitor, Hamish McHaggis from Coorie Doon in the Highlands . He brought some amazing books with him. We have started to read all about his Scottish Adventures. The children are loving the new scots words from the books such as “braw”, “blether” and “peely wally”(lots more words to come!)

We created the first page of our Scottish floor book which demonstrated what we already know about Scotland.

Over the next few weeks we will use Hamish’s adventures as a vehicle to learn more about important places in Scotland such as Edinburgh Castle, Loch Ness, Glamis Castle, The Falkirk Wheel and the Islands of Scotland. We will also explore Scottish food, drink, music, wildlife, tartan etc.

In Math’s we will be exploring shape and time. We began today by looking at calendars for 2020. The children plotted their birthdays  and we discussed the purpose of a calendar and how to use it.


In a previous post I spoke about the importance of Developing the Young Workforce, it is an initiative which schools across West Lothian are developing. We are focusing on Social Intelligence which can be divided into 4 parts- Communication, Feeling, Collaborating and Leading. The children had some good ideas about how they would like to lead learning in our class-

Sophie would like to lead reading groups. She would do this by encouraging her peers to sound out words and point to each word as they were reading.

Louie feels confident when identifying sounds and would like to lead others by helping them use their sounds to create new words.

Jayden really enjoys art and would like to lead some art lessons by encouraging his peers to add more detail and use real life colours.

Mark would like to lead a number talk. He enjoys solving number problems and can lead and support others by explaining necessary steps that need to be taken to arrive at the  answer.

I shall keep you updated on their progress.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.




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