Calderwood Skills: A pupil and family challenge

Please find information about our Pupil/Family challenge linked to our Calderwood Skills focus here:

Calderwood Skills


If you would like to enter our challenge, please use this template:

Calderwood Skills Template

If you’d like a hard copy in class, please ask your champion.


All entries to be handed to Miss Connor by Tuesday 8th October, winners will be announced on Friday 11th October at Connects.

Christmas Card Fundraiser

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week your children will have ownership in designing their own Christmas Cards as part of a School Fundraiser called ‘Cauliflower Cards’.  This has been organised by the Parent Council.

Your child will bring their design home with an order form on Monday 30TH of September 2024.  If you would like to order any copies of your child’s design please return the form to school by Thursday 3rd of October 2024.

We appreciate your continued support and look forward to seeing the children’s designs!

Many Thanks

MacKintosh and Muir – P7 Fun-Day

On Friday 6th September our Primary Seven Clans; Muir and MacKintosh ran a Fun-Day Fundraiser for the whole school. It was a fantastic experience for our Primary Seven children to organise and orchestrate a whole-school event – during which our Primary Sevens showed our school values of Caring, Resilience, Integrity and also supported our younger children to feel a sense of Belonging with such efficacy!

We diligently calculated the total after having sorted all the change into respective coins and having counted each type of coin into money bags. We were so lucky to have raised £820.19 in cash and an additional £670.00 in online payments. Making a total of £1490.19 in funds to help reduce the Cost of the School Day for our phenomenal Primary Seven families by funding those Primary Seven Hoodies!

Thank you to all families and children who took part in the day and made donations to our fundraiser. Huge thank you also goes to Skylight Events for making a donation from their business to support our fundraiser.

Here are some great snaps from the day:

Here are some quotes from our amazing Primary Seven role models:

My time at the P7 fundraiser was great! I started off doing face glitter and then got to do soak the P7’s – I got seven buckets chucked over me and it was so fun! After I got dry, I did hair extensions. My experience of the Primary Seven fundraiser was great. – Annabelle

“I loved getting soaked to the core by my Primary Five friend and doing Tattoos for my friends and other people in school!” – Ananya

“I loved helping younger children make bracelets and getting soaked by the P5s who were ruthless. I also enjoyed looking at everyone else’s stations.”- Maddy

“We spent weeks getting ready for our Fun day, getting soaked was really fun and I helped to tidy up after so I was late to go home but so were some other people so it was really fun!”- Isabella

“I was setting my station up with my group and got donation box for the extra money for the fundraiser (which helped a lot) and the preparation was fun but tiring and it was fun!” – Finley

“My time at the P7 fundraiser was fantastic. Most of my time I was helping with the glitter tattoos, and it was fun helping all the kids doing their tattoos. For the last 20 minutes lots of P5 got buckets and started throwing them at me – during Soak the P7s. I got very soaked.” – Millie

“First, I set up the glitter tattoos and I did both my buddies’ glitter tattoos. I advertised my glitter tattoo section and after this I helped the football station quite a lot in the arena. After P3 it was P4 and I was in goals for bibs, and we won 4-2 After break it was p5 and it was funny because the p5 was punting the ball around and it hit me. P6 came on and it was p7 vs p6 and we won 7-1 against them and then we tidied up the arena.” –  Dheeran

“On the day of the p7 fundraiser we got our stuff ready my group were in the arena for the football tournament it was fun to watch the p1’s play football, I got a glitter tattoo then I went outside to see people getting soaked at soak the p7’s I threw a few sponges at the other p7’s when I came back it was the p5’s playing we then played the p6’s we won 7-1 we were happy then it was home time so we cleared are stuff it was a really tiring but a really fun day.” – Poorvaj

“I had a massive crowd waiting patiently for their origami this was the fun part because I was able have fun conversations with them, I was also able to help many p2s who needed my help. For me it was the best time I had in a long time.” – Sartaj

“I liked interacting with people and got to play football as I love to play football.” – Mason B

“I loved getting soaked and doing my neighbour’s face glitter.” – Lacey

“I LOVED the P7 Funday because my brother poured 7 WHOLE BUCKETS on my HEAD in soak the P7s. I got to do my P1 buddies face glitter and made him really happy.” – Farah

“My highlights were: Getting soaked by the P3. After getting soaked we all started chucking buckets and sponges at each other. Doing my Buddy’s face glitter.” – Summer

“My favourite part of the fundraiser was when my sister got to soak me in soak the P7s. After I got dried, I set up my stand (make your own coasters) and surprisingly we got 50 pounds!” – Jessica

“I had an amazing time during the P7 Funday! I did face glitter first which was amazing because seeing kids smile because of you is so sweet! Then I went to soak the P7s and got very wet, but it was very funny!” – Eila

“I really enjoyed the P7 because I was in the origami group.” – Mason L

“I was in the arena football tournament I was the one sorting people’s teams and seeing all the young people playing football. I went in goals when p2 where play it was 4-2 bibs and I was in beat the goals. I helped with the guess the number of sweets in the jar and I helped with the hair extensions.” – Rayan

‘‘I loved helping with different stations such as making origami and helping people make coasters, however my favourite part had to be getting drenched in soak the P7s.’’ – Elliot

Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 12/09/24

Calderwood Chronicle 12_09_24

Every fortnight we will issue our chronicle to families via email and our blog.

All other information about Calderwood is on our blog and on Twitter we highlight our achievements.

Calderwood Commitments

  • Please ensure you have registered your child on parent portal and that your details are up to date. West Lothian Council are now using this system for our annual data checks and EE2 forms for excursions. You can find advice here. The details you used on enrolment must be the same as the details you enter to enrol on parent portal, we recognise that a lot of families are requiring support with this and the office champs are working through emails and voice messages.
  • Primary 6 Clans: A reminder about P6 Young STEM Leader applications to be in by Friday 20th Link is here:
  • 23/09/24 – 09/10/24: iPay open for Term 2 milk order: Milk orders will not be available after date.

Calderwood Calendar: 

  • Updated: 2024-25 Calendar
  • 13th, 16th, 17th September: School closed for September Break.
  • 26/09/24: 2:00-3:00pm. Drummond Clan Sharing the Learning: A visit to the clan room to find out about their numeracy context for learning and to look at your child’s jotters. One adult per child please. Please enter through the Glenshee Gate (Nethershiel Road) and through the Drummond Cloakroom.
  • 01/10/2024: 6:00-8:00pm: Parent Council Meeting 1: In the Arena or on Zoom
  • 04/10/2024: 9:15-10:15am: Clan Connects: Baird Doors Open 9:05am. An opportunity for your children to share on stage their learning in the Arena and then you can look at their jotters in the café. 2 adults per child. Please enter through the front doors.
  • 07/10/2024 – 08/10/2024: Tempest School Photo Days (note the change that this is now two days) Please ensure your child wears school uniform and no PE Kits. We can lend P7s ties, Primary 7 ties for those who would like to wear one for the photo. If parents have a PVG we are looking for volunteers to support with the running of this.

Calderwood Communication:

  • Loose parts and sewing request.
  • Thank you for everyone who attended our Meet the Clan/ Champion event this week. We would invite you to complete this short form about the event.
  • Our Primary 6 clans are going to create a podcast as part of their young STEM group, if you have experience of this and could speak to the group, please let Miss Connor know via the office.
  • Primary 4-6 clans have been learning about descriptive writing, you can find out more about their learning here, in their blog posts.
  • Primary 1 – 3 Seesaw: Seesaw is place for champions and children to share their learning and process between home and school. It is not a platform for direct communication with champions, this should be done through the school office.


  • Parking: There are spaces in our carpark for blue badge holders, only those with a blue badge should park in this space. There is no parking along the side of the building on the Nethershiel Road.
  • Smart watches: Children should please have smart watches in school mode during the school day, they are not permitted to take photos, use it to communicate, etc.
  • Lunches: Please ensure you have ordered your child’s lunch at home using your iPay log in. Families who want their child to have a sandwich pack lunch from the school kitchen on a Friday, should order this by 9:30am on a Thursday. Primary 6 and 7 lunches cost £2.20. You can find out more information here on how to use iPay. Due to severe allergies in school we request that you do not send foods with nut ingredients for break and lunch time snacks.


Calderwood Compliments:

Leven: Description Writing

In Leven clan, we began our learning about description texts by creating our own sea creatures using line, shape and colour. We then wrote a description explaining our creature to our peers. We tried to use interesting adjectives in order to bring our sea characters to life and make the description exciting for the reader.

This week, we have continued to develop our descriptive writing skills by using the ‘describing bubble’. We used the well known character of Mr Tickle as our stimulus and used as many adjectives and descriptive phrases as we could to describe him.

We then learned about the purpose and structure of a description text, developing our understanding further of each section.

Finally, we wrote our own description text about Mr Tickle, using the skills and knowledge that we have developed.



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