Calderwood Clan Explorers – Dundee

Calderwood Clan Explorers

Throughout the first term we have been exploring our namesake clan ‘Dundee’.  We completed some research to find out where Dundee is located in Scotland and what important landmarks can be found there.  We explored the Tay Bridge, the RRS Discovery ship, the V & A museum and Broughty Castle.  We completed research through reading and researching online.  We presented our findings to the rest of our clan.

In Maths, we discussed the rules of 1-line of symmetry.  We practised this skill by using pictures of different landmarks from Dundee and drawing the other half of the picture to make sure it was symmetrical.  We loved this.  We realised a lot of buildings are symmetrical and discussed how this skill is used in architecture in the world of work.

We have been learning how to identify the location of a landmark on a map by using grid references.

Finally, we created a cityscape of Dundee.  We explored warm and cool colours, discussing how these make us feel and how they are seen in a sunset.  We created our sunset pictures using watercolours discussing how to blend the colours together.  We explored how much water is needed to get the colour just right.  After our pictures dried, we cut out our chosen Dundee landmark from black sugar paper to make our cityscape,  These are displayed in our cabin and look beautiful.

Please click on the link to look at our Calderwood Clan Explorer Sway.


Go to this Sway



Description Writing

Dundee Clan began their writing journey by exploring description writing.

We completed our first piece of writing, describing our favourite animal.  We remembered to use the describing bubble to support us which reminds us to describe size, colour, texture, position, number, shape and what our animal does.

We explored the structure of description writing and learnt the names and purpose of the different sections in a description text.  We have come up with hand signals to represent each section which will help us remind us about the order in which to build our descriptive pieces of writing.

Finally, we explored the language features of a description text, looking closely at the nouns, adjectives and pronouns, recording them in a grid that we can refer to later when writing our own descriptions.

We will continue to explore this genre of writing further by writing description texts and exploring descriptive passages in our reading lessons.

Maths Week Scotland – F1 Data for our Clans

The children in Ben Lomond and Ben Lawers, Thistle and Schiehallion and Bluebell and Bramble were given the exciting task of reading, sorting and analysing data with Formula 1 as a focal point. Through a series of rounds the children competed in groups against one another to gain points – these points then propelled them around the racetrack (or sent them off the track!).

Massive thank you to the University of Edinburgh and their F1 Data in Schools team for this support.

Ultimately this led to one team’s vistory for their year group!

See the photos of all their fun below:

Thistle 2023/24

We have had a fantastic first few weeks getting to know each other in our new clan, creating our clan charter using the UNCRC Rights of a child, learning about the Emotion Works Cogs, doing some monster chalk drawing as part of our outdoor learning and playing thinking and strategy games & building Kapla towers to get our brains engaged and ready to go after a long summer holiday.




Welcome to Thistle Clan, we’re going to SMASH Primary 6 together.  

‘River’ a new public artwork by Svetlana Kondakova Muir

The Bens participated in an art project in 2021, where they were involved with a local artist who was creating a new sculpture for the Almondell Cemetery at East Calder.

Pupils researched natural shapes and created silhouettes of leaves, water shapes and flowers to create a template for the metal structure. The final sculpture has been erected and locals are being invited to attend the grand reveal.


The unveiling will take place on site at the artwork located
within Almondell Cemetery on:
Thursday, 7 September, from 5:30 – 6:30pm


There will be a few words on site to share more about the process of
developing the project on behalf of the community, we would be pleased if
you could join us.

• 5:45pm Introductions – Eddy Goodfellow – ECCRA
• 5:50 – 6pm About the Artwork- Svetlana Kondakova Muir –The Artist
• 6:00- 6:05pm Working in Partnership – Ray Kirk – Stirling Developments
• 6:05 – 6:10pm Acknowledgements – Camille Archer – West Lothian Council

Please RSVP by Tuesday 5 of September

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