Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 24/01/2025

Calderwood Chronicle 24_01_25


Calderwood Commitments: 

Calderwood Calendar: 

  • Updated: 2024-25 Calendar
  • Calderwood Scottish Poetry Recital: Clan Winners: Friday 31st Time TBC. Clan Winners will recite their poems to a panel.  Parents/Carers of winners will receive an invite to this event.
  • Baird, Burns and Mackintosh Sharing the Learning: Thursday 6th January 2:00-3:00pm. Please enter via the Glencoe (car park) gate from 1:55pm.  If you are running late, please enter via the office.
  • Ness Clan Connects and Sharing the Learning: 9:15-10:15am on 7th Doors Open 9:05am.
  • February Break Begins: 7th November 12:00noon. (Learners return Tuesday 18th February).

Calderwood Communication:

  • A reminder that in Miss Burton’s absence, you can continue to contact Miss Stark, Miss Connor or Mrs Warden via the school office.
  • If your child requires medication, please ensure this is handed into the office and the correct forms are completed. Children should not carry medication in their school bag.
  • In snow or icy conditions access to the school will be through the front door, we will alert parents/ carers/children to this. During these times there will be no supervisors in the playground. You can find our safe route here.
  • If your child is going to be absent from school, it is vital that you inform the school office at your earliest convenience. This can be via phone call or email (
  • PE Days for Term 3 are here.
  • Term 3 Learning letters are here.
  • Term 3 Home Learning Choice Boards are here.
  • At this time of year, children can be inside all day with the cold and wet weather and are therefore in close proximity of each other for longer periods of time. This is just a gentle reminder to check your child for head lice periodically.

Road Safety:

  • As you will know, all clans are focusing on Road Safety this week and next week. We unfortunately continue to receive concerns about use of the car park and roads around the school.  We have parents, carers and staff in school who genuinely require to use the disabled bays – please do not use these as drop off bays or park there without a blue badge.  If you choose to continue using the car park for drop off and pick off, please do so safely and with consideration and respect of others.
  • We have contacted Police Scotland about the ongoing Road Safety around the school. They came out on the 22nd January at pick up time to look at the situation and to speak to people who were parked inappropriately.  We will continue to link in with Police Scotland to try to tackle these ongoing concerns.  To reiterate – the safety of our children is of paramount importance and we must continue to work together to ensure that our children arrive at and leave safely from school.  We would encourage you to “park and stride” – park a few streets away and walk the remainder of the way to school, discussing road safety with your child/children in the process.

Calderwood Compliments:

  • Our House Meetings this term focused on our School Values. Learners worked collaboratively across their houses to think about each of our values – Caring, Resilience, Integrity, Belonging.
  • Leven and Rannoch clans put on a brilliant Connects about Resilience and Growth Mindset. Well done to these clans and thank you to our teaching champs for making this possible.
  • Our Primary 6 Learners have been busy spending our Participatory Budget. They have chosen to set up “Take What You Need” tubs, which will be situated throughout the school.  More information will follow in due course.

Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 13/12/24

Calderwood Chronicle 13_12_24


Calderwood Commitments: 

  • Milk: Orders close on iPay on 18th.  Orders will not be taken after this date.

Calderwood Calendar: 

  • Updated: 2024-25 Calendar
  • You can find details of all up and coming events in Christmas Countdown Calendar
  • School will close for the Christmas holidays on Friday 20th December at 11.55am for P1, P2 and P3/2 and 12.00noon for P3 to P7 clans

Calderwood Communication:

  • Please find links to Christmas Social Stories: Christmas Party
  • Please find a link to our Christmas Holidays Social Story here.
  • If your child requires medication, please ensure this is handed in to the office and the correct forms are completed. Forms can be obtained from the school office.  Children should not carry medication in their school bag.
  • The whole school enjoyed a visit from Hopscotch Theatre last week, and seeing their version of Pinocchio.
  • Champions: We are delighted to inform you that Miss McGuire is expecting a baby in April. It is Miss McGuire’s hope that she will continue to work until the Easter holidays, but we will keep Tummel Clan Families updated. I am sure you will join us in wishing Miss McGuire and her partner all the very best.
  • In snow or icy conditions access to the school will be through the front door, we will alert parents/carers/children to this. During these times there will be no supervisors in the playground. You can find our safe route here.
  • Please complete our Young STEM Leader questionnaire here to share views on our upcoming podcast

Calderwood Compliments:

  • Thank you to our Parent Council for organising an extremely successful Christmas Fayre at the end of November. Thank you to our families and champions who helped out on the day.  Thank you to our choir and Glee Club for performing.  Thank you to everyone who supported the event to make it such a huge success.
  • Another thank you to our Parent Council for donating a number of brand new Usborne books to the school.
  • Thank you to Elizabeth Pennykid from Kirknewton and East Calder Parish Church who joined us at Connects last Friday to share the Advent Story.
  • On 3rd December we had our Christmas Lunch, which was a lovely experience for all of our learners. Thank you so much to our dedicated kitchen team.  Thank you to our Office and PSW champions who helped to organise the event and to Muir and Mackintosh clans for serving up the lunch.
  • Thank you to our choir, who have sung at all of our P1 Nativities this week.
  • We have had very positive Christmas Party experiences with lots of our clans so far. These will continue next week.  Thank you to our Parent Council for providing the food and snacks for these events.
  • A huge congratulations and well done to our Primary 1 clans for their fantastic nativity performances. There is a lot of talent amongst our children!  We particularly loved how the children all performed with a smile on their faces.  A big thanks goes to our champions for making this opportunity possible.
  • A massive well done to all our P2-7 clans who performed amazingly at our Calderwood Christmas event today. A huge thank you to our champions for making this happen.

As the term draws to a close, I would like to wish all of our Calderwood families a restful break.  We look forward to seeing everyone return on 6th January.

Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 29/11/24

Calderwood Chronicle 29_11_24


Calderwood Commitments: 

  • Christmas Lunch: Orders are now closed for Christmas lunch. If you did not order a lunch for your child, they will be required to bring a packed lunch from home.
  • Panto: Cost £1.50 per child: iPay open 20th November-3rd December.  Please let us know if you require support with this.
  • Primary 1 Christmas Show: iPay is open for Primary 1 families for donations towards the Primary 1 Christmas Show. Donations support the purchasing of costumes and tea, coffee, mince pies at the shows.

Calderwood Calendar: 


Calderwood Communication:

  • Book Week Scotland at Calderwood: We had a very successful Book Week Scotland with all clans having a focus on a literacy context for learning. You can find out more about your child’s learning on our blog, Twitter and Seesaw.
  • Please find links to Christmas Social Stories: Christmas Party, Christmas Lunch and
  • If your child requires medication, please ensure this is handed into the office and the correct forms are completed. Children should not carry medication in their school bag.
  • Champions: Miss Brown, our non contact teacher who was covering Mrs McGarvey’s maternity leave will be leaving us at the Christmas holidays. A huge thank you to Miss Brown for all she has contributed to Calderwood. Mrs McGarvey will return at the end of February and will teach non contact time.
  • In snow or icy conditions access to the school will be through the front door, we will alert parents/ careers/ children to this. During these times there will be no supervisors in the playground. You can find our safe route here.
  • Parent Council Christmas Prize Draw

Calderwood Compliments:

  • Burns Clan presented their ideas for how to use our participatory budget to Miss Burton & Miss Stark at the Dragons’ Den. They demonstrated so many creative ideas, based on research and how to make Calderwood more equitable.
  • Thank you to our Literacy Champions for organising our Book Week Scotland events.
  • This week our Primary 5 clans were very excited to go to Edinburgh to watch the Panto, this will support them to put on their own show in the new year. Thank you to everyone who made this trip a success.
  • Linlithgow had a fantastic Connects, sharing their learning about Book Week Scotland.
  • This week Blair, Bramble, Thistle and Muir shared their learning with their literacy learning with their families.


Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 15/11/24

Calderwood Chronicle 15_11_24


Calderwood Commitments: 

  • Christmas Lunch: Christmas Lunch should be pre ordered on iPay by 25th November, unfortunately no orders can be taken by the kitchen after this date.

Calderwood Calendar: 

  • Updated: 2024-25 Calendar
  • Christmas Countdown Calendar
  • 22/11/24: Dress Down Day – Book Week Scotland Theme (No donation required) – Change to date
  • 22/11/24: 9:15-10:15am: Clan Connects: Linlithgow. Doors Open 9:05am. An opportunity for your children to share on stage their learning in the Arena and then you can look at their jotters in the café. 2 adults per child.
  • 28/11/24: 2:00pm – 3:00pm: Sharing the Learning: Blair, Bramble, Thistle, Balmoral, Muir and Mackintosh. A visit to the clan room to find out about their literacy context for learning and to look at your child’s jotters. One adult per child please. Please meet in the playground 1:50pm-2:00pm and enter through the Glenshee Gate (Nethershiel Road gate). If you arrive after 2pm please enter through the office.

Calderwood Communication:


  • Can you please remind your child that they should not have a phone or be using a smart watch in the playground in the morning or at the end of the school day. If your child is bringing a phone to school they should hand that phone to their champion in the morning to put in the device box, as they are not permitted to use it during the school day. If a child has a smart watch that is not on school mode, this should also be handed to their champion in the morning. (Children in Primary 6-7 clans who have permission to use Bring Your Own Device, also put their device in the box in the morning).

Winter Ready Messages:

  • Groupcall is the way that schools will inform parents and carers about closures, any change to arrangements and information about their child’s learning provision in Seesaw (ELC – P3) or Teams (P4-P7). This information will also be shared on the council’s website at and via social media channels. Please ensure we have up to date contact details.
  • In snow or icy conditions access to the school will be through the front door, we will alert parents/ careers/ children to this. During these times there will be no supervisors in the playground. You can find our safe route here.
  • In the event of school closure, pupils should continue to access learning activities through Seesaw (ELC – P3) and Teams (P4-P7) which are used regularly as part of the current learning provision in school. Please ensure you are aware of your child’s log in for these platforms.
  • If your child develops vomiting and/or diarrhoea symptoms, please ensure they remain off school until they have been symptom free for at least 48 hours to avoid passing the illness onto others.
  • More information is available at:

Calderwood Compliments:

Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 01/11/24

Calderwood Chronicle 01_11_24


Calderwood Commitments: 

  • Christmas Lunch: Christmas Lunch should be pre ordered on iPay by 25th November, unfortunately no orders can be taken by the kitchen after this date.
  • Poppies on sale: Poppies will be on sale for a donation week beginning 4th November: Monday – Primary 6 & 7, Tuesday – Primary 4 & 5, Wednesday – Primary 3 & 2, Thursday – Primary 1, Friday – Any poppies left over will be sold at the Cafe at break time.


Calderwood Calendar: 

  • Updated: 2024-25 Calendar
  • 4/11/24: Term 2 Learning Letters & Homework Grids
  • 8/11/24: 9:15-10:15am: Clan Connects: Burns. Doors Open 9:05am: An opportunity for your children to share on stage their learning in the Arena and then you can look at their jotters in the café. 2 adults per child.
  • 14/11/24: 2:00pm – 3:00pm: Sharing the Learning: Tummel, Ben Lawers, Ben Lomond and Schiehallion. A visit to the clan room to find out about their ‘Book Week Scotland’ context for learning and to look at your child’s jotters. One adult per child please. Please enter the playground through Glencoe (carpark) Gate. Staff/ House Team, will meet you there to show you to your child’s clan.
  • 22/11/24: Dress Down Day – Book Week Scotland Theme (No donation required) – Change to date
  • 22/11/24: 9:15-10:15am: Clan Connects: Linlithgow. Doors Open 9:05am. An opportunity for your children to share on stage their learning in the Arena and then you can look at their jotters in the café. 2 adults per child.


Calderwood Communication:


Calderwood Compliments:


Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 11/10/24

Calderwood Chronicle 11_10_24


Every fortnight we will issue our chronicle to families via email and our blog.

All other information about Calderwood is on our blog and on Twitter we highlight our achievements.

Calderwood Calendar: 

  • Updated: 2024-25 Calendar
  • 14/10/24-21/10/24: School closed: October Break (Nursery open)
  • 22/10/24 – 24/10/24: West Lothian Food Bank Collection: Click here for more information.
  • 24/10/24: 2:00pm – 3:00pm: Sharing the Learning: Leven, Rannoch & Tay: A visit to the clan room to find out about their Literacy context for learning and to look at your child’s jotters. One adult per child please. Please enter through the Glencoe Gate (car park gate) and meet in the playground. If you are running late please report to the office.
  • 25/10/24: Halloween Dress Down Day: All clans: No masks please and school age-appropriate costumes. Primary 1 – 2 Clans Halloween Parties: See more information here.
  • 28/10/24: After School Club Block 1 (P5-P7) starts: Successful applicants will receive a letter to notify them of a place.
  • 29/10/24: Parent Council Halloween Discos P3-4 clans: 5:45-6:45pm – P5-7 clans: 7:00-8:00pm: See more information here.
  • 30/10/24: Flu Vaccinations
  • 01/11/24: 9:15-10:15am: Clan Connects: Doune: Doors Open 9:05am: An opportunity for our Doune children to share on stage their learning in the Arena and then adults can look at their jotters in the café. 2 adults per child.


Calderwood Communication:



  • Parking: There are spaces in our carpark for blue badge holders, only those with a blue badge should park in this space, and leave room for families to enter and exit their vehicle. There is no parking along the side of the building on the Nethershiel Road.
  • Bikes/ scooters: A gentle reminder that the school cannot be held responsible for the safekeeping of bikes and scooters.  We would recommend that bikes and scooters are locked during the school day. The community police team are visiting after the holidays and they will speak to the older clans about respecting others property.

Calderwood Cares:

  • Sustainability Station & Community Cupboard: In our foyer we have a range of school uniform items and household supplies. You can find out more here.
  • Blair Clan had our first Clan Connects of the session all about the Cost of the School Day and how we will use our Participatory Budget. A huge well done to Blair Clan for sharing their learning on this important theme.
  • Find out more about what we do to reduce the cost of the school day here.
  • Calderwood Couture purchasing options: Click here to find out different options on how to purchase our school uniform.
  • Thank you to our Parent Council for organising a Halloween Costume Bank.


Calderwood Compliments:

Calderwood Skills: A pupil and family challenge

Please find information about our Pupil/Family challenge linked to our Calderwood Skills focus here:

Calderwood Skills


If you would like to enter our challenge, please use this template:

Calderwood Skills Template

If you’d like a hard copy in class, please ask your champion.


All entries to be handed to Miss Connor by Tuesday 8th October, winners will be announced on Friday 11th October at Connects.

Christmas Card Fundraiser

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week your children will have ownership in designing their own Christmas Cards as part of a School Fundraiser called ‘Cauliflower Cards’.  This has been organised by the Parent Council.

Your child will bring their design home with an order form on Monday 30TH of September 2024.  If you would like to order any copies of your child’s design please return the form to school by Thursday 3rd of October 2024.

We appreciate your continued support and look forward to seeing the children’s designs!

Many Thanks

Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 12/09/24

Calderwood Chronicle 12_09_24

Every fortnight we will issue our chronicle to families via email and our blog.

All other information about Calderwood is on our blog and on Twitter we highlight our achievements.

Calderwood Commitments

  • Please ensure you have registered your child on parent portal and that your details are up to date. West Lothian Council are now using this system for our annual data checks and EE2 forms for excursions. You can find advice here. The details you used on enrolment must be the same as the details you enter to enrol on parent portal, we recognise that a lot of families are requiring support with this and the office champs are working through emails and voice messages.
  • Primary 6 Clans: A reminder about P6 Young STEM Leader applications to be in by Friday 20th Link is here:
  • 23/09/24 – 09/10/24: iPay open for Term 2 milk order: Milk orders will not be available after date.

Calderwood Calendar: 

  • Updated: 2024-25 Calendar
  • 13th, 16th, 17th September: School closed for September Break.
  • 26/09/24: 2:00-3:00pm. Drummond Clan Sharing the Learning: A visit to the clan room to find out about their numeracy context for learning and to look at your child’s jotters. One adult per child please. Please enter through the Glenshee Gate (Nethershiel Road) and through the Drummond Cloakroom.
  • 01/10/2024: 6:00-8:00pm: Parent Council Meeting 1: In the Arena or on Zoom
  • 04/10/2024: 9:15-10:15am: Clan Connects: Baird Doors Open 9:05am. An opportunity for your children to share on stage their learning in the Arena and then you can look at their jotters in the café. 2 adults per child. Please enter through the front doors.
  • 07/10/2024 – 08/10/2024: Tempest School Photo Days (note the change that this is now two days) Please ensure your child wears school uniform and no PE Kits. We can lend P7s ties, Primary 7 ties for those who would like to wear one for the photo. If parents have a PVG we are looking for volunteers to support with the running of this.

Calderwood Communication:

  • Loose parts and sewing request.
  • Thank you for everyone who attended our Meet the Clan/ Champion event this week. We would invite you to complete this short form about the event.
  • Our Primary 6 clans are going to create a podcast as part of their young STEM group, if you have experience of this and could speak to the group, please let Miss Connor know via the office.
  • Primary 4-6 clans have been learning about descriptive writing, you can find out more about their learning here, in their blog posts.
  • Primary 1 – 3 Seesaw: Seesaw is place for champions and children to share their learning and process between home and school. It is not a platform for direct communication with champions, this should be done through the school office.


  • Parking: There are spaces in our carpark for blue badge holders, only those with a blue badge should park in this space. There is no parking along the side of the building on the Nethershiel Road.
  • Smart watches: Children should please have smart watches in school mode during the school day, they are not permitted to take photos, use it to communicate, etc.
  • Lunches: Please ensure you have ordered your child’s lunch at home using your iPay log in. Families who want their child to have a sandwich pack lunch from the school kitchen on a Friday, should order this by 9:30am on a Thursday. Primary 6 and 7 lunches cost £2.20. You can find out more information here on how to use iPay. Due to severe allergies in school we request that you do not send foods with nut ingredients for break and lunch time snacks.


Calderwood Compliments:

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