Harburn Players auditions

The Harburn Players are looking for performers for their 2023 Christmas Show!

Anyone interested please come along to Harburn Village Hall (5 mins drive from West Calder) on Sunday 10th September at 2pm.

The show will take the form of a review/variety performance.

Performers must be aged 8 years or over (adults also most welcome), and available for rehearsals on Sunday afternoon.

For more information please contact Isobel McChesney.

Tel: 07785 268 496 or email: i.mcchesney@btinternet.com

Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 25/08/23

Link to PDF: Calderwood Chronicle_25_08_23

Calderwood Commitments (Actions):


Calderwood Calendar: 

  • Term 1 Calendar link
  • 25/08/23: Dress Down Day: (For school funds) Please no football strips or crop tops. If you like to make a donation you can do this on iPay by clicking on funds, Dress Down Day.
  • 30/08/23: P5-7 Karate Taster sessions: Can wear their P.E kit to school
  • 06/09/23 & 07/09/23: Visit My Clan


Calderwood Communication: 

  • Invisible Strings Learning: Click here to find out more about what our clans have been learning during the first two weeks back.
  • First Week Back Photos
  • P7 Dalguise Parent Session: Click here to see the presentation.
  • Routines: Thank you for bearing with us as we navigate our routines and to the parents who have supported us with ideas to refine them. We received some enquires via the Parent Council about the cabins and playground and we have responded to the concern.
  • iPay: You can click here to find advice on how to use iPay. All families should use this system to order their child’s lunch or note that they are bringing a pack lunch from home.
  • Community Event: Almondell Cemetery Public Art Unveiling Invite
  • Term 1 P.E Days
  • Parent Council Welcome Letter
  • Jets & Simply Play: If your child is using of one these services please ensure you inform them of your child’s clan so the champions know who in their clan should attend at the of the school day. If your child is absent from school or if there are changes to your plans, it is important you contact Simply Play or Jets to let them know this information so they can update their registers and to safe any confusion at pick up.

Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 18/08/23

Calderwood Chronicle_18_08_23 Download

Calderwood Commitments (Actions):

Calderwood Calendar: 

  • Term 1 Calendar link
  • 19/08/23: Milk Open to order for Term 1 Unfortunately, you will not be able to order milk for Term 1 after this point.
  • 23/08/23 – 6pm: Ben Lawers & Lomond Dalguise Information Session – Virtual Drop In: Join on your computer, mobile app or room device: Click here to join the meeting. Meeting ID: 334 279 901 597 Passcode: H3WhdG Download Teams | Join on the web
  • 25/08/23: Dress Down Day: (For school funds) Please no football strips or crop tops. If you like to make a donation you can do this on iPay by clicking on funds, Dress Down Day.

Calderwood Communication: 

  • Free School Meals and Clothing Grant Information: Although all children in Primary 1-5 received free school meals, it is important that those families who are entitled to the free school meals grant apply, as this allows enables your child to receive free school milk and access to other support, in and out of school. The clothing grant application also helps you to receive funding to purchase uniform supplies for your child. This link has more information and our equity champs are more than happy to support you with filling out the forms.
  • Routines: Thank you for bearing with us as we navigated our way through new routines this week based on our large intake of new children and the cabins being installed. You can find a copy of these routines here. You can also find in this Sway the areas children should leave their bikes. Primary 7 clans should use the bike rack next to the muga and Primary 5-6 clans should leave their bikes at the Great Glen Gate area. Next week, Primary 1 clans will follow the normal school routines.
  • Breakfast Club: You can find out more about Breakfast Club here. If your child requires food at Breakfast Club please ensure they arrive before 8:20am.
  • Communication: As you can see, the door at breakfast club and the gates in the morning are busy and at this time the champions focus is on the safety of the children. We therefore would ask that any communication that does need passed on to champions goes through the office, so the message finds its way to the correct person. When emailing the office, can you please ensure your note your child’s full name and clan name so the email can be directed to the correct champions.
  • Reporting Absence: Please email the school office: wlcalderwood-ps@westlothian.org.uk
    • Email title:School or Nursery Absence
    • Child’s first and surname:
    • Length of absence (if known):
    • Reason for absence:
    • If you are unable to email, you are still able to phone the school office. If your child continues to be absent for longer than one day and you haven’t initially reported this, please report this absence daily. If your child is going to be absent, it is your responsibility to contact the office before 9am to report the absence. Failure to report an absence will start the implementation of the West Lothian Safe Arrival policy, which may result in social work or police being contacted.
  • Snack: Please ensure your child brings a snack to school for morning break. For those children who forget we do have fruit available at the office. We would discourage share bags of crisps and sweets, and any candy style sweets. Due to allergies in the school, we also try to discourage children sharing their snacks or bringing in treats for birthdays. Please avoid nut based snacks at break and lunch, due to allergies. Children should also bring a filled water bottle to school each day that they can top up if required, please let us know if you require support with purchasing a water bottle.
  • iPay: The office champs are hoping that all new families will have a log in by next week. You can click here to find advice on how to use iPay. All families should use this system to order their child’s lunch or note that they are bringing a pack lunch from home, to ensure this does not take away from their learning time during stag start in the morning.
  • Leadership team clan responsibility:
    • Mrs Warden: Nursery
    • Miss Connor: Mull, Orkney, Shetland, Skye, Ness, Linlithgow
    • Mrs Bates: Leven, Rannoch, Tay, Tummel, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth
    • Miss Burton: Stirling, Aberdeen, Dundee
    • Miss Stark: Bluebell, Bramble, Thistle, Schiehallion, Ben Lawers, Ben Lomond


Calderwood Compliments:

  • Congratulations to Mrs Christie who got married over the summer. We wish Mr and Mrs Curtin lots of love and happiness!
  • Capturing Calderwood Chapter 3
  • We are so proud of all our new Primary 1 children and how quickly they have settled into life at Calderwood. They have been excellent at learning all the routines of being in ‘big school’, making new friends and starting their learning journey. Thank you to our champions and families for supporting this transition and milestone for them.
  • A big welcome to all our new children and families across P2-7 clans, we have welcomed 40 new children into our clans this week.
  • A warm welcome to all our new champions this week, including our new Principal Teachers, Mrs Warden and Mrs Bates.

Nursery Chronicle 21.7.23

Calderwood Nursery Chronicle 21.07.23

Calderwood Calendar


1/08/23 Stay and Play Family Event 1:30pm-3:00pm
3/08/23 Stay and Play Family Event 10:00am-11:30am
11/08/23 Nursery Leavers Event (parents invited) 10:00am
14/08/23 Start of new school year.  School closed.  Nursery open.



You can find upcoming dates here

Calderwood Commitments Actions:


Calderwood Communication (For information):


For the remainder of the Summer, cheese, ham and chicken sandwiches will be offered each day.  There will be no hot lunches.


Nursery Moving On Ceremony

On Friday 11th August, 10:00am we will be celebrating our pre-school children as the move on to school.  Parents/carers are invited to come along.  This is limited to two spaces.  The children will sing, share their nursery memories and receive a certificate.  Beverages in the school Café will follow with opportunities for photos.


LEAF Award

It has been amazing to see our families enjoy our Forest Explorer Bags and upload their photos and videos onto the padlet.  Have a look!  https://padlet.com/lesleylaing/calderwood-forest-explorer-bags-pintnnw1kp25jz4e

Families can borrow these at anytime!  Let us know if you would like one by signing up using the link above!


Summer Absences

A reminder to inform the nursery of absences during the Summer.  Please email the school office of any absences.  This will ensure you are not contacted as part of our safe arrivals procedures.  The school email is wlcalderwood-ps@westlothian.org.uk

Due to working with the children, our nursery staff are often unable to answer the phone therefore email is the most effective way of communicating with staff.


Nursery Leavers

Please collect all your children’s waterproofs, wellies and other belongings before or on your child’s last day at nursery.  If your child has medication, please see a member of staff to collect this.


Scottish Summer

As we continue to have rain and sunshine each day children continue to need suncream applied before their nursery session.  Please can all children bring a sun hat to further protect them during hot weather.  This should be labelled with their name.

Due to also having rain please ensure your child has suitable outdoor clothing and shoes.


Free School Meal and Clothing Grant

If you are entitled, completing this application will provide your child with lunch everyday, school milk and access to support services, clothing grant and extra support if required in school.



Calderwood Community Cupboard

Calderwood has been developing ways to support families due to the cost of living crisis.

With your help, we have created our own community cupboard which is stocked with everyday items for those times that you need a helping hand.




We have been interested in Under the Sea.  The children have been learning about plastic in the ocean and the impact this has on the environment and the animals who live in the ocean.   We have been looking at recycling to help stop plastic going to the ocean.  Can you help your child to recycle at home?  You could take glass jars to the glass banks in the Almondell carpark, show your children the different coloured wheelie bins or reuse something.

As always, please share any experiences with us on Online Learning Journals.

As ever, thank you for your continued support. If you would like to leave us any feedback, please click here.

Kindest Regards,

The Nursery Champions

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