Aberdeen Actors!

Aberdeen Clan are learning to compare our modern lives with the lives of children in the Victorian era. We learned that many children had to work to support their families during this time and we looked at the different jobs a Victorian child may have had to do. We then each had a chance to sit on the “hot seat” where we had to act as though we were a working child from the past and answer questions from our peers. We loved getting into character but we agreed that we would rather be in school!


Categorized as Aberdeen

Come and See Aladdin!

We are going to tell you about Calderwood’s first ever school show, Aladdin. 

Bramble and Bluebell have been practising a lot for their upcoming show. We have been trying really hard with our singing, dancing and acting so we can do our very best for our show. We can’t wait to perform in front of our parents and school and show them all of the new skills we have learned. 

At the Scottish celebration, P5 raised over £200 we were so happy we got all the money from the raffle. We’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated items. With your help we have been able to buy face paint, costume and props to make our show even better. 

You should buy tickets to see the show for yourself. It will take place in the Arena on Monday 11th March at 2pm and Wednesday 13th March at 6pm.Tickets are £2 and will be on sale via iPay on 29th February. Get your tickets quick to make sure you don’t miss out. You will be amazed! 

We are proud of ourselves and our teachers for helping us create this show just for you. 


Written by Bramble Clan




Participatory Budget – Thistle and Schiehallion as Agents of Change

Thistle and Schiehallion have been leading a whole school and wider community project about how to spend the Participatory Budget for our school and the overall cost of the school day.


When gathering our data, we needed to ensure that the whole school and our wider community had their say. The children decided they wanted to do this by hosting a whole-school event where pupils gathered in our Discovery Den to learn about the Cost of the School day and Participatory Budget, through fun and engaging activities. This was organised, run, designed and created by members of Thistle and Schiehallion Clans.



Schiehallion Clan also created, produced and edited their own Clan Calderwood Connects to teach families and our community about Poverty in Scotland, the Cost of the School Day, the History of Schooling and the History of Money. After their Clan Calderwood Connects we asked people who had watched the Clan Connects to have a say in our anonymous Survey. Thistle and Schiehallion Clan supported each other to collect data after the Calderwood Connects from our Community through this Survey. If you want to support us, you can Click here to find out a little more about how you can use your views to help!

Categorized as Calderwood

Watercolour Wonder in Thistle and Schiehallion

In Schiehallion and Thistle Clan we have been exploring art techniques associated with watercolour. We explored nine separate techniques which are often used to create paintings when using watercolour; making our own reference sheet to use for future pieces of artwork. Following this, we analysed pieces of artwork created by unknown artists to identify the techniques they had used and the impact this had on the overall piece.


We have drafted a final watercolour painting and are looking forward to completing our final piece soon!

Categorized as Calderwood

Litter Pickers in the community.

During the February break- a group of 6 local children completed some litter picking in the local area- on one of the streets close to school (Cameron Gardens) which had been impacted by a lot of rubbish!

There was some amazing feedback regarding the six pupils. They gathered the rubbish with such enthusiasm and they managed to fill 12 rubbish bins of litter!!
This was also reported on the Calderwood Facebook page and received lots of praise from the local residents. 

Foodbank Collection

During the Harvest and Christmas period, Calderwood Primary School collected 259.8kgs.

This results in a total of 619 meals.

Thank you to all of our families for your support.

Categorized as Calderwood
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