Primary 1 Show Tickets

We are delighted that our Primary 1 show “Ready, Steady, Elf!” performances will take place on:

Tuesday 10th December

9.15am Mull and Orkney

2pm     Shetland and Skye

Wednesday 11th December

9.15am Bluebell and Bramble (P1s only)

2pm      Mull and Orkney

Thursday 12th December

9.15am Shetland and Skye

2pm    Bluebell and Bramble (P1s only)

Tickets will be in your child’s bag today sent home by their champion. Each child has 3 tickets per show for you to attend. Tickets will be collected at the main door when you arrive.

iPay will be open for any donation’s families would like to make towards the P1 Christmas shows. The money raised will be used for the costumes used in the performance and refreshments at the shows.

Tay Clan – Drama and Advent

Tay clan have been enjoying drama lessons based around story telling.  This week, we had a go at hot-seating.  In hot-seating, we pretend that we are a character and answer questions, from others, as if we were in that particular character’s shoes.  We listened to the end of a story, as we have been working on endings to our own stories in writing, and then our group members asked us questions based on the story we had heard.  We all had a turn and loved pretending to be someone else.  It really got our imaginations switched on!

We have also been learning about advent this week: what it is and how it is celebrated.  Through this learning, we decided to create our own clan advent calendar and base it around the value of kindness. We came up with a kindness challenge for each day of Advent and created our very own kindness calendar.  We are very excited to start using this next week.  We have also made our very own, unique, Tay clan Christmas wreath to hang in our clan room.


Tummel Clan’s Creative Calculations

This week, we learned about a famous artist called Wassily Kandinsky. We learned that he is well-known for creating abstract paintings using shapes, lines and colour. In Numeracy, we have been exploring place value, with pupils learning to build numbers to 1,000 and 10,000. Inspired by Kandinsky’s “Several Circles”, we created abstract art using size to represent our chosen number, broken into its individual place value parts.

We also had a lot of fun creating our own origami animal bookmarks to celebrate this year’s Maths Week theme, ‘Maths Tales’. Origami involves turning a flat piece of paper into a 3D object, requiring lots of spatial awareness! We also discussed the fractions involved as we folded the paper into halves and quarters. As we creased the paper, we realised how important the relationship between the lines and angles created are to the final design of the origami creation!


Calderwood Skills: A pupil and family challenge

Please find information about our Pupil/Family challenge linked to our Calderwood Skills focus here:

Calderwood Skills


If you would like to enter our challenge, please use this template:

Calderwood Skills Template

If you’d like a hard copy in class, please ask your champion.


All entries to be handed to Miss Connor by Tuesday 8th October, winners will be announced on Friday 11th October at Connects.

Finding our way in Schiehallion

Schiehallion have had an excellent first 2 weeks settling back into Calderwood life after our summer holidays. We have been very welcoming to the new pupils and champions who are now in our clan.

We have really enjoyed playing Getting to Know You games, as well beginning our PE lessons. We have also been learning about measure and forces, making posters, which you can see below.

This week we held our pupil council elections. We discussed what would make a good pupil council representative, and then a number of the students campaigned for election. This included making posters and making a speech to the rest of the clan

Ben Lawers and Ben Lomond Leavers’ Celebration

Our Ben Lawers and Ben Lomond clans came together on the morning of the 26th June to celebrate their time at Primary School with their families.

The children chose to do an “Oscars” themed celebration and shared successes and achievements through giving each other awards.

Thank you to our Parent Council, who funded the gift of a personalised keyring for every child in Ben Lawers and Ben Lomond – we really appreciate this gesture.

The children gave a fantastic performance for their final Connects and we wish them the best of luck as they move on to High School!

Green Skills Circular Economy Challenge

This term, Ben Lomond and Ben Lawers have been taking part in the Circular Economy Challenge which is partnership with Young Enterprise Scotland. Pupils have developed their enterprising skills in a real-life context, giving them an understanding of the world of business, design and technology and have the opportunity to create a company, carry out market research, create a business plan and advertise their product or service with its own logo and tagline.

Last week, the Ben’s took part in a showcase event where each group pitched their business plan to a panel of judges. They were impressed with how knowledgeable and creative our young entrepreneurs were. Thank you to our wonderful judges for providing us with valuable feedback.




Our Improvement Journey 2023/24

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Capturing Calderwood: Learning, Teaching & Assessment: May 2024

Recently we had a Capturing Calderwood Day, gathering evidence about learning, teaching and assessment. One of our pupil council children shared ‘Our champions help us feel our learning in our heart’.

Thank you to Broxburn Primary for joining us. 

You can see some of the evidence in the Sway below.

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