Sounds in the sun!

Some Primary 3 children took their learning outside, to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. We tried out the new quiet zone in the playground, with the log seats and benches. Mrs Duke organised games and activities that helped us to practise the sounds and words that we have been learning.

Primary 7

Hello from P7! It’s been a gorgeous sunny day and a very busy Monday. This morning we had a visit from two science teachers from DCHS. They helped us to complete some tasks on our science passports. The passports are part of our transition activities to help us prepare for high school. We carried out 2 experiments, the aims of which were to;

– investigate the adding of salt to water on the time it takes to dissolve

– investigate the change in temperature of hot water in a single test tube and a test tube huddle

After science we worked on laptops to create profiles for our P7 Leaver’s books. Everyone was keen to share their favourite memories from their years at primary school and enjoyed reminiscing.

This afternoon we discussed self image and self esteem as part of our work on health.

As part of nurture week we will be working on some mindfulness and yoga activities. We are also looking forward to our judo taster session on Thursday.



Primary 6/7

We also managed to get out into the sun for a short period of time for some healthy exercise on the Trim-Trak.

As this is a Blog I am updating above my last entry. I will clarify this later.

Today we had a visit from some science teachers for Deans Community High School, who did some experiments with us.

Hello and welcome to our Blog! We will try to update this as regularly as possible.


Week Beginning 14th May 2018

Monday – 

P7 Transition Science sessions

P1 sharing the learning event @ 2.15pm

Mrs Edwards nurture group stay and play @ 2.30pm


Tuesday – 

P6 Tobacco workshops

Get cooking sessions with Mrs Wood @ 1.30pm


Wednesday – 

PEEP session @ 9.15am

P6 at Deans Community High School for transition programme

Scripture Union Lunch club

Lowport Residential parents info meeting @ 3.30pm


Thursday – 

Nursery Stay and Play sessions

Destination Judo sessions for various classes

P4 Sharing the learning event @ 2pm


Friday – 

School closes at usual time of 12.30pm for Holiday Weekend



Welcome to our Primary One Blog!

We have been very busy in Primary One even though it has been a short week. We have been reading more Fairy tales. Our favourite this week is  ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. We even read the wolf’s story, but we are not sure if he is telling the truth. We wrote a list of things to take to her Grandmas and also made Get Well cards to cheer her up.

Yesterday we played lots of fun games at our Judo taster session as you can see from our photographs.

We hope to see you on Monday at 2.15 to share our Fairyland Learning.

Primary 2 take their learning outdoors!!

As the weather was nice, Primary 2 decided to go outside and learn  maths. We used chalk to draw clocks and to tell the o’clock and half past times. We also made groups of objects as we are learning about multiplication.

Here is what Emily and Sofia thought about their learning:

“I like learning outdoors because it is sunny and warm and I have fun.” Sofia

“I liked how we moved around different stations and learned different skills.” Emily

P2/3 Judo Taster Session

Today P2/3 had the opportunity to try Judo. First we took off our shoes, then we put on a judo jacket. We then had a warm up game of tunnel tig. We had lots of activities including trying to roll a partner over and trying to stand up against our partners. There was loud music and it was very exciting. We all had a lot of fun.

PE week beginning 7th April

In PE this week Primary 6 were rounding up their learning about athletics. They discussed what skills they had learned and linked them to the significant aspects of learning on our PE wall and then put this learning into practice. They warmed up with a game of ‘Taxis’ which also tested their maths skills before working in teams to complete shuttle runs – this tested their stamina. They then discussed the different types of throwing events and had a go at the discus. Firstly, they focused on their technique with a partner and when they had mastered that they tried throwing it as far as they could. It was great to be learning outside in the sunshine!

Primary 5 Maths

Primary 5 have been learning to:

  • design a house using a scale – 1m = 2 boxes
  • build the house, using bricks, following the design
  • researched house prices to work out how much the house would sell for
  • used descriptive language to describe some of the rooms for a brochure


As you walk into the bathroom you will see a shiny white bath with a good quality built in shower along with a squared shower drape. The toilet is a nice grey shade with a black toilet seat. Moving on to the sink, it is a beautiful black sink along with black taps. The walls are a lovely pastel shade and it also comes with a blue checked floor. The heater has a nice warmth from it and it is in good condition. Moving on to the lighting, it has a good glow, energy saving light bulb required. The window has a hard wood base surrounded with strong glass.

Estate agent: Teegan

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