Information Regarding School and Nursery Photo Day

This year due to our increase in number of children we will run our school and nursery photo day’s separately. 
School photo day will run all day on Monday 7th November. Children will get an individual photo and a family photo with their school siblings (if applicable). On Monday 7th November, only school siblings will get a family photo due to time constraints. Please ensure your child comes to school with full school uniform even if it is a P.E. day.
Nursery photo day will run all day on Monday 23rd January, this will allow for our new cohort of children to join us and have their picture taken too. On this day children will get an individual photo and a family photo with their siblings. On Monday 23rd January family photos will include all siblings from school and nursery. Children who do not attend nursery on a Monday will be given a time slot. 
Kind Regards,

Calderwood Nursery Courier 21.10.22


Calderwood Nursery Courier 21.10.22
Calderwood Commitments (Actions):
Calderwood Calendar 

You can find upcoming dates for this term here:

KEY DATES for next week
24th – 31st October – Halloween Celebrations – All children can come to nursery dressed up/down between these dates on any / as many days as they choose. Halloween based activities will be on offer throughout the nursery and the children will have Halloween themed snacks. There are some dress up costumes available for you to take at the nursery door if you would like one.
Calderwood Communication 
We would like to inform you of some changes to Champions in our nursery as our numbers and community continue to grow.

Over the coming weeks we bid farewell to Miss Huddleston, Mrs McGinlay and Miss Heinemeier. Miss Huddleston’s last day will be on Friday 27th October. Mrs McGinlay’s last day will be Friday 11th November. Miss Heinemeier has also decided to move on, with her last day being 18th October. We wish them all the best of luck for the future.
We have begun the recruitment process to fill these positions, and we will keep you informed of your child’s new key champion and their start dates on 31st October 2022. In the meantime, Mrs Laing and Mrs Lyon will take over as key champion for the wildcats and the foxes.
Finally, a warm welcome to Mrs McGillvirary our new Pupil Support Champion who started with us this week. We also welcome Miss Reilly and Early Years Practitioner supporting with the transition of champions and Mr Skant a student WL college Early Years Practitioner working in the nursery for blocks throughout the year.
We look forward to continuing to build our Calderwood Nursery community over the next year.
Kind Regards,
The Nursery Champions

Curriculum Rationale – Values at Calderwood Nursery

At Calderwood Nursery we are beginning to establish our Curriculum Rationale. As part of this process we would like to create our nursery vision, values and aims.

To do this we have consulted with our champions, children and would like contribution from our families.

Please complete the Padlet below to share your views! 



Nursery Chronicle: 7.10.22

Calderwood Nursery Chronicle: 7.10.22

Dear Parent/Carer, 

I hope you are all well.  

Communication update:  

Following discussions at our recent Parent Council we have formed a group to look at suggestions from families as to how we can better streamline communications from Calderwood Nursery. Some suggestions have included:  

  • A short weekly email with links to actions/ information on the blog (separated into the two categories) rather than a long monthly newsletter email. 

  • Separating the blog from twitter, with twitter being a showcase for targeted events. 

  • Monthly Calendar email. 

  • The blog will continue to be a one stop shop but we will improve the categories for navigation. 

  • Reviewing the new strategies in November. 

Calderwood Calendar: 

  • 7th October – Champion Conversations (Parent Consultations) 
  • 10th October – 18th October – School Holidays (Nursery Remains Open) 

  • 14th October – Champion Conversations  

  • 19th October – School Pupils Return from Holiday / 3:30pm Parent Council Halloween Swap Shop 

  • 20th October – Please return Christmas Card Orders [click here for more information] 

  • 21st October – Champion Conversations  

Calderwood Communication (For information): 


Huge congratulations to Miss Huddleston and Mrs McGinlay who are taking up new Early Years Practitioner roles at WL nurseries. We thank them for all their efforts in our first year at Calderwood Nursery and wish them the best of luck in their new adventures. We will keep you posted on when their last days are. During this period, we will begin the recruitment process for new champions who will join our Calderwood Family. We will keep you updated with the progress of this. 

This week, we welcomeMiss Smith to our champion team and look forward to welcoming Mrs MacGillviray on 17th October.   

Finally, congratulations to Mrs Brito who welcomed baby Maria to the world on 28.9.22.



The school October holidays run from Monday 10th October –18th October. Our Calderwood nursery will remain open. To report an absence/share any information please remember to call the nursery phone on 01506 280070 as the school office will be closed. 


During the school holidays nursery lunch will be a sandwich option. You should continue to order this when you register your child in the morning. 


As we transition into our Autumn and Winter months, please ensure your child has waterproof and warm clothes which are labelled. When your child arrives at the nursery their coats and wellies are to be stored in the muddy boot room to allow them to freely access the nursery garden. We understand the hardship for families at the moment, so if you need any support with this please do not hesitate to get into contact with a champion. 


Calderwood Commitments (Actions): 


Thank you to everyone who attended our first Stay and Play sessions last week, it was great to see you all enjoy the busy and exciting atmosphere at Calderwood Nursery and join your child in their journey.  

If you would like to leave us feedback, please click on the link below: 


We always appreciate any feedback that can help us improve. If you would like to give us any further feedback, please complete the form CLICK HERE. 


Kindest Regards, 

The Nursery Champions 

Nursery Stay & Play

This week we have enjoyed welcoming our families to experience a day in the life of our nursery.  There is still time to play on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September.  Feel free to pop in during your child’s nursery session.

Calderwood Nursery – reporting an absence over September Weekend

Dear Parent/Carer,
Calderwood Primary will close for a holiday on Friday 16th September and remain closed on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th September.
Calderwood Nursery will be open on Friday 16th September and Tuesday 20th September, however will be closed on Monday 19th September to mark the passing of Queen Elizabeth 2nd in line with West Lothian arrangements.

To report an absence/share any information On 16th and 20th of September please call the nursery phone on 01506 280070 as the school office will be closed.

Kind Regards

Nursery Newbies!

This week we have welcomed lots of new children and families to our Nursery!  The children have been amazing at learning the nursery routines, exploring their new environment and making friends.  Our garden has been particularly popular!

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