Term 1 – Dundee Clan

Term 1

We have had an extremely busy and exciting term 1 in Dundee Clan.  Please click on the links to access all the sways which show our learning and hard-work for the term.  These can also be found in TEAMS in the relevant folders.

Calderwood Can Explorers: https://sway.office.com/FlL3Pa94r8njCymc?ref=Link

Calderwood Communicates: https://sway.office.com/ahKrI0qWNH2GW9SK?ref=Link

Calderwood Counts: https://sway.office.com/f6fvZSk9mDTIEmHF?ref=Link

Calderwood Cares: https://sway.office.com/06aSfHkt0KTYWg0w?ref=Link



Calderwood Clan Explorers – Dundee

Calderwood Clan Explorers

Throughout the first term we have been exploring our namesake clan ‘Dundee’.  We completed some research to find out where Dundee is located in Scotland and what important landmarks can be found there.  We explored the Tay Bridge, the RRS Discovery ship, the V & A museum and Broughty Castle.  We completed research through reading and researching online.  We presented our findings to the rest of our clan.

In Maths, we discussed the rules of 1-line of symmetry.  We practised this skill by using pictures of different landmarks from Dundee and drawing the other half of the picture to make sure it was symmetrical.  We loved this.  We realised a lot of buildings are symmetrical and discussed how this skill is used in architecture in the world of work.

We have been learning how to identify the location of a landmark on a map by using grid references.

Finally, we created a cityscape of Dundee.  We explored warm and cool colours, discussing how these make us feel and how they are seen in a sunset.  We created our sunset pictures using watercolours discussing how to blend the colours together.  We explored how much water is needed to get the colour just right.  After our pictures dried, we cut out our chosen Dundee landmark from black sugar paper to make our cityscape,  These are displayed in our cabin and look beautiful.

Please click on the link to look at our Calderwood Clan Explorer Sway.


Go to this Sway




‘River’ a new public artwork by Svetlana Kondakova Muir

The Bens participated in an art project in 2021, where they were involved with a local artist who was creating a new sculpture for the Almondell Cemetery at East Calder.

Pupils researched natural shapes and created silhouettes of leaves, water shapes and flowers to create a template for the metal structure. The final sculpture has been erected and locals are being invited to attend the grand reveal.


The unveiling will take place on site at the artwork located
within Almondell Cemetery on:
Thursday, 7 September, from 5:30 – 6:30pm


There will be a few words on site to share more about the process of
developing the project on behalf of the community, we would be pleased if
you could join us.

• 5:45pm Introductions – Eddy Goodfellow – ECCRA
• 5:50 – 6pm About the Artwork- Svetlana Kondakova Muir –The Artist
• 6:00- 6:05pm Working in Partnership – Ray Kirk – Stirling Developments
• 6:05 – 6:10pm Acknowledgements – Camille Archer – West Lothian Council

Please RSVP by Tuesday 5 of September

Primary Engineering – If You Were an Engineer What Would You Do?

Way back in March Calderwood was abuzz with Engineering…
IDL Topics, Calderwood Connects, Dragon’s Dens and Clan Presentations all led to our children taking part in a National Engineering Competition. The children were posed the question: If You Were an Engineer What Would You Do? My goodness we could’ve powered the inventions they dreamed up with the creativity, thinking and work which went into all the competition entries!
We want to give a special mention to the following people, who were recognised by the competition judges:
Ella – Highly Commended – Top Shelf Grabber
Mason – Highly Commended – See in the Dark Goggles
Lochie – Winner – Flying Shoes
Lucy – Highly Commended – Things to help us
Kiera – Highly Commended – The On Time Roller Skates
Charlotte – Winner – Solar Plane
Mhairi – Highly Commended – The Secret School for Girls
Rachel – Winner – Flying Car
Anveeta – Highly Commended – The Plastic Rocket
Ananya – Highly Commended – The Invisible Cloak
The Champions, children and families attended the Awards Ceremony on Thursday 2nd June, in the Engineering building at the University of Edinburgh, to celebrate Highly Commended and Winning entries to the competition.
We can’t wait to celebrate with everyone at our next Calderwood Connects but for the meantime – keeping STEMing and always look for that engineering opportunity!

Calderwood Choir

Our Calderwood Choir have had a fantastic year so far, performing at various events.  They performed at various Christmas events such as the Nativity, Christmas Craft Fair and the switch on of the Calderwood Christmas lights.  In Term 3, we performed a set of Scottish songs for the poetry recital and for our Calderwood Connects.  The choir’s performance of ‘Caledonia’ was just beautiful and some emotional tears were shed from some audience members who were so moved by the rendition of this song.

The children have been requesting songs to sing at rehearsals and have enjoyed having a go at their favourites.  The choir have now decided on the songs they wish to learn and perform and we will be working on these throughout the rest of Term 4, getting them performance ready for end of term events.

The choir continue to display commitment, dedication and motivation during rehearsals and performances and have developed their confidence to sing in front of our community.  The children give it their all and the joy in singing is palpable.

We can’t wait to perform for you again this term.

In the meantime, have a look on twitter to hear some snippets of our performances.


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