Tay Clan – Maths Week Scotland

Tay clan have been exploring the water cycle, climate change, habitats and food chains through the context of rivers (our Tay clan namesake).  This week we explored our key question ‘why does it rain so much in Scotland and where does it come from?’.  We also discussed ‘what is weather and how does it exist?’, looking at where it comes from, how it forms clouds and why and how we measure rainfall.


We learnt about meteorologists and why they measure rainfall and why this is necessary.  We decided to make our own rain gauges to measure the amount of rain that falls in our area.  We used our measuring skills, that we have been learning in maths lessons, to support us to complete this challenge.  We will explore how to collect, record and analyse our data in future lessons.



Leven Clan- Maths Week Scotland

This week as part of Maths Week Scotland, Leven Clan became Meteorologists!

Through our IDL topic – Calderwood Clan Explorers we have been learning about water, where it comes from and what creatures live in and around the water. The questions that everyone wanted to know was.. “Why does it rain so much at Calderwood?”.

In answer to this question we have explored the water cycle and why and how weather differs in different areas around the globe. We then used our knowledge of measurement to create a rain gauge from recycled plastic bottles.

Next week we will collect data from our rain gauges to measure how many centimetres of rain fall there has been.

Finding our way in Schiehallion

Schiehallion have had an excellent first 2 weeks settling back into Calderwood life after our summer holidays. We have been very welcoming to the new pupils and champions who are now in our clan.

We have really enjoyed playing Getting to Know You games, as well beginning our PE lessons. We have also been learning about measure and forces, making posters, which you can see below.

This week we held our pupil council elections. We discussed what would make a good pupil council representative, and then a number of the students campaigned for election. This included making posters and making a speech to the rest of the clan

Saving Seesaw Profiles: Primary 1-Primary 3

As Primary 3s move into Primary 4 they will no longer to use Seesaw but will move to Teams, it will take them a few weeks of training on how to use Teams before they start to use it as a journal.

For families who where at Calderwood Primary in 2022-23 we will archive those clans on Friday 19th July. This means you have 25 days to download their journal from their previous clan. You need access to a netbook, laptop or computer to do this and can do this as explained below:

  • Tap profile in top left
  • Account settings
  • Scroll down to the bottom and click download archived journal
  • You should be able to highlight all the files
  • Right clicking and choosing print then choosing Print to PDF from the dialogue box

You can also find these instructions here:



Our Improvement Journey 2023/24

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Primary 1: August Family Science workshops

In partnership with the Royal Society of Chemistry, who have provided funding, Miss Connor is offering our new Primary 1 families the opportunity to take part in a Science workshop together when they start Calderwood Primary.
The workshop will allow for one pupil with one adult to carry out practical science learning together for 1 hour on a Friday after school. There are a number of dates/times available through August and September.
Please choose ONE date that you and your child can attend (pupils must attend with an adult, they cannot stay on their own). The form is here: https://forms.office.com/e/q9jsWDjGr8
There will be a maximum of 20 pupils (with their adult) attend each workshop as it is a practical session, dates will be removed once they are full. This is an exciting chance to be involved in your child’s science journey.

Capturing Calderwood: Learning, Teaching & Assessment: May 2024

Recently we had a Capturing Calderwood Day, gathering evidence about learning, teaching and assessment. One of our pupil council children shared ‘Our champions help us feel our learning in our heart’.

Thank you to Broxburn Primary for joining us. 

You can see some of the evidence in the Sway below.

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