
Weather permitting children will have the opportunity to play on the grass at break and lunch times. If they wish to play on the grass or in the Adventure Zone, they should bring a change of shoes to wear. My advice is to wear their normal school shoes or P.E day shoes to school and have a pair of old wellies/ trainers/ change of socks that they can keep in school for the days they would like to play on the grass. The reason for changing shoes is mainly for their comfort, so your child is not in school with wet feet and also to preserve our carpets, etc for as long as possible.
A reminder of the options available at lunch times are here: 
Christmas Lunch
Children are able to wear a Christmas jumper or themed accessory to school tomorrow over their school uniform.

Information for 29/11/21

Dear parent/ carer,
I hope you had a lovely weekend.
West Lothian Council policy is to grit one path to the main entrance, then once all schools on the patch are gritted they grit the other paths. To err on the side of caution, on Monday morning I would request that all school children enter through the main entrance. Glencoe gate will be open for bikes/ scooters but Glenshee gate will be closed.
A reminder that the main purpose of the car park is for staff parking. If you are using the carpark tomorrow, please do so with caution.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton

P1-3 Collection

A gentle reminder that Mull, Orkney and Shetland parent/ carers should wait at the benches until they see their child. Congregating along the path and close to Primary 1 means it is difficult for other children to navigate through the crowd with their champion.
Ness Clan and P3 children from Rannoch are walked along to the Amphitheatre and dismissed there. If they have a younger sibling, please don’t take your child from the Ness line as they walk past, as this means their champion is unaware of who has collected them. Please collect them from the Amphitheatre on your way out.
Can you please share the above information with whoever collect your child.

Lost Property

We are starting to gather a large amount of lost property with no names on the items of clothing. Please ensure your child’s name is on all items of clothing so they can be returned.

Tempest Photos

Dear Parents,

Have you ordered your school photos yet? A polite reminder that the closing date for free delivery back to school is Tuesday 23rd  November 2021.  Order through the Tempest website using your unique link or visit

If you need any assistance in ordering your photos, feel free to contact Tempest on 01736 751555 (option 3).

Many thanks,


Validated Self Evaluation Report

Prior to the October holidays, Calderwood Primary had a Validated Self Evaluation from West Lothian Council. Mr Iain McDermott, our Education Officer, and Mrs Geraldine Armstrong, Quality Improvement Manager, had discussions with children, champions, parents/ carers and partners about our transition to Calderwood Primary. Miss Miller, Mrs Scott and I also shared our Calderwood journey with them. It was a very positive experience, which is reflected in our report. Bella and Matthew from our Ben Lawers and Lomond Clans, did a fantastic job of being tour guides for our visitors and supported with the learning walk around our clans. Thank you to all involved in the process, especially our champions and children.

I presented the report at Education Quality Assurance Committee this week, where we had lots of positive feedback and compliments from councillors and it was recognised we will be able to support other new schools in the future.

You can read the report here:

Calderwood Primary_VSE_Report

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