Dundee Clan – Engineering

As a clan we have continued to look at the Victorian era as this has really interested us.  After looking at jobs children did in those days, we began to explore inventions.  We found out that the Victorian era was a time of change and different things were invented to make life easier.  From this we explored the different inventions around the industrial revolution and the invention of toys.

We explored a timeline of toy inventions and had a go at creating our own Victorian spinning top with very little materials.  We came to realise that toys were very different to those we have now.

This led us on to our engineering project.  We looked at the job of an engineer and objects around us that may have been engineered.  From this we began to think about a toy we would like to create and began to come up with ideas and plan our inventions.

Finally, we made a final labelled drawing of our design along with a persuasive letter persuading an engineer to make our toy.  Over the next couple of weeks we will work on presenting our designs to our clan and one will be chosen to represent our clan at the whole school Dragons Den competition.

We have also been enjoying our new class novel – Rivet Boy, which is based in the past when the forth rail was being engineered.  We are really enjoying this story.

Please look at our sway to follow our journey.



Categorized as Dundee

British Science Week: Aberdeen

Through our topic, Voracious Victorians, Aberdeen Clan have learned about the impact of the Industrial Revolution and the many advancements in engineering made during this time. We have been learning about what life was like for a young brigger working on the Forth Bridge during the Victorian era through our class novel, Rivet Boy by Barbara Henderson. We have also investigated and compared toys from the past to the toys which we play with today.

We decided to design our own brand new toy designs for the Engineering Leaders Award Competition. We had to consider which problem our design would solve, how it would work, what materials would be used, and what it would look like. We then had to explain our design and write persuasively to convince the judges!


Aladdin 2024

This week Primary 5 performed our first ever Calderwood show, Aladdin to the Calderwood Community. The audience were blown away with their performing and back stage skills. What a journey and achievement this has been for our clans. We are so proud of our superstars!

We captured the talented cast and crew in their fabulous costumes. You can view these photographs via the link below.

Go to this Sway


Bluebell and Bramble would like to say a HUGE thank you to…

Boghall Primary who kindly shared some of their wonderful costumes with us.

The Calderwood Community who supported us with our raffle. The money raised allowed us to buy wigs, face-paint and props.

The Parent Council for purchasing microphones for us to use.

Our families and friends who helped us learn our scripts and who have supported us on this journey.

Everyone who came along to the show to share this memorable experience with us.


Categorized as Calderwood

Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 15/03/24

Calderwood Chronicle 15_03_24


Calderwood Commitments:

  • 08/03/24 – 19/03/24: Champion Conservations Open Online to book Letter issued with instructions about how to book an appointment with your child’s champion.
  • 11/03/24- 27/03/24: Milk order open on iPay for Term 4 – milk will not be available to order after this date.
  • Parents Portal: We would encourage all families to sign up to Parents Portal as you can now complete your EE2 forms for excursions online. You can find more information here.
  • As we create our school values we could appreciate your views and opinions. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.


Calderwood Calendar: 



Calderwood Communication:

  • Conifox family pass: Please click here to find out how you can book out our community pass.
  • Parent Ethos Survey
  • Parent Council Minutes: 21/02/24
  • January to June School Lunch Menu Updated
  • Excite Easter Programme
  • Lego Plea
  • Due to a few incidents in clan and the playground today with football cards, we request that your child does not bring them to school. If your child has them in school, we will keep them at the school office for collection by an adult.
  • Calderwood Companions Plea
  • Unfortunately, we have had some incidents with community members due to the speed at which children are using their bikes and scooters along the paths after they have left the playground. We would encourage all our children to follow the school rules of ready, respectful and safe in our community, as well as in the school. We would appreciate it if you could speak to your child about their journey home from school. We would also request that as the front of the school is so busy, from the main door to the playground gate, children walk their bikes and scooters in this area. Thanks in advance for your support.


Calderwood Construction:

  • You can find extension plans and drone footage here.
  • Works look ahead.
    • External facing brick install continues
    • Internal partitions, second side sheeting continues 1st floor
    • M&E 1st fix ongoing 1st and ground floor


 Calderwood Compliments:

  • This week was another moment in history for Calderwood, as Bluebell and Bramble clans hosted our first ever Calderwood show – Aladdin! They definitely went, beyond the dream, with their acting, singing, staging, choreography and scenery. I am a very proud head teacher and am truly grateful to our champions for providing this experience for our children and clans, they were outstanding! If you managed to make it along to the show, we would love you to take 5 minutes to leave the children and champs a comment on this form, that we can surprise them with. Thank you to our Parent Council for donating funds for us to buy new microphones which we can use for all our performances and Connects, and to Boghall Primary for lending us their costumes. Thank you Miss Boden, Miss Truesdale and Miss Stark for all their time, enthusiasm and energy in supporting our children.

Calderwood Companions Plea

Mrs Bates and a Parent Council Group are looking at how community volunteers could support our clans. Examples might include, supporting excursions, art activities, running a lunchtime interest club, supporting a clan in the STEM Studio with cooking, P.E outdoors or outdoor learning, etc.


We now have some clans who are interested in trialling this.


If you, a family member or community would be interested in supporting us, please contact the school office for a PVG form, these applications are currently free and last three years.


More information will come soon!

Volunteers required – Home-Start West Lothian

Home-Start are looking to recruit some new volunteers to support families in West Lothian
Home-Start is a charity which provides support to families with at least one child under five.
Volunteers would be matched with one family at a time, for a period of around 9 – 12 months. We are looking for volunteers who have a spare couple of hours a week. This could be a member of staff, a student, a parent, carer or Grandparent or just anyone who has a bit of spare to time and wants to help. The volunteer does not have to be a parent themselves and some of our families are just looking for someone to talk to or someone to give them company. Click on the link to find out a bit more about Home-Start and register your interest with us – https://www.home-start.org.uk/find-out-more-about-volunteering-for-home-start We are also looking for volunteers to help at family group sessions to interact with
Each volunteer will be required to complete a training course to enable them to support a family effectively. The short training course will be partly through elearning at their own pace and also through 4 face-to-face sessions (two and a half hour sessions). All expenses for volunteering will be provided. Please contact lisac@homestartwl.org.uk if you would like more information
Kind Regards
Lisa Callaghan
Family Support Coordinator
Categorized as Calderwood
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