West Lothian Sumdog Competition Starts Today!

Huge good luck to all our amazing Calderwood Primary School Children, they have now been entered into the West Lothian Sumdog Maths Contest! The contest will run between Friday 11th March and Thursday 17th March. Your child can access the competition by logging in via the following link and using their unique username and password along with the school code Calderwood2:


This competition is a fantastic way to compete against lots of other Primary students, have fun and develop numeracy/maths skills at the very same time. If your child has forgotten their details, please do get in touch with the school office as we’d be more than happy to assist.

World Book Day!

Today we had great fun in Calderwood Primary School celebrating World Book Day. To spread the love of reading even further your child will have a £1 book token which you can find out more about by clicking here.

To celebrate World Book Day, the Ben Clans were able to be reading buddies with Mull, Orkney and Shetland Clans. The younger children became authors this morning as they wrote all about space. This fun was shared by the older children too, they were given time to free-write and could share this with their buddies later in the day.

Mull Clan, Bens Lawers and Ben Lomond:

Orkney, Bens Lawers and Ben Lomond

Shetland, Bens Lawers and Ben Lomond

In Ness and Rannoch Clan the children have been learning about different setting in books. To celebrate World Book Day they searched the libraries to find books with different setting and then used new and exciting adjectives to describe the settings they found.

A Week in the Life of the Bens

What fun we’ve had this week in Ben Lawers and Ben Lomond!

We have got inspired in our 2D-shape learning, by applying coding skills we honed earlier this year, to develop our understanding of the qualities and properties of shapes.

We also explored our creativity skills through a Community Art Project with Svetlana, a Community Art Champion. We used different mediums to create shapes inspired by water and leaves to create a powerful and dynamic finished piece.

For literacy we have been working hard on using Reflective Reading Strategies to help us develop our understanding of a text. We used the Point, Evidence, Explain (PEE) technique in reply to questions posed. This has encouraged us to look for answers hidden within and beyond the text, through a use of based quotes to back up our points.

First we had to fix our books shut with a Post-it Note, to ensure we weren’t getting any clues from the text. We had to use the information from the covers of the book to make a prediction about what we thought it was going to be about. We looked for clues in the illustrations, blurb and words from the title to complete our PEE answers.

After that, we had a chance to read our stories on our own or with a partner. Our next challenge was to use our clarifying skills to share our understanding of an interesting or important word or phrase. To do this, we used a thesaurus, an online dictionary or discussions with others in our clan. Here are some of the PEE answers we created. We know that we will continue to work on this skill and are looking forward to being able to create persuasive and detailed answers.

P.E. Topics

Below you can find out which Physical Education topics our clans have been and are covering.
We follow the West Lothian Progression Pathways to support our children to develop Physical Competencies, Cognitive Skills, Personal Qualities and Physical Fitness in P.E.

​​Cognitive Skills –  Problem Solving, Focus & Concentration, Decision Making, Creativity
Physical Competencies – Kinaesthetic Awareness, Balance & Control, Coordination & Fluency, Rhythm & Timing, Gross & Fine Motor Skills

Physical Fitness – Stamina,  Speed​​, Core Stability & Strength, Flexibility​
​Personal Qualities – ​Motivation, Confidence & Self Esteem, Determination & Resilience, Responsibility & Leadership, Respect & Tolerance, Communication​
Shetland, Orkney and Mull
Term 1 – racket and ball skills
Term 2 – multi-sports programme (to develop balance, agility and co-ordination) and gymnastics
Bluebell and Bramble
Term 1 – multi-sports programme
Term 2 – Highland Games, Country Dancing and gymnastics
Ness, Rannoch and Tay
Term 1 – gymnastics and dance
Term 2 – Highland Games and athletics
Ben Lomond and Ben Lawers
Term 1 – badminton and country dancing
Term 2 – handball

Scottish Poetry Recital Clan Competition

Our children have been busy learning their Scots and Burns poems the past two weeks, at home and school. Today the children who wanted to enter the clan competition recited their poem for their clan. Congratulations to all our children who recited their poems, their was a real buzz of excitement across Calderwood!


The clans then had a secret vote for who they thought should represent their clan at the Calderwood competition, they used the success criteria to help with this. Tay clan used an online form for their votes.

Congratulations to our clan competitions! These children will represent their clan in the Calderwood Poetry Recital next Friday which will have a panel of judges.

The children were also very excited to make a phone call home to share their news!


Term 3 Learning Letters

Shetland Learning Letter – Term 3

Orkney Learning Letter – Term 3

Mull Learning Letter – Term 3

Bluebell Term 3 Learning Letter

Bramble Term 3 Learning Letter

Ness Term 3 Learning Letter

Rannoch Term 3 Learning Letter

Tay Term 3 Learning Letter

Ben Lawers_Lomond Term 3 Learning Letter

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