Parental Focus Sessions for Children with Additional Support Needs.

Please find information on Focus Sessions: Building skills together 2024/2025
For parents / carers of pre-school children with additional support needs.
These session will offer practical strategies and examples of different ways of working with children with additional support needs, opportunities to ask questions, hear from other parents and discuss ideas together
These session are delivered by Health and Education staff working in Early Years Services.  Session are run online.  Parent Focus Sessions flyer 2024-25

Muir and Mackintosh House and Vice Captains

Today, a number of our Muir and Mackintosh pupils took to the Arena in front of their houses – Fallow, Red, Roe and Sika – to present their ideas for House and Vice Captain.

The children worked so hard on their presentations and speeches and we are so proud of how well they all did this morning.  The children from each house voted for who they wanted as their House and Vice Captains.

The votes were extremely close, but we now have our House and Vice Captains!

Well done to everyone involved, and thank you to parents/carers and champs who supported the children to go forward for this leadership opportunity.

Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 30/08/24

Every fortnight we will issue our chronicle to families via email and our blog.

All other information about Calderwood is on our blog and on Twitter we highlight our achievements.

Calderwood Chronicle 30_08_24

Calderwood Commitments

  • Please ensure you have registered your child on parent portal and that your details are up to date. West Lothian Council are now using this system for our annual data checks and EE2 forms for excursions. You can find advice here. The details you used on enrolment must be the same as the details you enter to enrole on parent portal, we recognise that a lot of families are requiring support with this and the office champs are working through emails and voice messages.
  • 06/09/2024: Primary 7 Fundraiser: iPay will be open for donations from 2nd to 6th Sept or children can bring along change for donations for activities on the day. Find out more information here.
  • Please complete and return the NHS immunisations forms that were sent home last Friday.


Calderwood Calendar: 

  • 2024-25 Calendar
  • 02/09/2024: Term 1 Learning Letters posted on the blog, you can find them here.
  • 06/09/2024: Primary 7 Fundraiser: All children can dress down (no football tops or crop tops please) and can take part in the fundraiser. iPay will be open for donations from 2nd to 6th Sept or children can bring along change for donations for activities on the day. Money raised will go towards the cost of their hoodies/ leavers’ events. Find out more information here.
  • 10/09/24: 5:00pm to 5:45pm or 6:00pm to 6:45pm: Meet the Clan & Champion: Your child will take you on a tour and show you their clan room, their champion will also be there. Please no more than 2 adults per family. Prams can be left downstairs. Find out more here.
  • 13th, 16th, 17th September: School closed for September Break.


Calderwood Communication:


  • Parking: There are spaces in our carpark for blue badge holders, only those with a blue badge should park in this space. There is no parking along the side of the building on the Nethershiel Road.
  • Morning Gates: As children arrive to drop off their bikes for breakfast club they can open the gates to access the bike shed (they are closed but not locked). At morning drop off there are staff in the playground and on the gate from 8:25am – 8:45am, please do not enter the playground before or after this time.
  • Wet morning arrangements: When there is heavy rain in the mornings, there will be no champions on the gate as they are all supervising clans inside. Your child should enter the building during the playground/ STEM (corner door) and adults can walk their child up to the door. Children arriving after 8:45am should go to the office as normal.
  • Smart watches: Children should please have smart watches in school mode during the school day, they are not permitted to take photos, use it to communicate, etc.
  • Friday: A reminder that on a Friday school finishes for P1, P2 and Doune at 11:55am and at 12:00pm for the other clans.
  • Lunches: Please ensure you have ordered your child’s lunch at home using your iPay log in. Families who want their child to have a sandwich pack lunch from the school kitchen on a Friday, should order this by 9:30am on a Thursday. Primary 6 and 7 lunches cost £2.20. You can find out more information here on how to use iPay. Due to severe allergies in school we request that you do not send foods with nut ingredients for break and lunch time snacks.
  • School Office: Our school office opening hours are 8:20am-3:30pm (12:15pm on a Friday). Outwith these times you can leave a voicemail or send an email which will be picked up between 8:20am-3:30pm
  • Electric Scooters: A reminder that E-scooters can only be used on private land with the permission of the land owner.

School Improvement:

  • Poverty proofing statement: Please click here to find out how we try to reduce the cost the school day.
  • School Improvement Plan: Click here to find out about our improvement actions for this year.



Calderwood Compliments:

  • A huge congratulations to our new Calderwood Chiefs!
  • At Calderwood it our tradition to share a first day photo of your child. Over the next week our champions will add the photos to this blog post.
  • Thank you to Leven Clan for helping with our connects all about our value of
  • Thank you to our Parent Council for providing our fruit bowl for those children who have forgotten their snack.

Fun day at Calderwood – Friday 6th September

Fundraising & Dress Down Friday

In the past, our Primary 7 classes have held a fundraising event to raise funds towards their leavers hoodies.

Our Muir & MacKintosh clans are hosting a fun day for the whole school on Friday 6th September. This event will take place during school hours and all children will be invited in the stages to come along and participate in different activities planned, prepared and resourced by the Primary 7 pupils.

Funds can be donated either via ipay impact or in cash on the day. Our pupils have put a guide price on their posters, however, to ensure equity for all, no child will be turned away for not having money.

This year, activities have been split into different zones that your child can visit. Our Primary 7 pupils will support all the children across the school to participate.

Fun Zone:

Creative Zone:

Glitter Tattoos & Hair extensions:

*Please complete this short form if you wish your child to OPT out of any of the following activities.


Both Muir and MacKintosh clans are very excited to host this event and are looking forward to finding out how much their leavers hoodies will be subsidised. Any small or local businesses that wish to donate, should do so through the school office.

Thank you for your continued support for our Calderwood children.





Categorized as Calderwood

Learning Letters Term 1 2024-2025

Primary 1 Learning Letter: Learning letter 2024-2025 Term 1

Primary 2 Learning Letter: Term 1- P2 Clans Learning Letter

Primary 3 Learning Letter:  Term 1 P3 Clans Learning Letter

Primary 4 Learning Letter: Term 1 P4 Clans Learning Letter

Primary 5 Learning Letter: Primary 5 Learning Letter Term 1 2024-2025

Primary 6 Learning Letter: Primary 6 Learning Letter Term 1 2024-2025

Primary 7 Learning Letter: Primary 7 Learning Letter Term 1 2024-2025

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