It is nice to be back together after our Christmas holidays and are looking forward to the term ahead. A reminder to Parents/Carers to ensure your child brings gym kit on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (P4 children only) and please ensure your child has appropriate indoor shoes.
After watching Newsround, we were interested to learn that schools in Paris may open later, allowing children to spend more time at home. This inspired us to write a persuasive piece of writing on the subject and to include different points of view. Fraser thought it would be a good idea to stay home longer as he could” spend more time caring for his guinea pigs.” Debbie thought it would be a good idea for schools in Scotland to open at the normal time as she has to ” get up at the same time anyway as her Mum goes to work.”
During our number talks sessions we have been revising our strategies to help us double numbers. Aleena and Liam suggested two different methods to use. Please keep practising this at home.