Bluebell’s Fairtrade Learning

This week we have been learning about Fairtrade and cocoa farmers for our explanation writing. We learned about a group of farmers called the Kuapa Kokoo co-operative, which consists of approximately 65,000 farmers.

We learned what Fairtrade is and how it works. Fairtrade gives different farmers (for example banana, coffee and cocoa farmers) a fair price for their products. We made lots of notes about the different stages of cocoa bean farming and worked in pairs or independently to make a colourful and informative leaflet. We also used our genre targets to make sure that our writing followed the correct structure, used complex connectives amongst other things to make our writing as informative as possible. We also got to taste some Fairtrade chocolate and bananas to compare them to non-Fairtrade products.

All in all, it was very fun and interesting to learn about this topic.

Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 01/03/24

Calderwood Commitments:

  • 29/02/24 – 06/03/24: Tickets for Aladdin available to the whole school on iPay. First come, first served. You can find out more here.
  • 01/03/24 – 19/03/24: Champion Conservations Open Online to book Letter issued with instructions about how to book an appointment with your child’s champion.


Calderwood Calendar: 

  • Term 3 Family Calendar
  • 01/03/24: Letter issued about Champion Conversations sign up information.
  • 04/03/24: Time Capsule event for Pupil Council and chiefs: Pupil Council to wear full school uniform for a photo opportunity and not P.E kit please.
  • 07/03/24: Tempest: Clan Photos: Primary 1 clans, Primary 7 clans: School uniform and no PE Kit please. Basketball Team – Team Basketball Strip. We have put a request out to our PVG group for helpers to support with the photo process, we would be grateful if anyone could support with this.
  • 07/03/24: Schiehallion and Thistle Excursion: Please see separate letter.
  • 08/03/24: Aladdin Dress Rehearsal for clans
  • 15/03/23: 11:15am: Clan Calderwood Connects: Glasgow Clan Two family members can attend.


Calderwood Communication:

  • We are continuing to place an emphasis on behaviours in the playground and have seen a reduction in incidents this week. Our playground is a no hands on play area, this includes excessive hugging by putting your hands around children’s necks and games where you ‘barge’ or nudge each other. We continue to appreciate your support by also having this conversation with your child at home. Children who choose not to follow our ready, respectful and safe playground charter may have a consequence which could include; restorative conversation, time out, letter or phone call home You can find out more information about our lunch time routines here.
  • Breakfast Club: Starting from Monday the entrance to Breakfast Club will be the side door and not the main door.
  • Parents Portal: We would encourage all families to sign up to Parents Portal as you can now complete your EE2 forms for excursions online. You can find more information here.
  • Access to water: Since August we have used approx. 3000 cups due to children forgetting their water bottle. Can you please ensure your child comes to school with a water bottle. If a child does require a water bottle we can organise this through the office.
  • Absences: Can you please ensure you are reporting your child’s absence to the office via a phone message or email. Unfortunately on a Friday, a large number of absences are not being reported to the office team, meaning that a significant amount of time on a Friday can be spent contacting parents.
  • Bullying workshop: This week Primary 4-7 had a visit from a theatre company to explore themes associated with bullying. Primary 4 and 6 had a follow up workshops. As this is area within our school improvement plan, the clans will continue to explore these themes within their health and wellbeing learning.
  • Promoting cultural and diversity in Calderwood: Please take some to complete this


Calderwood Construction:

  • You can find extension plans and drone footage here.

Two Week Look Ahead

  • External facing brick install.
  • Continue internal Partitions on 1st floor and GF.
  • Start M&E 1st fix.


Calderwood Compliments:

  • Well done and thank you to our community litter pickers!
  • Well done to Perth Clan for their fantastic Connects about Scotland. We loved hearing all about your learning in a fun and creative way! Thanks to everyone who could join us.
  • Congratulations to Edinburgh Clan for their Connects today. It was great to hear all your learning about your own clan – Edinburgh! Thanks to everyone who could join us.
  • Today our Ben Clans had a special visit from Mrs McGarvey and baby Everly. It was lovely to see the both!



Dundee Clan Learning

Dundee clan have immersed themselves in all things non-fiction.  We have been looking at non-fiction books and texts and exploring the features of these compared to fiction books.  We have begun learning about how to write an information report and explored examples of this type of text finding out about the purpose, the sections that make up an information text and what the purpose of these sections are. We will continue to explore this over the weeks ahead.  We have also started our new class novel ‘Rivet Boy’ which is based in the past, at the time of the construction of the Forth Rail bridge which links to our IDL learning about the Victorians and engineering.

We really enjoyed learning about jobs that children did in the Victorian times.  We learnt about the types of jobs they were expected to do for little money and with no safety laws.  We were very shocked at some of the information we learnt.  We had a go at putting ourselves in the children’s shoes by taking part in a ‘Hot-Seating’ Task.  This is where the children pretend that they are a child from the past and the rest of the group or clan ask questions about what life is like for them in the Victorian times and what it is like to work.  The children were very believable in their roles and got a real feel for what it must have been like for children in those times.

We have also really enjoyed learning our example information report text about ‘firefighters’.  We used visual pictures to support us learning the text and came up with some amazing actions to go with it and we all were able to say the text.  The whole clan loved learning this and are looking forward to learning more about this type of writing and having a go ourselves.


Categorized as Dundee

Aberdeen Actors!

Aberdeen Clan are learning to compare our modern lives with the lives of children in the Victorian era. We learned that many children had to work to support their families during this time and we looked at the different jobs a Victorian child may have had to do. We then each had a chance to sit on the “hot seat” where we had to act as though we were a working child from the past and answer questions from our peers. We loved getting into character but we agreed that we would rather be in school!


Categorized as Aberdeen
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