This week, Baird have enjoyed a range of reading and writing activities to celebrate Book Week Scotland. We were given the opportunity to deliver the book bags to the Primary 3 clans and read their books together. Both Baird and P3 loved this experience! We have also created some new front covers for books we have been reading, completed a Book Week Quiz and created fact files for characters from our novels.
In writing, we have been focused on creating narrative texts. This week, we became authors as we looked at creating a sci-fi story. Before writing, we revised the different features of a narrative. We used a diamond 9 diagram to identify the importance of each feature from most important to least. We then reflected on our previous stories and chose a feature to focus on this week.
We began planning for our writing by creating our own planets to visit. We drew these in our jotter and labelled our planets with any key information we wanted to add. We then filled out our plans, wrote our stories and shared them with our peers, who then gave us some feedback before we edited and self assessed.