Please find a social story that you can use with your nursery child to support them with the nursery closure tomorrow and the adverse weather conditions.
Category: Nursery
17.1.25 Nursery Chronicle
Christmas in Calderwood ELC
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Calderwood Nursery.
Our Gingerbread house.
A cosy corner for a story.
Our Writing area has examples of text
and a Postbox for all of our letters!
We have tree decorating and an Elf Wrapping Station too!
Our outdoor Winter Wonderland is in progress but it’s starting to take shape!
November Bookbug Programme
Bookbug is a great way to discover the benefits of sharing stories, songs and rhymes with babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers and for meeting other people. Have a look at what Bookbug sessions are available in West Lothian throughout November.
World Nursery Rhyme Week 2024
Calderwood Nursery had lots of different activities this week to celebrate World Nursery Rhyme Week. Nursery rhymes play an important role in early childhood development and education.
Nursery rhymes and children’s songs boost vocabulary and language development.
Nursery rhymes help children to develop social, physical and emotional skills.
They provide a fun way to support early numeracy skills.
They help children to develop literacy skills
West Lothian Netters P4-7 Sessions
Hi all!
Sessions are £3 per week and can be booked from exactly one week prior using the following link;
Astro Gymnastics Free Trial
Halloween at Calderwood Nursery
Have a look at what’s been happening this week for Halloween.
Family Learning and Parental Involvement at Calderwood Nursery
We have created a Sway to give you more information on all of our Family Learning and Parental Involvement opportunities including Stay and Play Sessions and Family Learning Events. This will be added to throughout the year.
Nursery Menu