Category: Parent Council
Parent Council Meeting Minutes – 1st October
Parent Council: Halloween Discos & Parties
If your child would like to attend the Halloween Disco please complete a permission and emergency contact form via the following link:
or by scanning the QR code. If you are unable to access the link, paper copies will be available on the night. Please note that your child will not be able to attend unless a permission and emergency contact form has been completed.
Halloween Posters Halloween Disco P4-7
Parent Council: Calderwood Costume Bank: Halloween
Parent Council Agenda – 01/10/24
Parent Council: Halloween Sweetie Bags Fundraiser
PDF with links:
The Parent Council have WhatsApp and Facebook groups that all parents and carers are welcome to join:
*Parent Council Announcements WhatsApp* (for school parents and carers)
*Calderwood Nursery Parents and Carers WhatsApp* (for nursery parents and carers)
*Parent Council Facebook Page*:
*Parents Group Facebook Page:*
These groups are the main ways whereby the Parent Council will share information about their events and fundraisers, as well as some communications from the school and reminders about the main school events.
Please note that not all school communications and events will be shared on these groups, so please also keep an eye on your email for the school newsletter (Calderwood Chronicle) and the school blog.
Please also note that the Parent Council does not get involved with matters related to individual children/families/staff, and these issues should be addressed directly with the school.
If you have Parent Council related questions or feedback, please email