Fun day at Calderwood – Friday 6th September

Fundraising & Dress Down Friday

In the past, our Primary 7 classes have held a fundraising event to raise funds towards their leavers hoodies.

Our Muir & MacKintosh clans are hosting a fun day for the whole school on Friday 6th September. This event will take place during school hours and all children will be invited in the stages to come along and participate in different activities planned, prepared and resourced by the Primary 7 pupils.

Funds can be donated either via ipay impact or in cash on the day. Our pupils have put a guide price on their posters, however, to ensure equity for all, no child will be turned away for not having money.

This year, activities have been split into different zones that your child can visit. Our Primary 7 pupils will support all the children across the school to participate.

Fun Zone:

Creative Zone:

Glitter Tattoos & Hair extensions:

*Please complete this short form if you wish your child to OPT out of any of the following activities.


Both Muir and MacKintosh clans are very excited to host this event and are looking forward to finding out how much their leavers hoodies will be subsidised. Any small or local businesses that wish to donate, should do so through the school office.

Thank you for your continued support for our Calderwood children.





Categorized as Calderwood

P6 Trip to the Oriam @Herriot Watt University

The Trip to the Oriam – March 2024

To begin to explore the topic of Global Goals, we arranged a trip for our pupils in Primary 6’s to go to the Oriam at University to hear from some marine experts to learn about how sea life, in particular, whales were impacted by human behaviour.

The groups had two experiences, one being able to go inside the body of a life size blow up whale and the other visiting the Robotarium to hear from, and see in action, a real life whale robot which has been used to capture data about whales within the seas and oceans surrounding Scotland.

During the trip we were able to handle some real life bones, skulls and baleen. We were amazed at the sizes of the bones and tried to imagine the size of some of the larger whales, some as long as the hall we were in.


A marine biologist that specialises in understanding the behaviours of orcas was also really interesting. We looked at the sizes and shapes of fins to establish there gender and where they might come from. Their markings were all different and they had lots of different shaped heads and skulls depending on what they ate.

On our way back to the bus, we got to see around the university.

It was an interesting trip but we are now aware of some of the dangers facing the species and want to learn more about how to protect our seas and oceans.



Categorized as Calderwood

Cost of the School Day Family Survey

This term, Schiehallion & Thistle Clans have been leading a project gathering data from pupils, staff and parents about the cost of the school day. They have been researching facts about what poverty looks like in Scotland and the UK.

Further to this, they have been seeking opinions from the pupils in our school about how to spend the participatory budget and are now looking to our Calderwood Communities and families for their feedback. Click here for more information about the participatory budget in Scotland’s schools.

Please take five minutes to complete this anonymous online FORM.

You are welcome to share this form with other members of our community so we get a wide variety of experiences and opinions gathered.

The pupils from Primary 6 clans will be analysing this data as part of their maths curriculum, therefore the reason we have ensured they are anonymous.

We look forward to sharing Schiehallion & Thistle’s findings from this data soon. Our aim is to help support our families and community during the cost of living crisis and use the data to inform how we spend the participatory budget – which you can find more information about through the link above.

Kindest regards,

Mrs Curtin & Mrs Clarkson



Categorized as Calderwood

Thistle 2023/24

We have had a fantastic first few weeks getting to know each other in our new clan, creating our clan charter using the UNCRC Rights of a child, learning about the Emotion Works Cogs, doing some monster chalk drawing as part of our outdoor learning and playing thinking and strategy games & building Kapla towers to get our brains engaged and ready to go after a long summer holiday.




Welcome to Thistle Clan, we’re going to SMASH Primary 6 together.  

‘River’ a new public artwork by Svetlana Kondakova Muir

The Bens participated in an art project in 2021, where they were involved with a local artist who was creating a new sculpture for the Almondell Cemetery at East Calder.

Pupils researched natural shapes and created silhouettes of leaves, water shapes and flowers to create a template for the metal structure. The final sculpture has been erected and locals are being invited to attend the grand reveal.


The unveiling will take place on site at the artwork located
within Almondell Cemetery on:
Thursday, 7 September, from 5:30 – 6:30pm


There will be a few words on site to share more about the process of
developing the project on behalf of the community, we would be pleased if
you could join us.

• 5:45pm Introductions – Eddy Goodfellow – ECCRA
• 5:50 – 6pm About the Artwork- Svetlana Kondakova Muir –The Artist
• 6:00- 6:05pm Working in Partnership – Ray Kirk – Stirling Developments
• 6:05 – 6:10pm Acknowledgements – Camille Archer – West Lothian Council

Please RSVP by Tuesday 5 of September

Calderwood Clothes (Nearly New Swap Shop)

Our Equity mini Champs group are currently setting up our very first nearly new swap shop.

Here you will be able to take items home that are new to you…


We will be looking for GOOD QUALITY, CLEAN items of clothing that you or your children have outgrown or don’t wear anymore, this includes:

  • Children’s clothes, shoes and accessories of all sizes including baby items (not including uniform at the moment as the Sustainability Station is currently full)
  • Any dress up items of all ages
  • Jackets, wellies and other winter items
  • Adults clothes, shoes and accessorise of all sizes

Please ensure that all donations arrive, freshly washed and ready to pass on.

We will be taking donation until Wednesday 21st June, please send them in with your child or leave next to the Sustainability Station at Reception. Our Mini Champs Equity Group will collect them and get them ready for the GRAND OPENING at C in the Park on Friday 23rd June.

Thank you for your amazing support so far, our Sustainability Station, Community Cupboard and Calderwood Clothes will not only support families through the Cost of Living Crisis, but also shows that we are doing our bit to reuse and recycle old clothes to ensure less go to landfill.

Equity Champ & Mini Champs

Calderwood Community Cupboard

Calderwood has been developing ways to support families due to the cost of living crisis.

With your help, we have created our own community cupboard which is stocked with everyday items for those times that you need a helping hand.

All donations and support is dealt with the up most discretion.

Free School Meals & Clothing Grant


If you are entitled, completing this application will provide your child with lunch every day, school milk and access to support services, clothing grant & extra support if required in school.


Calderwood Chatter is open from 11-12pm every FRIDAY for a cuppa and a friendly chat if you need any advice, support or just a listening ear.


Donations Drive for Dignity Boxes – DRESS DOWN DAY


WHEN: Friday 26th May

Dignity Boxes’ founder, Isabel Dosser, qualified as a registered nurse in 1976 and worked in various hospital departments before moving into palliative care in 1996 and then nursing education in 2004. Isabel had a growing concern about the impact of poverty in health and well being and in 2018 she established Dignity Boxes to provide free toiletries to those in need, an initiative that was based around the principle of preserving and promoting the dignity of all individuals.

Since becoming a registered charity in December 2018, Dignity Boxes established many connections with recipients and donors of dignity boxes across West Lothian and the City of Edinburgh. Our network continues to grow and our dedication to promoting Dignity of all through the provision of free toiletries remains at the heart of everything we do.

Our school ‘Mini Equity Champs’ and ‘Social Group’ have been involved in developing links with local charities and businesses and have decided to support our own ‘Community Cupboard’ and hold a donation drive for dignity boxes.

DRESS DOWN DAY – Bring any toiletries item on Friday 26th May to support both our Calderwood community and the registered charity Dignity Boxes.

Please only give if you can and only ONE PER FAMILY.

Thank you!

Ben Lawers Cross Country Event

Our Ben Lawers Clan did us very proud at our most recent cross country event at West Calder High School, where we had four of the girls place within the top seven and three of our boys finishing withing the top five. We were up against other schools from our cluster and our girls winning, secured Calderwood Primary School girls team to represent West Lothian in the next cross country event. Huge congratulations to everyone that participated and did themselves proud.


Well done Calderwood, next stop, the stars!!!

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