Launch of Calderwood Careers

This week children in P4-6 were given the opportunity to apply for a Calderwood Career at lunch time, to develop their creativity and leadership skills.

On Friday the children were very excited to receive some training and find out more about their role.

We are all set for our new playground routines on Monday.

Collaboration Project – The Bens

The Bens have been busy learning how to become teachers this week. They have been involved in the process of creating an exciting art lesson to deliver to a clan across the school.  They had to come up with an idea of how to create a price of art using the theme of Calderwood. These pieces of art will be displayed around the school and used as part of a collaboration project with Edinburgh College.

First, each family group thought about the themes that surround Calderwood, the main themes coming through included deers, trees, building, houses and families.
Next, they researched different forms of art with these themes in mind and decided on a product that they wanted to recreate. The groups presented their ideas to their own clan and then set about planning a lesson to resource and deliver.
The products that were decided on were:-

* Lollypop houses on a painted background

*Hanging 3D mobile of toilet roll reindeers

* Colour by number stags head
* Collaborative school badge hanging shield

* Draw 3D houses

* Trace and colour an image of a deer

The groups had to be mindful of the age and stage of clan that they creating a lesson for so that the skills were age appropriate. They created a complete example to show on the day, created step by step instructions and some even created a PowerPoint to support their teaching.

While delivering their lessons on Friday 25th December the children shone. They were confident with their delivery and supportive leaders, all pupils were engaged in their activities and everyone had fun. I am so proud of the children in the Bens and want to congratulate each and every one of them. Also, a mention for the those that helped create the lesson ideas but for one reason or other couldn’t be there on the day to deliver it. Thank you 😊

Here are a few snaps of the lessons in action, I’ll post the completed products once the ‘teachers’ have created their final displays.


Calderwood Counts – West Lothian Sumdog Competition!


Today a member of our Ben Lomond Clan had the special privilege of announcing the start of the Sumdog Maths Competition to all our Clans during our Calderwood Connects.


This Competition is open to all primary aged children in West Lothian Council. It began today (26.11.21) and will run until Thursday 2nd December. All members of our Calderwood Community can access Sumdog by clicking here and using their unique username and password. Our School Code is calderwood2.


Within minutes of the competition opening we had a member of our Ben Lawers Clan on the leader board! We very much hope this was the start of a very exciting trend for our Calderwood Community – good luck and happy competing.

Calderwood Christmas Choir – PLEASE PRACTICE

Christmas words

We have a performance to put on the Christmas lights for Calderwood next Thursday, details will be sent out to parents via letter.

All pupils in the choir will have extra time to practice during school next week but here are the tracks so they can practice and learn them at home as well.

Please click on the video links, the words are available on the tracks but also in the hyperlink to the word document above named Christmas Words.

Thanks in advance

Mrs Clarkson & Mrs Scobie

Categorized as Calderwood

The Bens visit WCHS Digilab!

On 3.11.21 Ben Lawers and Ben Lomond had the fantastic opportunity to visit West Calder High School. The aim of this visit was to explore transition from primary to secondary education and further develop key skills for life and work, required for success in the STEM sector.


Computational thinking is highly sought-after globally; through this visit we developed our knowledge, skills and understanding in computational thinking (and had a great time doing it).


Here are some quotes from the Bens to show quite how much fun we had:


When we went to West Calder High School we had so much fun and I want to go back. I think we need to go again but do something different next time. I think it was the best trip ever – A


I liked it because we coded drones and Lego cars. We got a tour as well my favourite part was the drones and we got the bus there and had lunch there. We all got to talk to our friends at lunch and the class met new people we met a teacher called Mr Murphy and 4 S6’s. Who helped us while we were coding the cars and drones. – M


I loved flying drone & driving Lego cars it was amazing I had lots of fun. – Z


I loved it because it could do flips and I did lots of times. – B


I loved it. It was fun. The race was the best! S


I like it because we got a tour and got to code drones and Lego cars my favourite was the drones. – H


West Calder High School was AMAZING because of the drones and the coding tech.​ – A


It was fun the drones were my favourite thing and the cars. – S


I had such fun time my favourite is the drones​. The cars where so cool we got to control the cars. – R


 I liked the drones and the Lego cars. – A


When we went to West Calder high school and we flew drones with the S6s and we had lunch at we took a tour around the school. – R


I felt scared at the beginning but the more we got through, the more exited I got. I was mind blown when we were going to program a drone. The Lego race cars were super awesome! – E


Yes, I loved it. It was so much fun and a great experience. – H


Categorized as Calderwood

Nursery Parking for Parents

Dear Parent/Carer,
Please note, we are currently awaiting signage for our car park. Below are our requests to keep our car park running smoothly and safely.
If essential/ in an emergency you have to use the car park, whilst dropping off and picking up your child from nursery please:
  • Use the one-way system – entering from the left of the car park.
  • Park in a bay in the back two rows (bays nearest the electrical ports and furthest away from the nursery).
  • Walk your child down to the nursery.
The first two rows of parking bays are reserved for staff members and visitors.
Many Thanks for your co-operation.

Nursery Flu Vaccinations Additional Slot

Dear Parent/Carer,
On Tuesday 9th November children will receive their flu vaccination in nursery, if you have provided consent. If your child does not attend nursery on a Tuesday please complete the form below to book a slot for your child to receive their flu vaccination.

Parent Council: Clan Reps

Dear parent/ carer,
I hope you had an enjoyable weekend.
Last week we had our first Parent Council Meeting, which was very successful, you can find the minutes here:
We appointed the roles within the Parent Council, which you can find here: We will explore what these roles will be responsible for and create a remit/ description of each role.

We would also like to appoint a rep for each clan.

We will create a definition of this role together, however in the first instance, they would support with communication and represent the clan at Parent Council meetings, etc. If you are interested in this role, can you please complete this form:

Kind regards,
Miss Burton
Categorized as Calderwood

Firework Safety Information for Parents/Carers

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