Burns Clan

Burns Clan have had lots of fun learning new things about their clan mates and new champion.
We have discussed our goals and ambitions for the year ahead and what we and our champion can do to support us in achieving these. We created a time capsule to record these and will open it up at the end of the year to see how far we have come. We also created a clan charter and discussed the ways we can ensure everyone feels safe, secure, and respected in our clan.
In week 2, we practiced our writing and public speaking skills as we wrote and shared our speeches for pupil council. We demonstrated our respect for our clan mates as we listened carefully and showed encouragement as they shared their speeches.
 We also learned about the festival Raksha Bandhan, we discussed the meaning of the festival and the importance of it. Our clan mates who participate in the festival also shared the ways they celebrate Raksha Bandhan with their families.
On Friday of week 2, we demonstrated fantastic teamwork as we combined our interests and imagination to build an airbase using Kapla.
Categorized as Calderwood

Sewing Primary 1

Following our Froebelian approach in Primary 1, we are starting to embed our Froebelian occupations. Froebel’s occupations connected children’s first-hand experiences in their local communities with creative materials to communicate, develop physical and problem-solving skills.

Through the school year pupils have the opportunity to carry out woodwork and use clay in their clans. Champions would like to expand our occupation experiences by include sewing.

Sewing is a life skill and sustainability is a global priority. Being able to
mend or make clothes reduces waste. It is also a way to express ideas and feelings and can be an art form in itself.

If anyone would like to donate:

  • a variety of needles (plastic or metal with large eye holes)
  • pin cushions
  • fabric scissors
  • a selection of different coloured embroidery thread
  • some easy-to-handle fabric such as block weave fabric (for example Binca or Hessian)
  • buttons, laces or ribbons
  • fabric offcuts/samples

If anyone has an interest in sewing and would like to share this with our pupils please get in touch with Miss Connor.

Loose Parts Primary 1- Primary 3

We are looking for donations of loose parts and sewing materials for our Primary 1- Primary 3.

Loose-parts play is a type of open-ended play-based learning that encourages children to use their creativity and imagination. The phrase ‘loose parts’ refers to the variety of natural and man-made objects that children use. Loose-parts play is accessible for children of all ages and abilities. Loose parts can be anything – the aim is to allow children to engage with the materials in an imaginative way.

Examples of Loose Parts that could be donated:
Pebbles/Stones, Pine cones, Shells, Buttons, Beads, glass gems, bubble wrap, pegs, bottle caps/jar lids, material offcuts, ribbons.

If you would like to donate and unsure if suitable, please get in touch with Miss Connor.


Seesaw Primary 1- Primary 3

You will have recently received two Seesaw codes home:

Home Learning Code

Family Invite

The home learning code is for your child to upload their home learning or activity to share with their champion only.

The Family Invite allows you to link to the seesaw account and any adult to add comments to their child’s work either uploaded in class or from home.

You should have received both codes home, please let your child’s teacher know if this isn’t the case.

Just a reminder that Seesaw is a learning profile tool and shouldn’t be used to message teachers or discuss pupil’s absence/appointments for example. Please use the main school channels to discuss any issues or let the office know about absence/appointments.




The Parent Council have WhatsApp and Facebook groups that all parents and carers are welcome to join:


*Parent Council Announcements WhatsApp* (for school parents and carers) https://chat.whatsapp.com/L9h0UVe2Tas4ZPJgC0KVR7


*Calderwood Nursery Parents and Carers WhatsApp* (for nursery parents and carers) https://chat.whatsapp.com/D1JxiBdhSZ52wi0hsLInaM


*Parent Council Facebook Page*: https://www.facebook.com/calderwoodpspc


*Parents Group Facebook Page:* https://www.facebook.com/groups/290855069331960/?ref=share_group_link


These groups are the main ways whereby the Parent Council will share information about their events and fundraisers, as well as some communications from the school and reminders about the main school events.


Please note that not all school communications and events will be shared on these groups, so please also keep an eye on your email for the school newsletter (Calderwood Chronicle) and the school blog.


Please also note that the Parent Council does not get involved with matters related to individual children/families/staff, and these issues should be addressed directly with the school.


If you have Parent Council related questions or feedback, please email calderwoodpspc@gmail.com

Welcome Back Burns Clan!

Burns Clan have had lots of fun learning new things about their clan mates and new champion.
We have discussed our goals and ambitions for the year ahead and what we and our champion can do to support us in achieving these. We created a time capsule to record these and will open it up at the end of the year to see how far we have come. We also created a clan charter and discussed the ways we can ensure everyone feels safe, secure, and respected in our clan.
In week 2, we practiced our writing and public speaking skills as we wrote and shared our speeches for pupil council. We demonstrated our respect for our clan mates as we listened carefully and showed encouragement as they shared their speeches.
 We also learned about the festival Raksha Bandhan, we discussed the meaning of the festival and the importance of it. Our clan mates who participate in the festival also shared the ways they celebrate Raksha Bandhan with their families.
On Friday of week 2, we demonstrated fantastic teamwork as we combined our interests and imagination to build an airbase using Kapla.
Categorized as Calderwood
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